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PdfDocumentType Enumeration

Specifies the PDF document type.
public enum PdfDocumentType 
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTPdfDocumentType) { 
public enum PdfDocumentType 
public enum class PdfDocumentType   
class PdfDocumentType(Enum): 
   Pdf = 0 
   PdfA = 1 
   Pdf12 = 2 
   Pdf13 = 3 
   Pdf15 = 4 
   Pdf16 = 5 

The target document should be PDF version 1.4.

PDF is generally not suited for long term preservation. The PDF format may contain resources (such as fonts) that may not exist on the viewing machine. As a result, font substitution may occur resulting in a document that may not look exactly like the original version.


The target document should be PDF/A-1b.

PDF/A-1b is a subset of PDF obtained by leaving out PDF features not suited to long-term archiving. The resulting document is guaranteed to look exactly like the original version when viewed on the target machine. Saving with PDF/A document type may result in larger output file sizes.


The target document should be PDF version 1.2.

PDF is generally not suited for long term preservation. The PDF format may contain resources (such as fonts) that may not exist on the viewing machine. As a result, font substitution may occur resulting in a document that may not look exactly like the original version.


The target document should be PDF version 1.3.

PDF is generally not suited for long term preservation. The PDF format may contain resources (such as fonts) that may not exist on the viewing machine. Hence font substitution may occur resulting in a document that may not look exactly like the original version.


The target document should be PDF version 1.5.

PDF is generally not suited for long term preservation. The PDF format may contain resources (such as fonts) that may not exist on the viewing machine. As a result font substitution may occur resulting in a document that may not look exactly like the original version.


The target document should be PDF version 1.6.

PDF is generally not suited for long term preservation. The PDF format may contain resources (such as fonts) that may not exist on the viewing machine. As a result font substitution may occur resulting in a document that may not look exactly like the original version.


LEADTOOLS Document Writers can create different types of Adobe PDF documents. You can specify the PDF document type through the use of the PdfDocumentOptions.DocumentType property.

using Leadtools.Document.Writer; 
using Leadtools.Ocr; 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
public void PdfDocumentOptionsExample() 
   var inputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "test.docx"); 
   var outputFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Example.pdf"); 
   // Setup a new RasterCodecs object 
   var codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Resolution = 300; 
   // Get the number of pages in the input document 
   var pageCount = codecs.GetTotalPages(inputFileName); 
   // Create a new instance of the LEADTOOLS Document Writer 
   var docWriter = new DocumentWriter(); 
   // Change the PDF options 
   var pdfOptions = docWriter.GetOptions(DocumentFormat.Pdf) as PdfDocumentOptions; 
   pdfOptions.DocumentType = PdfDocumentType.Pdf; 
   pdfOptions.FontEmbedMode = DocumentFontEmbedMode.None; 
   pdfOptions.ImageOverText = false; 
   pdfOptions.Linearized = false; 
   pdfOptions.Title = "Add your title here"; 
   pdfOptions.Subject = "Add your subject here"; 
   pdfOptions.Keywords = "Add your keywords here"; 
   pdfOptions.Author = "Add author name here"; 
   pdfOptions.Protected = true; 
   pdfOptions.UserPassword = "User password"; 
   pdfOptions.OwnerPassword = "Owner password"; 
   pdfOptions.EncryptionMode = PdfDocumentEncryptionMode.RC128Bit; 
   pdfOptions.PrintEnabled = false; 
   pdfOptions.HighQualityPrintEnabled = true; 
   pdfOptions.CopyEnabled = false; 
   pdfOptions.EditEnabled = true; 
   pdfOptions.AnnotationsEnabled = true; 
   pdfOptions.AssemblyEnabled = false; 
   pdfOptions.OneBitImageCompression = OneBitImageCompressionType.Flate; 
   pdfOptions.ColoredImageCompression = ColoredImageCompressionType.FlateJpeg; 
   pdfOptions.QualityFactor = 2; 
   // Use default resolution 
   pdfOptions.DocumentResolution = 0; 
   pdfOptions.PageRestriction = DocumentPageRestriction.Relaxed; 
   // Setup empty page size (Letter size) 
   pdfOptions.EmptyPageWidth = 8.5; 
   pdfOptions.EmptyPageHeight = 11; 
   pdfOptions.EmptyPageResolution = 300; 
   docWriter.SetOptions(DocumentFormat.Pdf, pdfOptions); 
   // Create a new PDF document 
   Debug.WriteLine("Creating new PDF document: {0}", outputFileName); 
   docWriter.BeginDocument(outputFileName, DocumentFormat.Pdf); 
   // Loop through all the pages 
   for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pageCount; pageNumber++) 
      // Get the page as SVG 
      Debug.WriteLine("Loading page {0}", pageNumber); 
      var page = new DocumentWriterSvgPage(); 
      page.SvgDocument = codecs.LoadSvg(inputFileName, pageNumber, null); 
      // Add the page 
      Debug.WriteLine("Adding page {0}", pageNumber); 
   // Finally finish writing the PDF file on disk 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 

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