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Font Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see Font members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Bold Gets a value indicating whether the font is set to bold. This property is part of the Font class, which defines the styling attributes for text. When Bold is true, the text appears with a heavier stroke weight, making it more pronounced compared to non-bold text.
Public Property Color Gets the color of the font. The Color property specifies the text color used when rendering the font on the screen.
Public Property FontStyle Gets the style attribute (such as bold, italic and underline) applied to the font.
Public Property Italic Gets a value indicating whether the font is set to italic. This property is used to determine if text styled with this font will be rendered with an italicized appearance.
Public Property Name Gets the name of the font family. The Name property represents the typeface used for rendering text.
Public Property SizeInPoints Gets the size of the font measured in points. This property specifies the font size.
Public Property Strikeout Gets a value indicating whether the font includes a strikeout effect. The Strikeout property allows for the rendering of text with a line drawn through it.
Public Property Underline Gets a value indicating whether the font is set to be underlined.

See Also

Font Class

Leadtools.Document.LEADOffice.Sheet Namespace

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