Leadtools.Medical.Caching Version Changes


Version Changes: 18 to 19

New Members

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.CacheItemRemovedHandler(string,byte[],CacheItemRemovedReason) Represents the method that will handle the ItemRemoved event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.Item Gets an item from the cache.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.ItemRemoved Occurs when an item is removed.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.CacheItemRemovedHandler - Represents the method that will handle the ItemRemoved event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.#ctor(ItemsInfoTableRow,DataRowAction) Initializes a new instance of this class.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Action Gets the System.Data.DataRowAction that was performed.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.AddItemsInfoTableRow(ItemsInfoTableRow) Adds a row to this ItemsInfoTableDataTable.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.AddItemsInfoTableRow(string,int,DateTime,bool,string) Adds a row to this ItemsInfoTableDataTable.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Count Gets the number of rows in the table.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.CreateInstance Creates an uninitialized ItemsInfoTableDataTable.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.CreationDate Gets or sets the value of the Creation Date column for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.CreationDateColumn Gets the System.Data.DataColumn that represents the table Creation Date column.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Dependency Gets or sets the value of the Dependency column for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.DependencyColumn Gets the System.Data.DataColumn that represents the table Dependency column.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Encrypted Gets or sets the value of the Encrypted column for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.EncryptedColumn Gets the System.Data.DataColumn that represents the table Encrypted column.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.FindById(string) Finds the row with the given Id value.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the rows for this ItemsInfoTableDataTable.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.GetRowType Use this method to get the type of data allowed in the ItemsInfoTableDataTable table row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.GetTypedTableSchema(XmlSchemaSet) Gets a System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType that represents the complexType element from XML Schema as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Id Gets or sets the value of the Id column for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.IdColumn Gets the System.Data.DataColumn that represents the table ID column.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.IsCreationDateNull Determines whether the Creation Date column is null for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.IsDependencyNull Determines whether the Dependency column is null for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.IsEncryptedNull Determines whether the Encrypted column is null for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.IsPriorityNull Determines whether the Priority column is null for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Item(int) Gets the ItemsInfoTableRow at the specified index from this ItemsInfoTableDataTable.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableDataTable Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableDataTable.Item(int) Gets the ItemsInfoTableRow at the specified index from this ItemsInfoTableDataTable.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableDataTable.ItemsInfoTableRowChanged Occurs after a DataRow has been changed successfully.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableDataTable.ItemsInfoTableRowChanging Occurs when a DataRow is changing.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableDataTable.ItemsInfoTableRowDeleted Occurs after a DataRow has been deleted successfully.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableDataTable.ItemsInfoTableRowDeleting Occurs before a row in the table is about to be deleted.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRow Represents strongly named DataRow class.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRowChanged Occurs after a DataRow has been changed successfully.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRowChangeEvent Provides data for the row change events.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRowChangeEventHandler(object,ItemsInfoTableRowChangeEvent) Represents the method that will handle the event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRowChanging Occurs when a DataRow is changing.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRowDeleted Occurs after a DataRow has been deleted successfully.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.ItemsInfoTableRowDeleting Occurs before a row in the table is about to be deleted.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.NewItemsInfoTableRow Creates a new ItemsInfoTableRow.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.NewRowFromBuilder(DataRowBuilder) Creates a new System.Data.DataRow.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.OnRowChanged(DataRowChangeEventArgs) Raises the ItemsInfoTableRowChanged event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.OnRowChanging(DataRowChangeEventArgs) Raises the ItemsInfoTableRowChanging event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.OnRowDeleted(DataRowChangeEventArgs) Raises the ItemsInfoTableRowDeleted event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.OnRowDeleting(DataRowChangeEventArgs) Raises the ItemsInfoTableRowDeleting event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Priority Gets or sets the value of the Priority column for this row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.PriorityColumn Gets the System.Data.DataColumn that represents the table Priority column.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.RemoveItemsInfoTableRow(ItemsInfoTableRow) Removes the specified row.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.Row Gets the ItemsInfoTableRow that has changed.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.SetCreationDateNull Sets the Priority column for this row to null.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.SetDependencyNull Sets the Priority column for this row to null.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.SetEncryptedNull Sets the Priority column for this row to null.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfo.SetPriorityNull Sets the Priority column for this row to null.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfoTableDataTable - Represents the strongly named DataTable class.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfoTableRow - Represents strongly named DataRow class.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfoTableRowChangeEvent - Provides data for the row change events.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.ItemsInfoTableRowChangeEventHandler - Represents the method that will handle the event.

Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.CacheItemRemovedHandler - Represents the method that will handle the Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.ItemRemoved event.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.Item(string) Gets an item from the cache.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.ItemRemoved Occurs when an item is removed.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
There are no new members added since last revision. None

Version 18.1 changes

Version 17.5 changes

Version 17 changes

Version 16.5 changes

Leadtools.Medical.Caching Assembly Changes from Version 18 to Version 18.1

Version 18. has not changed from Version 18. For more information, refer to What's New in Version 18.

Leadtools.Medical.Caching Assembly Changes from Version 17.5 to Version 18

Version 18 has not changed from Version 17.5. For more information, refer to What's New in Version 18.

Leadtools.Medical.Caching Assembly Changes from Version 17.0 to Version 17.5

Version 17.5 has not changed from Version 17.0. For more information, refer to What's New in Version 17.5

Leadtools.Medical.Caching Assembly Changes from Version 16.5 to Version 17.0

New Members

The following members have been added in version 17

Member Description
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.Add Adds a new item to the cache store.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Cache.Insert Inserts a new item to the cache store.
Leadtools.Medical.Caching.Storage.IStorageProvider.Insert Add a new item into the user context store.

Leadtools.Medical.Caching Assembly Changes from Version 16.5 to Version 17.0

New Members

The following members have been added in version 16.5

Member Description
Clear Delete the contents of the cache store.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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