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AnnAudioObject Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAudioObject.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
AnnAudioObject This constructor is required by System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnAudioObject object.
GetObjectData Populates a specified System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.
Play Attempts to play the WAV file stored in the FileName property of this AnnAudioObject.
Stop Stops the play of the WAV file stored in the FileName property of this AnnAudioObject.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Create Creates a new instance of this AnnAudioObject object.
DrawObject Draws this AnnAudioObject on the specified surface.

Public Properties

Name Description
CanPlay Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAudioObject object can play its WAV file.
DefaultPicture Gets or sets the default picture used by all AnnAudioObject objects.
FileName Gets or sets the WAV file name of this AnnAudioObject.
IsPlaying Gets a value indicating whether the WAV file stored in the FileName property of this AnnAudioObject is playing.
Picture Gets or sets the AnnPicture object associated with this AnnAudioObject.
UseOriginalPicture Gets or sets a value indicating whether to revert back to the original picture used for all AnnAudioObject objects.
Win32ObjectId For internal use.

Protected Properties

Name Description
HitTestInterior Gets a value indicating whether hit-testing should be performed inside the interior of this AnnAudioObject.
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