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LeadRectD Structure Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see LeadRectD members

Public Methods

Name Description
!= Specifies whether two LeadRectD structures do not contain the same values.
== Specifies whether two LeadRectD structures contain the same values.
Clone Returns an exact copy of this LeadRectD
Contains Indicates whether the rectangle contains the specified point.
ContainsPoint Indicates whether the rectangle contains the specified point.
ContainsRect Indicates whether the rectangle contains the specified rectangle.
Create Creates a new instance of LeadRectD with the specified x-coordinate, y-coordinate, width, and height.
Equals Specifies whether this LeadRectD structure contains the same values as the specified object.
FromLTRB Creates a new instance of LeadRectD with the specified values top-left and bottom-right corner points.
GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this LeadRectD structure.
Inflate Expands the rectangle by using the specified width and height, in all directions.
InflateRect Returns the rectangle that results from expanding the specified rectangle by the specified width and height, in all directions.
InflateRects Returns the rectangle that results from expanding the specified rectangle by the specified Size, in all directions.
InflateSize Expands the rectangle by using the specified size, in all directions.
Intersect Finds the intersection of the current rectangle and the specified rectangle, and stores the result as the current rectangle.
IntersectRects Returns the intersection of the specified rectangles.
IntersectsWith Indicates whether the specified rectangle intersects with the current rectangle.
Offset Moves the rectangle by the specified horizontal and vertical amounts.
OffsetRect Returns a rectangle that is offset from the specified rectangle by using the specified horizontal and vertical amounts.
OffsetRect Returns a rectangle that is offset from the specified rectangle by using the specified horizontal and vertical amounts.
Parse Parses a string and returns a new instance of LeadRectD from it.
Scale Multiplies the size of the current rectangle by the specified x and y values.
ToLeadRect Converts this LeadRectD to a LeadRect.
ToString Converts this LeadRectD to a human-readable string using the specified format and provider.
Transform Transforms the rectangle by applying the specified matrix.
TransformRect Transforms a rectangle by applying the specified matrix.
Union Creates a rectangle that is exactly large enough to include the specified rectangle and the specified point
UnionRects Creates a rectangle that is exactly large enough to contain the two specified rectangles.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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