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ColorIntensityBalanceCommand Class

Changes the distribution of the red, green, or blue channels. This command is available in the Imaging Pro and above toolkits.
public class ColorIntensityBalanceCommand : RasterCommand 
@interface LTColorIntensityBalanceCommand : LTRasterCommand 
public class ColorIntensityBalanceCommand 
    extends RasterCommand 
public ref class ColorIntensityBalanceCommand : public RasterCommand   
class ColorIntensityBalanceCommand(RasterCommand): 
  • This command changes the distribution of the red, green, or blue channels to make the colors in the image more accurate or more different.
  • Each color component is treated independently. The color range for each component is split into shadows, midtones and highlights based on the intensity. The values in each range are adjusted differently using the ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData classes. Positive values in a ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData class for a component cause that particular component to become brighter, whereas negative values cause the component to become darker. A value of 0 leaves the component unchanged.
  • The preserve luminance option aims to minimize the luminance change in the image.
  • This command supports only RGB images. It does not support grayscale images.
  • This command supports 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.
  • This command does not support signed data images.
  • This command does not support 32-bit grayscale images.

For more information, refer to Changing Brightness and Contrast. For more information, refer to Correcting Colors.

Color Intensity Balance Function - Before

Color Intensity Balance Function - Before

Color Intensity Balance Function - After

Color Intensity Balance Function - After

View additional platform support for this Color Intensity Balance function.


Run the ColorIntensityBalanceCommand on an image, and balance the colors by increasing the red channel values.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color; 
public void ColorIntensityBalanceCommandExample() 
   // Load an image 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true; 
   RasterImage image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "sample5.cmp")); 
   // Prepare the command 
   ColorIntensityBalanceCommand command = new ColorIntensityBalanceCommand(); 
   ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData Shadows = new ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData(); 
   ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData MidTone = new ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData(); 
   ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData HighLight = new ColorIntensityBalanceCommandData(); 
   Shadows.Red = 60; 
   Shadows.Blue = 0; 
   Shadows.Green = 0; 
   MidTone.Red = 40; 
   MidTone.Blue = 0; 
   MidTone.Green = 0; 
   HighLight.Red = 70; 
   HighLight.Blue = 0; 
   HighLight.Green = 0; 
   command.Shadows = Shadows; 
   command.MidTone = MidTone; 
   command.HighLight = HighLight; 
   command.Luminance = false; 
   // Balance the colors by increasing the red channel values. 
   codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Result.jpg"), RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 

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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color Assembly

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