BeforeCFind Event

Occurs when C-FIND-REQ is sent to the SCP.
public event BeforeCFindDelegate BeforeCFind 
event BeforeCFindDelegate^ BeforeCFind 
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type BeforeCFindEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following BeforeCFindEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

AffectedClass Gets the affected class.
Dataset Gets the dataset.
MessageId Gets the message id.
PresentationID Gets the presentation ID.
Priority Gets or sets the priority.
QueryLevel Gets the query level.
Scp (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common.BaseEventArgs)Gets the SCP.
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.Status; 
public void FindStudy() 
   QueryRetrieveScu findStudy = new QueryRetrieveScu(); 
   FindQuery query = new FindQuery(); 
   DicomScp scp = new DicomScp(); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the calling AETitle. 
   findStudy.AETitle = "LEAD_CLIENT"; 
   findStudy.HostPort = 1000; 
   findStudy.HostAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the called AETitle (server). 
   scp.AETitle = "MI_SERVER"; 
   scp.Port = 104; 
   scp.Timeout = 60; 
   scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); 
   scp.Secure = false; 
   // Find all studies 
   query.QueryLevel = QueryLevel.Study; 
   findStudy.BeforeConnect += new BeforeConnectDelegate(findStudy_BeforeConnect); 
   findStudy.AfterConnect += new AfterConnectDelegate(findStudy_AfterConnect); 
   findStudy.BeforeCFind += new BeforeCFindDelegate(findStudy_BeforeCFind); 
   findStudy.MatchStudy += new MatchStudyDelegate(findStudy_MatchStudy); 
   findStudy.AfterCFind += new AfterCFindDelegate(findStudy_AfterCFind); 
   findStudy.Find(scp, query); 
   findStudy = null; 
   query = null; 
   scp = null; 
void findStudy_BeforeConnect(object sender, BeforeConnectEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Connecting to: " + e.Scp.PeerAddress.ToString()); 
void findStudy_AfterConnect(object sender, AfterConnectEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Connection status: " + e.Error); 
void findStudy_BeforeCFind(object sender, BeforeCFindEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Before CFind: " + e.QueryLevel.ToString()); 
   Console.WriteLine("Association supports relational queries: {0}", e.Scp.Relational); 
   Console.WriteLine("Association Information"); 
   for (int i = 0; i < e.Scp.Association.PresentationContextCount; i++) 
      byte pid = e.Scp.Association.GetPresentationContextID(i); 
      string absSyntax = e.Scp.Association.GetAbstract(pid); 
      DicomAssociateAcceptResultType result = e.Scp.Association.GetResult(pid); 
      DicomUid uid = DicomUidTable.Instance.Find(absSyntax); 
      Console.WriteLine("\tPresentationContext ({0})", pid); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t\tAbstractSyntax: {0}", absSyntax); 
      if (uid != null) 
         Console.WriteLine("\t\tDescription: {0}", uid.Name); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t\tResult: {0}", result); 
void findStudy_MatchStudy(object sender, MatchEventArgs<Study> e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Accession #: " + e.Info.AccessionNumber); 
   Console.WriteLine("Admitting Diagnosis Description: " + e.Info.AdmitDiagDescrp); 
   Console.WriteLine("Age: " + (e.Info.Age.HasValue ? e.Info.Age.Value.Number.ToString() + e.Info.Age.Value.Reference : "No Age")); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Date: " + e.Info.Date); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Time: " + e.Info.Time); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Description: " + e.Info.Description); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Id: " + e.Info.Id); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Instance: " + e.Info.InstanceUID); 
   if (e.Info.ModalitiesInStudy != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("Modalities in Study: " + e.Info.ModalitiesInStudy.ToString()); 
   if (e.Info.NameOfDrsReading != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("Name of drs reading Study: " + e.Info.NameOfDrsReading.ToString()); 
   Console.WriteLine("Number of Related Instances: " + e.Info.NumberOfRelatedInstances); 
   Console.WriteLine("Number of Related Series: " + e.Info.NumberofRelatedSeries); 
   Console.WriteLine("Referring Dr Name: " + e.Info.ReferringPhysiciansName.Full); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Size: " + e.Info.Size); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Weight: " + e.Info.Weight); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Birth Date: " + e.Info.Patient.BirthDate); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Comments: " + e.Info.Patient.Comments); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Id: " + e.Info.Patient.Id); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Sex: " + e.Info.Patient.Sex); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Name"); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tFamily Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Family); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tGiven Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Given); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tMiddle Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Middle); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tName Prefix: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Prefix); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tName Suffix: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Suffix); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tFull Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Full); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tFull Name Dicom Encoded: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.FullDicomEncoded); 
void findStudy_AfterCFind(object sender, AfterCFindEventArgs e) 
   if (e.Status != DicomCommandStatusType.Success) 
      // If there is a problem, print the additional status elements 
      string statusAllString = e.StatusAll.ToString(); 

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Leadtools.Dicom.Scu Assembly

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