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AnnTransformer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnTransformer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnTransformer Initializes a new instance of the AnnTransformer class.

Public Methods

Name Description
LengthToLogical Converts the input AnnLength from physical to logical coordinates.
LengthToPhysical Converts the input AnnLength value from logical to physical coordinates.
PointToLogical Converts the input AnnPoint array from physical to logical coordinate.
PointToPhysical Converts the input AnnPoint array from logical to physical coordinate.
RectangleToLogical Converts the input AnnRectangle from physical to logical coordinates.
RectangleToPhysical Converts the input AnnRectangle from logical to physical coordinates.

Public Properties

Name Description
UnitConverter Gets or sets the AnnUnitConverter that will be used in the AnnTransformer object.
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