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DicomServer Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see DicomServer members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Active Gets a value indicating whether this DicomServer is active.
Public Property AddInTimeout Gets the add-in's timeout in seconds.
Public Property AETitle Gets the server AE title.
Public Property AllowAnonymousCMove Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow anonymous C-MOVE on the DICOM Listening Service.
Public Property AllowMultipleConnections Gets a value indicating whether to allow multiple client connections.
Public Property AnonymousClientPort Gets or sets a value indicating the anonymous C-MOVE reconnect port for the DICOM Listening Service.
Public Property Association Gets the DICOM Association for the DICOM Network object. (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property Clients Gets the connected clients.
Public Property ClientTimeout Gets the client timeout in seconds.
Public Property DefaultSocketOptions Gets the default DICOM socket options. (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property Description Gets the server description.
Public Property Flags Get or set options for DICOM communication. (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property HostAddress Gets the IP address of the host computer (the SCP's address). (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property HostPort Gets the port number of the host (the SCP's port). (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property Id Gets the unique server id.
Public Property ImplementationClass Gets the Implementation Class UID .
Public Property ImplementationVersionName Gets the Implementation Version Name.
Public Property IpType Returns the DicomNetIpTypeFlags used in a Connect or a Listen (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property LicenseFile Gets the license file associated with the PACS Framework Server.
Public Property MaxClients Gets or sets the maximum clients allowed to connect to the server.
Public Property MaxPduLength Gets the Maximum Length for data transfer.
Public Property Name Gets the server name.
Public Property NoDelay Gets the value for Nagle algorithm for send coalescing. This socket option is included for backward compatibility with Windows Sockets 1.1.
Public Property OptimizedMemorySend Gets or sets the option to optimize memory usage when sending data sets to a server This option works when DicomNetSecurityMode is set to None (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property PeerAddress Gets the IP address of the peer computer of the connection (the SCU's address). (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property PeerPort Gets the port number of the peer computer of the connection (the SCU's port). (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property Port Gets the server port.
Public Property ReceiveBufferSize Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for receives.
Public Property ReconnectTimeout Gets the reconnect timeout in seconds.
Public Property RelationalQueries Gets a value indicating whether relational queries are supported
Public Property RoleSelectionOptions Gets RoleSelectionFlags that define how the SCP will accept/reject any role selection proposed by the SCU.
Public Property Secure Gets a value indicating whether this DicomServer is secure.
Public Property SecurityMode Gets the security mode used to initialize the network structure. (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property SendBufferSize Specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for sends.
Public Property ServerDirectory Gets the server directory.
Public Property SocketOptions Gets or sets the DICOM Socket options. (Inherited from DicomNet)
Public Property StoreDataset Gets a value indicating whether store received datasets.
Public Property StoreOperationOptions Gets or sets options that affect the performance of the store sub-operations on a C-MOVE-REQ.
Public Property TemporaryDirectory The location of the temporary files. DICOM uses temporary files during the course of creating a file. If this parameter is a null reference (Nothing in VB), the DICOM temporary files are kept in the directory Windows places its own temporary files. If this parameter is not a null reference, the temporary files are placed in the specified directory.
Public Property TotalClients Gets the total number of clients connected.

See Also

DicomServer Class

Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Namespace

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