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RasterDialogStringsId Enumeration


Indicates the dialog string ID.


public enum RasterDialogStringsId 
Public Enum RasterDialogStringsId  
   Inherits System.Enum 
   Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
public enum class RasterDialogStringsId : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   


0OpenOkString ID for the Open dialog "Open" string.
1OpenCancelString ID for the Open dialog "Cancel" string.
2OpenHelpString ID for the Open dialog "Help" string.
3OpenPreviewNotAvailableString ID for the Open dialog "Preview not available" string.
4OpenFileInfoToolTipString ID for the Open dialog "File Info" string.
5OpenPreviewSelectedFileToolTipString ID for the Open dialog "Preview Selected File" string.
6OpenPreviewPageString ID for the Open dialog "Page:" string.
7OpenDeletePageString ID for the Open dialog "Delete" string.
8OpenLookinString ID for the Open dialog "Look in" string.
9OpenFileNameString ID for the Open dialog "File name:" string.
10OpenFilesoftypeString ID for the Open dialog "Files of type:" string.
11OpenShowOptionsonOpenString ID for the Open dialog "Show Options dialog on open" string.
12OpenDeletePageMessageBodyString ID for the Open dialog "Delete page d?" string.
13OpenDeletePageMessageTitleString ID for the Open dialog "Delete Page" string.
14OpenErrorDeletingMessageBodyString ID for the Open dialog "Error Deleting Page!" string.
15OpenFileInfoErrorMessageBodyString ID for the Open dialog "Error {0}: Information not available for\n {1}" string.
16OpenFileInfoErrorMessageTitleString ID for the Open dialog "FileInfo Error" string.
17FileInformationCaptionString ID for the File Information dialog "File Information" caption string.
18FileInformationItemString ID for the File Information dialog "Item:" string.
19FileInformationValueString ID for the File Information dialog "Value:" string.
20FileInformationFormatString ID for the File Information dialog "Format" string.
21FileInformationNameString ID for the File Information dialog "Name" string.
22FileInformationWidthString ID for the File Information dialog "Width" string.
23FileInformationHeightString ID for the File Information dialog "Height" string.
24FileInformationBitsPerPixelString ID for the File Information dialog "Bits per pixel" string.
25FileInformationSizeOnDiskString ID for the File Information dialog "Size on disk" string.
26FileInformationSizeInMemoryString ID for the File Information dialog "Size in memory" string.
27FileInformationCompressionString ID for the File Information dialog "Compression" string.
28FileInformationPageString ID for the File Information dialog "Page" string.
29FileInformationArtistString ID for the File Information dialog "Artist" string.
30FileInformationCopyrightString ID for the File Information dialog "Copyright" string.
31FileInformationDateTimeString ID for the File Information dialog "Date/Time" string.
32FileInformationDescriptionString ID for the File Information dialog "Description" string.
33FileInformationHostComputerString ID for the File Information dialog "Host Computer" string.
34FileInformationMakeString ID for the File Information dialog "Make" string.
35FileInformationTitleString ID for the File Information dialog "Title" string.
36FileInformationModelString ID for the File Information dialog "Model" string.
37FileInformationMiscString ID for the File Information dialog "Misc" string.
38FileInformationNameofDocumentString ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Document" string.
39FileInformationNameofPageString ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Page" string.
40FileInformationSoftwareString ID for the File Information dialog "Software" string.
41FileInformationXResolutionDPIString ID for the File Information dialog "XResolution (DPI)" string.
42FileInformationYResolutionDPIString ID for the File Information dialog "YResolution (DPI)" string.
43FileInformationWarningString ID for the File Information dialog "Warning" string.
44FileInformationDisclaimerString ID for the File Information dialog "Disclaimer" string.
45FileInformationCloseString ID for the File Information dialog "Close" string.
46FileInformationHelpString ID for the File Information dialog "Help" string.
47LoadOptionsCaptionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Caption" string.
48LoadOptionsOkString ID for the Load Options dialog "OK" string.
49LoadOptionsCancelString ID for the Load Options dialog "Cancel" string.
50LoadOptionsHelpString ID for the Load Options dialog "Help" string.
51LoadOptionsFullPathString ID for the Load Options dialog "Full Path" string.
52LoadOptionsGeneralString ID for the Load Options dialog "General" string.
53LoadOptionsGeneralProressivePassesString ID for the Load Options dialog "Progressive Passes:" string.
54LoadOptionsGeneralPassesAllString ID for the Load Options dialog "All" string.
55LoadOptionsGeneralPassesMeaningfulOnlyString ID for the Load Options dialog "MeaningfulOnly" string.
56LoadOptionsGeneralPasses1String ID for the Load Options dialog "1" string.
57LoadOptionsGeneralPasses2String ID for the Load Options dialog "2" string.
58LoadOptionsGeneralPasses3String ID for the Load Options dialog "3" string.
59LoadOptionsGeneralPasses4String ID for the Load Options dialog "4" string.
60LoadOptionsGeneralPasses5String ID for the Load Options dialog "5" string.
61LoadOptionsGeneralPasses6String ID for the Load Options dialog "6" string.
62LoadOptionsGeneralPasses7String ID for the Load Options dialog "7" string.
63LoadOptionsGeneralPasses8String ID for the Load Options dialog "8" string.
64LoadOptionsGeneralPasses9String ID for the Load Options dialog "9" string.
65LoadOptionsGeneralPasses10String ID for the Load Options dialog "10" string.
66LoadOptionsGeneralLoadRotatedString ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Rotated" string.
67LoadOptionsGeneralLoadCompressedString ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Compressed" string.
68LoadOptionsGeneralPageNoString ID for the Load Options dialog "Page No.:" string.
69LoadOptionsResolutionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution" string.
70LoadOptionsRasterDpiString ID for the Load Options dialog "DPI:" string.
71LoadOptionsRasterResolutionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string.
72LoadOptionsRasterWidthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Width:" string.
73LoadOptionsRasterHeightString ID for the Load Options dialog "Height:" string.
74LoadOptionsRasterNoResolutionsString ID for the Load Options dialog "No Resolutions Available" string.
75LoadOptionsNotImageFormatFileString ID for the Load Options dialog "Not Image Format File" string.
76LoadOptionsNoOptionsString ID for the Load Options dialog "No Options" string.
77LoadOptionsPdfString ID for the Load Options dialog "Pdf" string.
78LoadOptionsPdfResolutionDpiString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution ( Dpi )" string.
79LoadOptionsPdfHorizontalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
80LoadOptionsPdfVerticalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
81LoadOptionsPdfDisplayDepthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Display Depth ( Bpp ):" string.
82LoadOptionsPdfGraphicsAlphaString ID for the Load Options dialog "Graphics Alpha ( Bits ):" string.
83LoadOptionsPdfTextAlphaString ID for the Load Options dialog "Text Alpha ( Bits ):" string.
84SaveOkString ID for the Save dialog "Save" string.
85SaveCancelString ID for the Save dialog "Cancel" string.
86SaveHelpString ID for the Save dialog "Help" string.
87SaveLookinString ID for the Save dialog "Look in" string.
88SaveFileNameString ID for the Save dialog "File name:" string.
89SaveFilesoftypeString ID for the Save dialog "Files of type:" string.
90SaveSubTypeString ID for the Save dialog "Sub Type:" string.
91SaveBPPString ID for the Save dialog "BPP:" string.
92SaveOptionsString ID for the Save dialog "Options..." string.
93SaveQualityFactorString ID for the Save dialog "QualityFactor:" string.
94SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality1String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 1" string.
95SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality2String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 2" string.
96SaveQualityFactorSuperQualityString ID for the Save dialog "Quality far more important than size" string.
97SaveQualityFactorQualityString ID for the Save dialog "Quality more important than size" string.
98SaveQualityFactorQualityAndSizeString ID for the Save dialog "Quality and size equally important" string.
99SaveQualityFactorSharpString ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string.
100SaveQualityFactorLessTilingString ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string.
101SaveQualityFactorMaximumQualityString ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string.
102SaveQualityFactorMaximumCompressionString ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression" string.
103SaveQualityFactorCustomString ID for the Save dialog "Custom" string.
104SaveQualityFactorAbcLosslessString ID for the Save dialog "Lossless compression" string.
105SaveQualityFactorAbcLosslessFastString ID for the Save dialog "Lossless Fast compression" string.
106SaveQualityFactorAbcLossyFastString ID for the Save dialog "Lossy Fast compression" string.
107SaveQualityFactorAbcVirtualLosslessString ID for the Save dialog "Virtual Lossless compression" string.
108SaveQualityFactorAbcRemoveBorderString ID for the Save dialog "Remove Border compression" string.
109SaveQualityFactorAbcEnhanceString ID for the Save dialog "Enhance compression" string.
110SaveQualityFactorAbcModified1String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 1 compression" string.
111SaveQualityFactorAbcModified1FastString ID for the Save dialog "Modified1 fast compression" string.
112SaveQualityFactorAbcModified2String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 2 compression" string.
113SaveQualityFactorAbcModified2FastString ID for the Save dialog "Modified 2 Fast compression" string.
114SaveQualityFactorAbcModified3String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 3 compression" string.
115SaveQualityFactorAbcModified3FastString ID for the Save dialog "Modified 3 Fast compression" string.
116SaveMultipageUpdateErrorMessageBodyString ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to update it?" string.
117SaveMultipageOverwriteErrorMessageBodyString ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to replace it?" string.
118FileSaveOptionsCaptionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "File Save Options" string.
119FileSaveOptionsOkString ID for the File Save Options dialog "OK" string.
120FileSaveOptionsCancelString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Cancel" string.
121FileSaveOptionsHelpString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Help" string.
122FileSaveOptionsCompressionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression" string.
123FileSaveOptionsGeneralString ID for the File Save Options dialog "General" string.
124FileSaveOptionsMultipageString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Multipage" string.
125FileSaveOptionsStampOptionsString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Stamp Options" string.
126FileSaveOptionsStampBppString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Bits Per Pixel:" string.
127FileSaveOptionsCompressionControlString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Control:" string.
128FileSaveOptionsCompressionRatioString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Ratio:" string.
129FileSaveOptionsProgressingOrderString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressing Order:" string.
130FileSaveOptionsTargetSizeString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target Size:" string.
131FileSaveOptionsOperationString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Operation:" string.
132FileSaveOptionsPageNoString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Page No.:" string.
133FileSaveOptionsProgOptionsString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressive Options:" string.
134FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorString ID for the File Save Options dialog "QualityFactor:" string.
135FileSaveOptionsStampHeightString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Height:" string.
136FileSaveOptionsStampWidthString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Width:" string.
137FileSaveOptionsStampSaveString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Save" string.
138FileSaveOptionsJ2kAdvancedString ID for the File Save Options dialog "J2k Options..." string.
139FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality1String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 1" string.
140FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 2" string.
141FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSuperQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality far more important than size" string.
142FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality more important than size" string.
143FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQualityAndSizeString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality and size equally important" string.
144FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSharpString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string.
145FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorLessTilingString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string.
146FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string.
147FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumCompressionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression" string.
148FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorCustomString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Custom" string.
149FileSaveOptionsOverwriteString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Overwrite" string.
150FileSaveOptionsAppendString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Append" string.
151FileSaveOptionsReplaceString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Replace" string.
152FileSaveOptionsInsertString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Insert" string.
153FileSaveOptionsProgMeaningfulString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Meaningful Only" string.
154FileSaveOptionsProgAllString ID for the File Save Options dialog "All" string.
155FileSaveOptionsProg1String ID for the File Save Options dialog "1" string.
156FileSaveOptionsProg2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "2" string.
157FileSaveOptionsProg3String ID for the File Save Options dialog "3" string.
158FileSaveOptionsProg4String ID for the File Save Options dialog "4" string.
159FileSaveOptionsProg5String ID for the File Save Options dialog "5" string.
160FileSaveOptionsProg6String ID for the File Save Options dialog "6" string.
161FileSaveOptionsProg7String ID for the File Save Options dialog "7" string.
162FileSaveOptionsProg8String ID for the File Save Options dialog "8" string.
163FileSaveOptionsProg9String ID for the File Save Options dialog "9" string.
164FileSaveOptionsProg10String ID for the File Save Options dialog "10" string.
165FileSaveOptionsJ2kLosslessString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Lossless" string.
166FileSaveOptionsJ2kCompRatioString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression Ratio" string.
167FileSaveOptionsJ2kTargetSizeString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target File Size" string.
168FileSaveOptionsJ2kQualityFactorString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality Factor" string.
169FileSaveOptionsJ2kQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality-axis" string.
170FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution1String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 1" string.
171FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 2" string.
172FileSaveOptionsJ2kColorString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Color-axis" string.
173FileSaveOptionsJ2kPositionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Position-axis" string.
174J2kAdvanceOptionsCaptionString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Jpeg 2000 Options" string.
175J2kAdvanceOptionsOkString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "OK" string.
176J2kAdvanceOptionsCancelString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Cancel" string.
177J2kAdvanceOptionsHelpString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Help" string.
178J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Offset" string.
179J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetHorizontalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
180J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetVerticalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
181J2kAdvanceOptionsFileSizeString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Size" string.
182J2kAdvanceOptionsFileWidthString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width:" string.
183J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHeightString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height:" string.
184J2kAdvanceOptionsFileOffsetString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Offset" string.
185J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHorizontalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
186J2kAdvanceOptionsFileVerticalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
187J2kAdvanceOptionsGeneralSettingsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "General Settings" string.
188J2kAdvanceOptionsUseColorTransformString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Color Transform" string.
189J2kAdvanceOptionsUseDerivedQuantizationString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Derived Quantization" string.
190J2kAdvanceOptionsDecompressLevelString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Decompress Level" string.
191J2kAdvanceOptionsGuardBitsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Guard Bits:" string.
192J2kAdvanceOptionsMarkersString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Markers" string.
193J2kAdvanceOptionsUseSopMarkerString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Sop Marker" string.
194J2kAdvanceOptionsUseEphMarkerString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Eph Marker" string.
195J2kAdvanceOptionsDerivedBaseString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Derived Base" string.
196J2kAdvanceOptionsMantissaString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Mantissa" string.
197J2kAdvanceOptionsExponentString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Exponent" string.
198J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Code Block" string.
199J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockWidthString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width" string.
200J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockHeightString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height" string.
201J2kAdvanceOptionsSelectiveAcBypassString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Selective AC bypass" string.
202J2kAdvanceOptionsResetContextString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Reset Context On Boundaries" string.
203J2kAdvanceOptionsTerminationString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Termination On Each Pass" string.
204J2kAdvanceOptionsVerticallyCausalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertically Causal Context" string.
205J2kAdvanceOptionsPredictableTerminationString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Predictable Termination" string.
206J2kAdvanceOptionsErrorResilienceString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Error Resiliences Symbol" string.
207J2kAdvanceOptionsDefaultOptionsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Default Options" string.
208J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Alpha Channel" string.
209J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelLosslessString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Lossless" string.
210J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelActiveBitsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Active Bits:" string.
211FileInformationFormatUnknownString ID for the File Information dialog "Unknown(or Raw Data)." string.
212FileInformationFormatPcxString ID for the File Information dialog "ZSoft Pcx." string.
213FileInformationFormatGifString ID for the File Information dialog "Gif." string.
214FileInformationFormatTifString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)." string.
215FileInformationFormatTgaString ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)." string.
216FileInformationFormatCmpString ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Compressed(Cmp)." string.
217FileInformationFormatBmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)." string.
218FileInformationFormatJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)." string.
219FileInformationFormatTifJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format." string.
220FileInformationFormatOs2String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string.
221FileInformationFormatWmfString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Metafile(WMF)." string.
222FileInformationFormatEpsString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string.
223FileInformationFormatTifLzwString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff with Lzw Compression." string.
224FileInformationFormatJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string.
225FileInformationFormatTifJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string.
226FileInformationFormatJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string.
227FileInformationFormatTifJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string.
228FileInformationFormatCcittString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt." string.
229FileInformationFormatLead1BitString ID for the File Information dialog "Lead1Bit LEAD 1-bit." string.
230FileInformationFormatCcittGroup31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
231FileInformationFormatCcittGroup32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(2 Dimensional)." string.
232FileInformationFormatCcittGroup4String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 4." string.
233FileInformationFormatCalsString ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 1)." string.
234FileInformationFormatMacString ID for the File Information dialog "MacPaint(MAC)." string.
235FileInformationFormatImgString ID for the File Information dialog "Gem Image(IMG)." string.
236FileInformationFormatMspString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Paint(MSP)." string.
237FileInformationFormatWpgString ID for the File Information dialog "WordPerfect(WPG)." string.
238FileInformationFormatRasString ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster(Ras)." string.
239FileInformationFormatFliString ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(FLI)." string.
240FileInformationFormatEpsTiffString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster Tiff(Encapsulated PostScript Tiff)." string.
241FileInformationFormatEpsWmfString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster WMF( Encapsulated PostScript WMF)." string.
242FileInformationFormatFaxG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
243FileInformationFormatFaxG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(2 dimensional)." string.
244FileInformationFormatFaxG4String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 4." string.
245FileInformationFormatWfxG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
246FileInformationFormatWfxG4String ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 4." string.
247FileInformationFormatIcaG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(1 Dimensional)." string.
248FileInformationFormatIcaG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(2 Dimensional)." string.
249FileInformationFormatIcaG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string.
250FileInformationFormatOs22String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string.
251FileInformationFormatPngString ID for the File Information dialog "Png(Portable Network Graphics)." string.
252FileInformationFormatPsdString ID for the File Information dialog "Photoshop 3.0(Psd)." string.
253FileInformationFormatRawIcaG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 1Dimensional)." string.
254FileInformationFormatRawIcaG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 2Dimensional)." string.
255FileInformationFormatRawIcaG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string.
256FileInformationFormatBmpRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)(With Rle)." string.
257FileInformationFormatTifCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Cmyk(With Cmyk compression)." string.
258FileInformationFormatTifLzwCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw(Cmyk)." string.
259FileInformationFormatTifPackBitsString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits." string.
260FileInformationFormatTifPackBitsCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(Cmyk)." string.
261FileInformationFormatWinIcoString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Icon(ICO)." string.
262FileInformationFormatWinCurString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Cursor(CUR)" string.
263FileInformationFormatTifYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff YCC." string.
264FileInformationFormatTifLzwYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw YCC." string.
265FileInformationFormatTifPackbitsYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(YCC)." string.
266FileInformationFormatExifString ID for the File Information dialog "Exif." string.
267FileInformationFormatExifYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(YCC)." string.
268FileInformationFormatExifJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string.
269FileInformationFormatExifJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg)." string.
270FileInformationFormatExifJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string.
271FileInformationFormatPbmAsciiString ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Ascii." string.
272FileInformationFormatPbmBinaryString ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Binary." string.
273FileInformationFormatPgmAsciiString ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Ascii." string.
274FileInformationFormatPgmBinaryString ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Binary." string.
275FileInformationFormatPpmAsciiString ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Ascii." string.
276FileInformationFormatPpmBinaryString ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Binary." string.
277FileInformationFormatCutString ID for the File Information dialog "Dr.Halo." string.
278FileInformationFormatXpmString ID for the File Information dialog "Xpm Window PixMap." string.
279FileInformationFormatXbmString ID for the File Information dialog "Xbm." string.
280FileInformationFormatIffIlbmString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm)." string.
281FileInformationFormatIffCatString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat)." string.
282FileInformationFormatXwdString ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd)." string.
283FileInformationFormatClpString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)" string.
284FileInformationFormatJbigString ID for the File Information dialog "Jbig Jbig(JBG)." string.
285FileInformationFormatEmfString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Enhanced Metafile(EMF)" string.
286FileInformationFormatIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Mmr Compressed)." string.
287FileInformationFormatRawIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Raw Mmr Compressed)." string.
288FileInformationFormatAniString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Animated Cursor(ANI)." string.
289FileInformationFormatLaserDataString ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string.
290FileInformationFormatIntergraphRleString ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Rle compressed)." string.
291FileInformationFormatCals4String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 4)." string.
292FileInformationFormatCals2String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 2)." string.
293FileInformationFormatCals3String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 3)." string.
294FileInformationFormatXwd10String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 10)." string.
295FileInformationFormatXwd11String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 11)." string.
296FileInformationFormatFlcString ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(Flc)." string.
297FileInformationFormatTifCmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with LEAD Cmp compression)." string.
298FileInformationFormatTifJbigString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Jbig compression)." string.
299FileInformationFormatTifDxfString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with embedded DXF)." string.
300FileInformationFormatTifUnknownString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Unknown image data)." string.
301FileInformationFormatSgiString ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)." string.
302FileInformationFormatSgiRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)(Rle)." string.
303FileInformationFormatRasPdfString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)." string.
304FileInformationFormatRasPdfG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string.
305FileInformationFormatRasPdfG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string.
306FileInformationFormatRasPdfG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 4l)." string.
307FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg)." string.
308FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string.
309FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string.
310FileInformationFormatRawString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string.
311FileInformationFormatTifCustomString ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string.
312FileInformationFormatRawRgbString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string.
313FileInformationFormatRawRle4String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 4-bit)." string.
314FileInformationFormatRawRle8String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 8-bit)." string.
315FileInformationFormatRawBitfieldsString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(BitField compressed)." string.
316FileInformationFormatRawPackBitsString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Packbits compressed)." string.
317FileInformationFormatRawJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Jpeg compressed)." string.
318FileInformationFormatFaxG31DimNoEolString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Group 3 1 Dimensional - with no EOL)." string.
319FileInformationFormatRawCcittString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Ccitt compressed)." string.
320FileInformationFormatJp2String ID for the File Information dialog "Jp2 - Lossy or Lossless." string.
321FileInformationFormatJ2kString ID for the File Information dialog "J2k - Lossy or Lossless." string.
322FileInformationFormatCmwString ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Cmw." string.
323FileInformationFormatTifJ2kString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(Jpeg 2000)." string.
324FileInformationFormatTifCmwString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(LEAD Cmw)." string.
325FileInformationFormatMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "Mrc format" string.
326FileInformationFormatLeadMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Mrc format" string.
327FileInformationFormatTifMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Mrc format" string.
328FileInformationFormatTifLeadMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff LEAD Mrc format" string.
329FileInformationFormatWbmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Wireless Bitmap Format(Wbmp)." string.
330FileInformationFormatJpegLab444String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab)." string.
331FileInformationFormatJpegLab411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:1:1)." string.
332FileInformationFormatJpegLab422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:2:2)." string.
333FileInformationFormatGeoTiffString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(GeoTiff)." string.
334FileInformationFormatTifLead1BitString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(With LEAD 1-bit compression)." string.
335FileInformationFormatPtocaString ID for the File Information dialog "Ptoca Format(Ptoca)." string.
336FileInformationFormatSctString ID for the File Information dialog "Scitex Continuous Tone Format(Sct)." string.
337FileInformationFormatAfpString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp)." string.
338FileInformationFormatIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(uncompressed)." string.
339FileInformationFormatRawIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(raw uncompressed)." string.
340FileInformationFormatSmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)." string.
341FileInformationFormatSmpG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string.
342FileInformationFormatSmpG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string.
343FileInformationFormatSmpG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 4)." string.
344FileInformationFormatTgaRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)(Rle)." string.
345FileInformationFormatRasRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster Format(Ras)." string.
346FileInformationFormatClpRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)(Rle compressed)." string.
347FileInformationFormatFitString ID for the File Information dialog "Fits Format(Fit)." string.
348FileInformationFormatCinString ID for the File Information dialog "Cineon Format(Cin)." string.
349FileInformationFormatEpsPostscriptString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string.
350FileInformationFormatIntergraphCcittG4String ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Ccitt Group 4 compressed)." string.
351FileInformationFormatSffString ID for the File Information dialog "Structured Fax File Format(Sff)." string.
352FileInformationFormatIffIlbmUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm uncompressed)." string.
353FileInformationFormatIffCatUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat uncompressed)." string.
354FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 1 Dimensional." string.
355FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 2 Dimensional." string.
356FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group4." string.
357FileInformationFormatAfpIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Uncompressed." string.
358FileInformationFormatAfpIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Mmr Compressed." string.
359FileInformationFormatJpeg8String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
360FileInformationFormatTifJpeg8String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
361FileInformationFormatLosslessJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless Jpeg" string.
362FileInformationFormatLosslessTifJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless TIF Jpeg" string.
363FileInformationFormatJbig2String ID for the File Information dialog "JBIG 2" string.
364FileInformationFormatGeoTifString ID for the File Information dialog "GEO TIFF2" string.
365FileSaveOptionsJbig2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "JBIG2 Options..." string.
366Jbig2OptionsCaptionString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "JBIG2 Options" string.
367Jbig2OptionsTemplateString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Template" string.
368Jbig2OptionsThreeLines16PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 16 pixel" string.
369Jbig2OptionsThreeLines13PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 14 pixel" string.
370Jbig2OptionsThreeLines10PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 10 pixel" string.
371Jbig2OptionsTwoLines10PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "2 lines 10 pixel" string.
372Jbig2OptionsGbat1String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1" string.
373Jbig2OptionsGbat1XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1X" string.
374Jbig2OptionsGbat1YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1Y" string.
375Jbig2OptionsGbat2String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2" string.
376Jbig2OptionsGbat2XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2X" string.
377Jbig2OptionsGbat2YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2Y" string.
378Jbig2OptionsGbat3String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3" string.
379Jbig2OptionsGbat3XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3X" string.
380Jbig2OptionsGbat3YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3Y" string.
381Jbig2OptionsGbat4String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4" string.
382Jbig2OptionsGbat4XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4X" string.
383Jbig2OptionsGbat4YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4Y" string.
384Jbig2OptionsTypicalPredictionString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Typlical prediction" string.
385Jbig2OptionsQFactorString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Q Factor" string.
386Jbig2OptionsSettingString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Settings" string.
387Jbig2OptionsSettingImageString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Image" string.
388Jbig2OptionsSettingTextString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text" string.
389Jbig2OptionsTextSymbolString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text symbol" string.
390Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum" string.
391Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinWidthString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum width" string.
392Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinHeightString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum height" string.
393Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinAreaString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum area" string.
394Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum" string.
395Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxWidthString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum width" string.
396Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxHeightString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum height" string.
397Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxAreaString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum area" string.
398Jbig2OptionsDictionarySymbolString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Dictionary symbol" string.
399Jbig2OptionsKeepAllString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Keep all" string.
400Jbig2OptionsRemoveUnrepeatedString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Remove Unrepeated" string.
401Jbig2OptionsDifferenceThresholdString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Difference Threshold" string.
402Jbig2OptionsResolutionString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Resolution" string.
403Jbig2OptionsResolutionXString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "X Resolution" string.
404Jbig2OptionsResolutionYString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Y Resolution" string.
405Jbig2OptionsEnableDictionaryString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Enable dictionary" string.
406Jbig2OptionsOkString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "OK" string.
407Jbig2OptionsCancelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Cancel" string.
408Jbig2OptionsHelpString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Help" string.
409FileInformationFormatHdpString ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto(hdp)." string.
410FileInformationFormatHdpGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Gray(hdp)." string.
411FileInformationFormatHdpCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Cmyk(hdp)." string.
412FileInformationFormatPngIcoString ID for the File Information dialog "Vista Png Icon(ico)." string.
413FileInformationFormatSidNo longer supported.
414FileInformationFormatWmzString ID for the File Information dialog "Compressed Windows Metafile(wmz)." string.
415FileInformationFormatKdcString ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc)." string.
416FileInformationFormatCrwString ID for the File Information dialog "Canon RAW Format(crw)." string.
417FileInformationFormatDcrString ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format(dcr)." string.
418FileInformationFormatRtfRasterString ID for the File Information dialog "Rich Text Format(rtf)." string.
419FileInformationFormatEcwString ID for the File Information dialog "Enhanced Compressed Wavelet Format(ecw)." string.
420FileInformationFormatTxtString ID for the File Information dialog "ASCII Text format(txt)." string.
421FileInformationFormatFpxString ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string.
422FileInformationFormatFpxJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string.
423FileInformationFormatPctString ID for the File Information dialog "Macintosh Pict Format(pct)." string.
424FileInformationFormatAwdNo longer supported.
425FileInformationFormatAbcString ID for the File Information dialog "ABC(abc)." string.
426FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG31DString ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G31D)." string.
427FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG32DString ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G32D)." string.
428FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG4String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G4)." string.
429FileInformationFormatTifxJbigString ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(JBIG)." string.
430FileInformationFormatDcsString ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format(dcs)." string.
431FileInformationFormatDjvuString ID for the File Information dialog "DjVu Format(djvu)." string.
432FileInformationFormatKdc120String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 120)." string.
433FileInformationFormatKdc40String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 40)." string.
434FileInformationFormatKdc50String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 50)." string.
435FileInformationFormatPcdString ID for the File Information dialog "PhotoCD(pcd)." string.
436FileInformationTifZipString ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-ZIP" string.
437FileInformationXpsString ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document (xps)" string.
438LoadOptionsXpsString ID for the Load Options dialog "Xps" string.
439LoadOptionsXpsResolutionDpiString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution (Dpi)" string.
440LoadOptionsXpsHorizontalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
441LoadOptionsXpsVerticalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
442FileInformationFormatJpxString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG 2000 part-2 (JPX)." string.
443FileInformationFormatMngString ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics" string.
444FileInformationXpsJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
445FileInformationXpsJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
446FileInformationXpsJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
447FileInformationFormatMngGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Gray)" string.
448FileInformationFormatMngJngString ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng)" string.
449FileInformationFormatMngJng411String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 411)" string.
450FileInformationFormatMngJng422String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 422)" string.
451FileInformationFormatTifxJbigT43String ID for the File Information dialog "Internet Fax Jbig T43" string.
452FileInformationFormatIcaAbicString ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA files Abic compression" string.
453FileSaveOptionsPdfDefaultString ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "Default" string.
454FileSaveOptionsPdfAString ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF\A" string.
455FileSaveOptionsPdfProfilesString ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF Profiles:" string.
456J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Precinct Size:" string.
457J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeFullString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Full" string.
458J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform64String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 64" string.
459J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform128String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 128" string.
460J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform256String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 256" string.
461J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform512String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 512" string.
462J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform1024String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 1024" string.
463J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform2048String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 2048" string.
464J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne64String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 64" string.
465J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne128String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 128" string.
466J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne256String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 256" string.
467J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne512String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 512" string.
468J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo64String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 64" string.
469J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo128String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 128" string.
470J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo256String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 256" string.
471J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo512String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 512" string.
472FileInformationFormatDicomRleGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Grayscale" string.
473FileInformationFormatDicomRleColorString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Color" string.
474FileInformationFormatDicomJpegGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Grayscale" string.
475FileInformationFormatDicomJpegColorString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Color" string.
476FileInformationFormatDicomGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Grayscale" string.
477FileInformationFormatDicomColorString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Color" string.
478FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Grayscale" string.
479FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kColorString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Color" string.
480FileSaveOptionsPdf14String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.4" string.
481FileSaveOptionsPdf15String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.5" string.
482FileInformationFormatTdbString ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db" string.
483FileInformationFormatTdbVistaString ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db Vista" string.
484FileInformationFormatSnpString ID for the File Information dialog "MS Access Report Snapshots" string.
485FileInformationFormatAfpIm1String ID for the File Information dialog "IM1-AFP Advanced Function Presentation" string.
486FileInformationFormatJpeg12String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
487FileInformationFormatTifJpeg12String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
488FileInformationFormatXlsString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Excel Workbook" string.
489LoadOptionsXlsString ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" string for XLS tab.
490LoadOptionsXlsMultiPageSheetString ID for the Load Options dialog "Multi Page Sheet" string.
491FileInformationOriginalPageSizeString ID for the File Information dialog "Original page size:" string.
492FileInformationDocumentUnitPixelString ID for the File Information dialog "pixels" string.
493FileInformationDocumentUnitInchString ID for the File Information dialog "inches" string.
494FileInformationDocumentUnitMillimeterString ID for the File Information dialog "millimeters" string.
495LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentString ID for the Load Options dialog "Rasterize Document" string.
496LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageWidthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Page width:" string.
497LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageHeightString ID for the Load Options dialog "Page height:" string.
498LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentLeftMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Left margin:" string.
499LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentTopMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Top margin:" string.
500LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentRightMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Right margin:" string.
501LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentBottomMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Bottom margin:" string.
502LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitString ID for the Load Options dialog "Unit:" string.
503LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitPixelString ID for the Load Options dialog "Pixel" string.
504LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitInchString ID for the Load Options dialog "Inch" string.
505LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitMillimeterString ID for the Load Options dialog "Millimeter" string.
506LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentResolutionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string.
507LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeString ID for the Load Options dialog "Size mode:" string.
508LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeNoneString ID for the Load Options dialog "None" string.
509LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitString ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit" string.
510LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitAlwaysString ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Always" string.
511LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitWidthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Width" string.
512LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeStretchString ID for the Load Options dialog "Stretch" string.
513J2kAdvancedOptionsROICaptionString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog caption.
514J2kAdvancedOptionsROIOKString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog OK button.
515J2kAdvancedOptionsROICancelString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Cancel button.
516J2kAdvancedOptionsROIHelpString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Help button.
517J2kAdvancedOptionsROIEnableString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Enable checkbox.
518J2kAdvancedOptionsROIContorlString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog label.
519J2kAdvancedOptionsROIWeightString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog weight label.
520J2kAdvancedOptionsROILeftString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog left label.
521J2kAdvancedOptionsROITopString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog top label.
522J2kAdvancedOptionsROIRightString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog right label.
523J2kAdvancedOptionsROIBottomString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog bottom label.
524J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRegionString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox region item.
525J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRectangleString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox rectangle item.
526FileInformationFormatDocString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 Word Document" string.
527FileInformationFormatPptString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 PowerPoint Presentation" string.
528FileInformationFormatAnzString ID for the File Information dialog "Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5" string.
529FileInformationFormatVffString ID for the File Information dialog "SUN TCCA Visualization File Format" string.
530FileInformationFormatJpmString ID for the File Information dialog "JPM (jpm)" string.
531FileInformationFormatDocxString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Word Document 2007/2010" string.
532FileInformationFormatXlsxString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML Workbook" string.
533FileInformationFormatPptxString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2007/2010 PowerPoint Presentation" string.
534FileSaveOptionsPdf16String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.6" string.
535LoadOptionsVffString ID for the File Information dialog "Vff" string.
536LoadOptionsVffViewString ID for the File Information dialog "VFF View:" string.
537LoadOptionsVffViewUpToDownString ID for the File Information dialog "Up To Down" string.
538LoadOptionsVffViewDownToUpString ID for the File Information dialog "Down To Up" string.
539LoadOptionsVffViewLeftToRightString ID for the File Information dialog "Left To Right" string.
540LoadOptionsVffViewRightToLeftString ID for the File Information dialog "Right To Left" string.
541LoadOptionsVffViewFrontToRearString ID for the File Information dialog "Front To Rear" string.
542LoadOptionsVffViewRearToFrontString ID for the File Information dialog "Rear To Front" string.
543LoadOptionsAnzString ID for the File Information dialog "Anz" string.
544LoadOptionsAnzViewString ID for the File Information dialog "ANZ View:" string.
545LoadOptionsAnzViewTransverseString ID for the File Information dialog "Transverse" string.
546LoadOptionsAnzViewSagittalString ID for the File Information dialog "Sagittal" string.
547LoadOptionsAnzViewCoronalString ID for the File Information dialog "Coronal" string.
548FileSaveOptionsPdf13String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.3" string.
549FileInformationFormatJxrString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range YUV 4:4:4" string.
550FileInformationFormatJxrGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range Gray" string.
551FileInformationFormatJxrCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range Cmyk" string.
552FileInformationFormatJxr420String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range YUV 4:2:0" string.
553FileInformationFormatJxr422String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range YUV 4:2:2" string.
554FileInformationFormatJlsString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG LS" string.
555FileInformationFormatJpegRgbString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG RGB" string.
556FileInformationFormatPostscriptString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript" string.
557FileInformationFormatJlsLineString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG LS LINE" string.
558FileInformationFormatJlsSampleString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG LS SAMPLE" string.
559FileInformationFormatDcfArwString ID for the File Information dialog "SONY" string.
560FileInformationFormatDcfNefString ID for the File Information dialog "NIKON" string.
561FileInformationFormatDcfCr2String ID for the File Information dialog "CANON" string.
562FileInformationFormatDcfRafString ID for the File Information dialog "FUIJFILM" string.
563FileInformationFormatDcfOrfString ID for the File Information dialog "OLYMPUS" string.
564FileInformationFormatDcfPentaxString ID for the File Information dialog "PENTAX" string.
565FileInformationFormatDcfRw2String ID for the File Information dialog "PANASONIC" string.
566FileInformationFormatDcfCasioString ID for the File Information dialog "CASIO" string.
567FileInformationFormatJxr1String ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG Extended Range Black and White" string.
568FileInformationFormatTifJbig2String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Jbig2 compression)" string.
569FileInformationFormatTifAbicString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Abic compression)" string.
570FileInformationFormatTifAbcString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Abc compression)" string.
571FileInformationFormatPubString ID for the File Information dialog "Electronic Publication (ePub)" string.
572FileInformationFormatHtmString ID for the File Information dialog "HyperText Markup Language (HTML)" string.
573FileInformationFormatMobString ID for the File Information dialog "Mobipocket (MOBI)" string.
574FileInformationFormatIngString ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format" string.
575FileInformationFormatIngRleString ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format RLE" string.
576FileInformationFormatIngAdRleString ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format Adaptive RLE" string.
577FileInformationFormatIngG4String ID for the File Information dialog "INGR - Intergraph Raster File Format CCITT4" string.
578FileInformationFormatIcaJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA Image Object Content Architecture- IBM- JPEG" string.
579FileInformationFormatIcaJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA Image Object Content Architecture- IBM- JPEG 4:1:1" string.
580FileInformationFormatIcaJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA Image Object Content Architecture- IBM- JPEG 4:2:2" string.
581FileInformationFormatMifString ID for the File Information dialog "MapInfo Interchange File" string.
582FileInformationFormatE00String ID for the File Information dialog "ArcInfo Interchange File" string.
583FileInformationFormatDrwString ID for the File Information dialog "Micrografx Draw" string.
584FileInformationFormatDwgString ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Drawing" string.
585FileInformationFormatSvgString ID for the File Information dialog "Scalable Vector Graphics" string.
586FileInformationFormatDwfString ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Vector Format" string.
587FileInformationFormatDwfxString ID for the File Information dialog "Autodesk DWF XPS Document" string.
588FileInformationFormatDxfString ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Drawing Interchange Format" string.
589FileInformationFormatDxf13String ID for the File Information dialog "AutoDesk Drawing Interchange Format version 13" string.
590FileInformationFormatPclString ID for the File Information dialog "HPGL plotter file vector graphics PCL" string.
591FileInformationFormatPclXlString ID for the File Information dialog "Printer Command Language 6/XL" string.
592FileInformationFormatShpString ID for the File Information dialog "ESRI Shape (Environmental Systems Research Institute" string.
593FileInformationFormatNapString ID for the File Information dialog "NAP format" string.
594FileInformationFormatCgmString ID for the File Information dialog "Computer Graphics Metafile" string.
595FileInformationFormatCmxString ID for the File Information dialog "Corel Clipart" string.
596FileInformationFormatGerberString ID for the File Information dialog "Gerber Vector" string.
597FileInformationFormatIntergraphVectorString ID for the File Information dialog "Intergraph Vector" string.
598FileInformationVectorParallelogramMinimumString ID for the File Information dialog "Vector Parallelogram Minimum" string.
599FileInformationVectorParallelogramMaximumString ID for the File Information dialog "Vector Parallelogram Maximum" string.
600FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitString ID for the File Information dialog "Vector Parallelogram Unit" string.
601FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitInchesString ID for the File Information dialog "Inches" string.
602FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitFeetString ID for the File Information dialog "Feet" string.
603FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitYardsString ID for the File Information dialog "Yards" string.
604FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMilesString ID for the File Information dialog "Miles" string.
605FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMicrometersString ID for the File Information dialog "Micrometers" string.
606FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMilimetersString ID for the File Information dialog "Milimeters" string.
607FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitCentimetersString ID for the File Information dialog "Centimeters" string.
608FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitMetersString ID for the File Information dialog "Meters" string.
609FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitKilometersString ID for the File Information dialog "Kilometers" string.
610FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitTwipsString ID for the File Information dialog "Twips" string.
611FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitPointsString ID for the File Information dialog "Points" string.
612FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitPixelsString ID for the File Information dialog "Pixels" string.
613FileInformationVectorParallelogramUnitDummyString ID for the File Information dialog "Dummy" string.
614LoadOptionsVectorString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Vector" string.
615LoadOptionsVectorWidthString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Width" string.
616LoadOptionsVectorHeightString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Height" string.
617LoadOptionsVectorModeString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Mode" string.
618LoadOptionsVectorBitsPerPixelString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Bits Per Pixel" string.
619LoadOptionsVectorForceBackgroundColorString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Force Background Color" string.
620LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseBestString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Best" string.
621LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseHeightString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Height" string.
622LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseWidthString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Width" string.
623LoadOptionsVectorViewModeUseWidthAndHeightString ID for the File Save Options Vector Options dialog "Use Width and Height" string.
624FileSaveOptionsPdf17String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.7" string.
625FileInformationFormatDcfDngString ID for the File Information dialog "Adobe DNG" string.
626FileInformationFormatDicomJpegLsGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM JPEG-LS Grayscale" string.
627FileInformationFormatDicomJpegLsColorString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM JPEG-LS Color" string.
628FileInformationFormatDicomJpxGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpx Grayscale" string.
629FileInformationFormatDicomJpxColorString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpx Color" string.
630FileInformationFormatPstString ID for the File Information dialog "Outlook Personal Storage(PST)" string.
631FileInformationFormatMsgString ID for the File Information dialog "Outlook Message Format(MSG)" string.
632FileInformationFormatEmlString ID for the File Information dialog "Internet Email Message Format(EML/MHT)" string.
633LoadOptionsGeneralLoadMultithreadedString ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Multithreaded" string.
634FileInformationFormatJpegCmyk444String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Cmyk 444" string.
635FileInformationFormatJpegCmyk422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Cmyk 422" string.
636FileInformationFormatJpegCmyk411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Cmyk 411" string.
637FileInformationFormatTifJpegCmyk444String ID for the File Information dialog "Tif Jpeg Cmyk 444" string.
638FileInformationFormatTifJpegCmyk422String ID for the File Information dialog "Tif Jpeg Cmyk 422" string.
639FileInformationFormatTifJpegCmyk411String ID for the File Information dialog "Tif Jpeg Cmyk 411" string.
640FileSaveOptionsHuffmanTableStaticString ID for the File Save Options "Huffman Table Static" string.
641FileSaveOptionsHuffmanTableDynamicString ID for the File Save Options "Huffman Table Dynamic" string.
642FileOpenFormatAllFilesString ID for the File Open dialog "All Files" string.
643FileOpenFormatAnimatedCursorString ID for the File Open dialog "Animated Cursor" string.
644FileOpenFormatClipboardString ID for the File Open dialog "Clipboard" string.
645FileOpenFormatEnhancedMetafileString ID for the File Open dialog "Enhanced Metafile" string.
646FileOpenFormatOS2BmpString ID for the File Open dialog "OS/2 Bitmap" string.
647FileOpenFormatWindowsBmpString ID for the OS/2 Bitmap "Windows Bitmap" string.
648FileOpenFormatCursorString ID for the OS/2 Bitmap "Windows Cursor" string.
649FileOpenFormatIconString ID for the OS/2 Bitmap "Windows Icon" string.
650FileSaveSubFormatCmpLead1BitString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format LEAD CMP "1-bit" string.
651FileSaveSubFormatCmpNonProgressiveString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format LEAD CMP "Non-Progressive" string.
652FileSaveSubFormatCmpProgressiveString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format LEAD CMP "Progressive" string.
653FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:4:4" string.
654FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:2:2" string.
655FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:1:1" string.
656FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressive444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive 444" string.
657FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressive422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive 422" string.
658FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressive411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive 411" string.
659FileSaveSubFormatJpegLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lossless" string.
660FileSaveSubFormatJpegLab444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lab 4:4:4" string.
661FileSaveSubFormatJpegLab422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lab 4:2:2" string.
662FileSaveSubFormatJpegLab411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Lab 4:1:1" string.
663FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmyk444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk 4:4:4" string.
664FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmyk422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk 4:2:2" string.
665FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmyk411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk 4:1:1" string.
666FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmykProgressive444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk Progrssive 4:4:4" string.
667FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmykProgressive422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk Progrssive 4:2:2" string.
668FileSaveSubFormatJpegCmykProgressive411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Cmyk Progrssive 4:1:1" string.
669FileSaveSubFormatJpegYuv400String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Yuv 4:0:0" string.
670FileSaveSubFormatJpegProgressiveYuv400String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPEG "Progressive Yuv 4:0:0" string.
671FileSaveSubFormatCalsType1String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 1" string.
672FileSaveSubFormatCalsType2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 2" "" string.
673FileSaveSubFormatCalsType3String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 3" "" string.
674FileSaveSubFormatCalsType4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Cals Type 4" "" string.
675FileSaveSubFormatClpUncompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format CLP "Uncompressed" string.
676FileSaveSubFormatClpRleCompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format CLP "Rle Compressed" string.
677FileSaveSubFormatDicomUncompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Compressed" string.
678FileSaveSubFormatDicomUncompressedColorString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Uncompressed Color" string.
679FileSaveSubFormatDicomRleGrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Rle Grayscale" string.
680FileSaveSubFormatDicomRleColorString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Rle Color" string.
681FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpegGrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg Grayscale" string.
682FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000" string.
683FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000" string.
684FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000Part2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000 Part 2" string.
685FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000Part2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000 Part 2" string.
686FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJPEGLSString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless JPEG-LS" string.
687FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJPEGLSString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy JPEG-LS" string.
688FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpegGrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg Grayscale" string.
689FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000GrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000 Grayscale" string.
690FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000GrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000 Grayscale" string.
691FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpeg2000Part2GrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg 2000 Part 2 Grayscale" string.
692FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpeg2000Part2GrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg 2000 Part 2 Grayscale" string.
693FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJPEGLSGrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless JPEG-LS Grayscale" string.
694FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJPEGLSGrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy JPEG-LS Grayscale" string.
695FileSaveSubFormatDicomLosslessJpegColorString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossless Jpeg Color" string.
696FileSaveSubFormatDicomLossyJpegColorString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Lossy Jpeg Color" string.
697FileSaveSubFormatDicomUncompressedGrayscaleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format DICOM "Uncompressed Grayscale" string.
698FileSaveSubFormatFaxCcittGroup31DimensionString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FAX "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
699FileSaveSubFormatFaxCcittGroup32DimensionString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FAX "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
700FileSaveSubFormatFaxCcittGroup4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FAX "Ccitt Group 4" string.
701FileSaveSubFormatModcaCcittGroup31DimensionString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
702FileSaveSubFormatModcaCcittGroup32DimensionString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
703FileSaveSubFormatModcaCcittGroup4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ccitt Group 4" string.
704FileSaveSubFormatModcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Ibm Mmr" string.
705FileSaveSubFormatModcaUncompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Uncompressed" string.
706FileSaveSubFormatModcaAbicString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Abic" string.
707FileSaveSubFormatModcaJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Jpeg" string.
708FileSaveSubFormatModcaJpeg411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Jpeg 4:1:1" string.
709FileSaveSubFormatModcaJpeg422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MODCA "Jpeg 4:2:2" string.
710FileSaveSubFormatMrcLEADString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "LEAD Mrc" string.
711FileSaveSubFormatMrcString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format "Mrc" "" string.
712FileSaveSubFormatItgRleCompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ITG "Rle Compressed" string.
713FileSaveSubFormatItgCcittGroup4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ITG "Ccitt Group 4" string.
714FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaG31DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
715FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaG32DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
716FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaG4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ccitt Group 4" string.
717FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Ibm Mmr" string.
718FileSaveSubFormatRawIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAW IOCA "Uncompressed" string.
719FileSaveSubFormatWfxG31DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format WFX "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
720FileSaveSubFormatWfxG4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format WFX "Ccitt Group 4" string.
721FileSaveSubFormatSmpG31DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
722FileSaveSubFormatSmpG32DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
723FileSaveSubFormatSmpG4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Ccitt Group 4" string.
724FileSaveSubFormatSmpString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SMP "Uncompressed" string.
725FileSaveSubFormatExifString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Uncompressed Rgb" string.
726FileSaveSubFormatExifYccString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Uncompressed YCbCr" string.
727FileSaveSubFormatExifJpeg411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Jpeg 4:1:1" string.
728FileSaveSubFormatExifJpeg422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format EXIF "Jpeg 4:2:2" string.
729FileSaveSubFormatFpxString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Uncompressed" string.
730FileSaveSubFormatFpxSingleColorString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Single Color" string.
731FileSaveSubFormatFpxJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Jpeg Default qFactor" string.
732FileSaveSubFormatFpxJpegQFactorString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format FPX "Jpeg Specify qFactor" string.
733FileSaveSubFormatGifInterlacedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format GIF "Interlaced 89a" string.
734FileSaveSubFormatGifNonInterlacedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format GIF "Non-Interlaced 89a" string.
735FileSaveSubFormatOs2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format OS2 BMP "Version 1.0" string.
736FileSaveSubFormatOs22String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format OS2 BMP "Version 2.0" string.
737FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt" string.
738FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittGroup31DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
739FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittGroup32DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
740FileSaveSubFormatTifCcittGroup4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Ccitt Group 4" string.
741FileSaveSubFormatTifUncompressedRgbString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed Rgb" string.
742FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsRleRgbString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits(Rle)Rgb" string.
743FileSaveSubFormatTifLzwRgbString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw Rgb" string.
744FileSaveSubFormatTifJbigString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jbig" string.
745FileSaveSubFormatTifJbig2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jbig2" string.
746FileSaveSubFormatTifAbcString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "LEAD Abc" string.
747FileSaveSubFormatTifAbicString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Abic" string.
748FileSaveSubFormatTifString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed" string.
749FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits (Rle)" string.
750FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg (GRAY) YCbCr" string.
751FileSaveSubFormatTifLosslessJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lossless Jpeg" string.
752FileSaveSubFormatTifCmpString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Cmp" string.
753FileSaveSubFormatTifJ2kString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg 2000 Stream" string.
754FileSaveSubFormatTifCmwString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Wavelet Cmp" string.
755FileSaveSubFormatTifLzwString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw" string.
756FileSaveSubFormatTifCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed Cmyk" string.
757FileSaveSubFormatTifYccString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Uncompressed YCbCr" string.
758FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsRgbString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits Rgb" string.
759FileSaveSubFormatTifPackBitsCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits Cmyk" string.
760FileSaveSubFormatTifPackbitsYccString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Packbits YCbCr" string.
761FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg YCbCr 4:4:4" string.
762FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg YCbCr 4:2:2" string.
763FileSaveSubFormatTifJpeg411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg YCbCr 4:1:1" string.
764FileSaveSubFormatTifLzwCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw Cmyk" string.
765FileSaveSubFormatTTifLzwYccString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Lzw YCbCr" string.
766FileSaveSubFormatTifCmpProgressiveString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Progressive Cmp" string.
767FileSaveSubFormatTifLeadMrcString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "LEAD Mrc" string.
768FileSaveSubFormatTifMrcString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Mrc" string.
769FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegCmyk444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg Cmyk 4:4:4" string.
770FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegCmyk422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg Cmyk 4:2:2" string.
771FileSaveSubFormatTifJpegCmyk411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFF "Jpeg Cmyk 4:1:1" string.
772FileSaveSubFormatBmpString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format BMP "Uncompressed" string.
773FileSaveSubFormatBmpRleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format BMP "Rle Compressed" string.
774FileSaveSubFormatPpmAsciiString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPM "Ascii" string.
775FileSaveSubFormatPpmBinaryString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPM "Binary" string.
776FileSaveSubFormatTifxFaxG4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Ccitt G4" string.
777FileSaveSubFormatTifxFaxG31DString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Ccitt G3 1D" string.
778FileSaveSubFormatTifxFaxG32DString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Ccitt G3 2D" string.
779FileSaveSubFormatTifxJbigString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jbig" string.
780FileSaveSubFormatTifxJbigT43String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jbig T43" string.
781FileSaveSubFormatTifxJbigT43ItuLabString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jbig T43 ItuLab" string.
782FileSaveSubFormatTifxJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TIFFX "Jpeg" string.
783FileSaveSubFormatPgmAsciiString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PGM "Ascii" string.
784FileSaveSubFormatPgmBinaryString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PGM "Binary" string.
785FileSaveSubFormatPbmAsciiString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Ascii" string.
786FileSaveSubFormatPbmBinaryString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Binary" string.
787FileSaveSubFormatIffIlbmUncompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Cat Uncompressed" string.
788FileSaveSubFormatIffIlbmString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Cat Rle Compressed" string.
789FileSaveSubFormatIffCatUncompressedString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Uncompressed" string.
790FileSaveSubFormatIffCatString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PBM "Rle Compressed" string.
791FileSaveSubFormatSgiString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SGI "Uncompressed" string.
792FileSaveSubFormatSgiRleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format SGI "Rle Compressed" string.
793FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Uncompressed" string.
794FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfG31DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Ccitt Group 3 - 1 Dimension" string.
795FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfG32DimString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Ccitt Group 3 - 2 Dimension" string.
796FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfG4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Ccitt Group 4" string.
797FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfLzwString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Lzw Rgb" string.
798FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJbig2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jbig2" string.
799FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpegLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Lossless Jpeg" string.
800FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpeg444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg Yuv 4:4:4" string.
801FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpeg422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg Yuv 4:2:2" string.
802FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpeg411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg Yuv 4:1:1" string.
803FileSaveSubFormatPdfLeadMrcString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PDF "LEAD Mrc" string.
804FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Uncompressed CMYK" string.
805FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfLzwCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Lzw CMYK" string.
806FileSaveSubFormatRasPdfJpxString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS PDF "Jpeg 2000" string.
807FileSaveSubFormatJ2kString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format J2K "Jpeg 2000 Stream" string.
808FileSaveSubFormatJp2String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JP2 "JP2 File" string.
809FileSaveSubFormatJpxString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JPX "JPX File" string.
810FileSaveSubFormatTgaRleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TGA "Rle Compressed" string.
811FileSaveSubFormatTgaString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format TGA "Uncompressed" string.
812FileSaveSubFormatRasRleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS "Rle Compressed" string.
813FileSaveSubFormatRasString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format RAS "Uncompressed" string.
814FileSaveSubFormatXwd10String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XWD "Version 10" string.
815FileSaveSubFormatXwd11String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XWD "Version 11" string.
816FileSaveSubFormatHdpGrayString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format HDP "MS HDPhoto - Gray" string.
817FileSaveSubFormatHdpString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format HDP "MS HDPhoto - Rgb" string.
818FileSaveSubFormatHdpCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format HDP "MS HDPhoto - Cmyk" string.
819FileSaveSubFormatXpsString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Png" string.
820FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:0:0" string.
821FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpegLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Lossless" string.
822FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:4:4" string.
823FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:2:2" string.
824FileSaveSubFormatXpsJpeg411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format XPS "Jpeg Yuv 4:1:1" string.
825FileSaveSubFormatMngGrayString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "PNG Gray" string.
826FileSaveSubFormatMngString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "PNG" string.
827FileSaveSubFormatMngLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Lossless" string.
828FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:0:0" string.
829FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:4:4" string.
830FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVProgressive444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Progressive YUV 4:4:4" string.
831FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:1:1" string.
832FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVProgressive411String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Progressive YUV 4:1:1" string.
833FileSaveSubFormatMngYUV422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG YUV 4:2:2" string.
834FileSaveSubFormatMngYUVProgressive422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format MNG "JNG Progressive YUV 4:2:2" string.
835FileSaveSubFormatPptString ID for the String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPT "BMP" string.
836FileSaveSubFormatPptJpegString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPT "JPEG" string.
837FileSaveSubFormatPptPngString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format PPT "PNG" string.
838FileSaveSubFormatJxrString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR Black and White" string.
839FileSaveSubFormatJxrGrayString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR Gray" string.
840FileSaveSubFormatJxrRgbString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR RGB" string.
841FileSaveSubFormatJxr444String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR YUV 4:4:4" string.
842FileSaveSubFormatJxr422String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR YUV 4:2:2" string.
843FileSaveSubFormatJxr420String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR YUV 4:2:0" string.
844FileSaveSubFormatJxrJxrCmykString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JXR "JXR Cmyk" string.
845FileSaveSubFormatJlsLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Lossless" string.
846FileSaveSubFormatJlsNearLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Near Lossless" string.
847FileSaveSubFormatJlsNoneLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode None - Lossless" string.
848FileSaveSubFormatJlsNoneNearLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode None - Near Lossless" string.
849FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeLineLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Line - Lossless" string.
850FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeLineNearLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Line - Near Lossless" string.
851FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeSampleLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Sample - Lossless" string.
852FileSaveSubFormatJlsModeSampleNearLosslessString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format JLS "Interleave Mode Sample - Near Lossless" string.
853FileSaveSubFormatIngRleString ID for the String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR RLE" string.
854FileSaveSubFormatIngG4String ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR CCITT4" string.
855FileSaveSubFormatIngAdaptiveRleString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR Adaptive RLE" string.
856FileSaveSubFormatIngString ID for the File Save dialog sub-format ING "INGR Uncompressed" string.
857FileSaveFormatCmpString ID for the File Save dialog "LEAD (.cmp)" string.
858FileSaveFormatJpegString ID for the File Save dialog "Jpeg (.jpg)" string.
859FileSaveFormatCmwString ID for the File Save dialog "LEAD Wavelet (.cmw)" string.
860FileSaveFormatJ2kString ID for the File Save dialog "Jpeg 2000 (.j2k;.jp2;.jpx)" string.
861FileSaveFormatTifString ID for the File Save dialog "Tif (.tif)" string.
862FileSaveFormatGifString ID for the File Save dialog "CompuServe Gif (.gif)" string.
863FileSaveFormatPngString ID for the File Save dialog "Png (.png)" string.
864FileSaveFormatBmpString ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" string.
865FileSaveFormatAbcString ID for the File Save dialog "LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression (.abc)" string.
866FileSaveFormatAbicString ID for the File Save dialog "Adaptive bi-level image Compression (.abic)" string.
867FileSaveFormatAniString ID for the File Save dialog "Animated Cursor (.ani)" string.
868FileSaveFormatCalsString ID for the File Save dialog "Cals (.cal)" string.
869FileSaveFormatCinString ID for the File Save dialog "Cineon (.cin)" string.
870FileSaveFormatClpString ID for the File Save dialog "Clipboard (.clp)" string.
871FileSaveFormatWmzString ID for the File Save dialog "Compressed Windows Metafile (.wmz)" string.
872FileSaveFormatDicomGrayDicString ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Gray (.dic)" string.
873FileSaveFormatDicomColorDicString ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Color (.dic)" string.
874FileSaveFormatDicomGrayDcmString ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Gray (.dcm)" string.
875FileSaveFormatDicomColorDcmString ID for the File Save dialog "Dicom Color (.dcm)" string.
876FileSaveFormatCutString ID for the File Save dialog "Dr Halo (.cut)" string.
877FileSaveFormatEcwString ID for the File Save dialog "Ecw (.ecw)" string.
878FileSaveFormatEpsString ID for the File Save dialog "Eps (.eps)" string.
879FileSaveFormatExifString ID for the File Save dialog "Exif (.tif)" string.
880FileSaveFormatFaxG4String ID for the File Save dialog "Fax (Raw) (.fax)" string.
881FileSaveFormatFitString ID for the File Save dialog "Flexible Image Transport System (.fit)" string.
882FileSaveFormatFlcString ID for the File Save dialog "Flc (.flc)" string.
883FileSaveFormatFpxString ID for the File Save dialog "Fpx (.fpx)" string.
884FileSaveFormatImgString ID for the File Save dialog "Gem (.img)" string.
885FileSaveFormatGeoTiffString ID for the File Save dialog "GeoTiff (.tif)" string.
886FileSaveFormatIffIlbmString ID for the File Save dialog "Iff (.iff)" string.
887FileSaveFormatIntergraphRleString ID for the File Save dialog "Itg (.itg)" string.
888FileSaveFormatJbigString ID for the File Save dialog "Jbig (.jbg)" string.
889FileSaveFormatJbig2String ID for the File Save dialog "Jbig2 (.jb2)" string.
890FileSaveFormatMacString ID for the File Save dialog "MacPaint (.mac)" string.
891FileSaveFormatPctString ID for the File Save dialog "Mac PICT (.pct)" string.
892FileSaveFormatIcaG4String ID for the File Save dialog "Modca:Ioca (.ica)" string.
893FileSaveFormatMrcString ID for the File Save dialog "Mrc (.mrc)" string.
894FileSaveFormatMspString ID for the File Save dialog "MS Paint (.msp)" string.
895FileSaveFormatOs2String ID for the File Save dialog "OS/2 Bitmap (.bmp)" string.
896FileSaveFormatPbmAsciiString ID for the File Save dialog "Pbm (.pbm)" string.
897FileSaveFormatPcxString ID for the File Save dialog "Pcx (.pcx)" string.
898FileSaveFormatRasPdfString ID for the File Save dialog "Pdf (.pdf)" string.
899FileSaveFormatPgmAsciiString ID for the File Save dialog "Pgm (.pgm)" string.
900FileSaveFormatPpmAsciiString ID for the File Save dialog "Ppm (.ppm)" string.
901FileSaveFormatPsdString ID for the File Save dialog "Psd (.psd)" string.
902FileSaveFormatRawString ID for the File Save dialog "Raw data (.raw)" string.
903FileSaveFormatRawIcaG4String ID for the File Save dialog "Raw Ioca (.ica)" string.
904FileSaveFormatSctString ID for the File Save dialog "Scitex Continuous Tone Sct (.sct)" string.
905FileSaveFormatSgiString ID for the File Save dialog "Sgi (.sgi)" string.
906FileSaveFormatSffString ID for the File Save dialog "Structured Fax File (.sff)" string.
907FileSaveFormatRasString ID for the File Save dialog "Sun Raster (.ras)" string.
908FileSaveFormatTgaString ID for the File Save dialog "Tga (.tga)" string.
909FileSaveFormatTifxJpegString ID for the File Save dialog "Tifx (.tifx)" string.
910FileSaveFormatWinCurString ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Cursor (.cur)" string.
911FileSaveFormatEmfString ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Enhanced Metafile (.emf)" string.
912FileSaveFormatWinIcoString ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Icon (.ico)" string.
913FileSaveFormatWmfString ID for the File Save dialog "Windows Metafile (.wmf)" string.
914FileSaveFormatWfxG31DimString ID for the File Save dialog "WinFax (.wfx)" string.
915FileSaveFormatWbmpString ID for the File Save dialog "Wireless Bitmap (.wbmp)" string.
916FileSaveFormatWpgString ID for the File Save dialog "WordPerfect Graphic (.wpg)" string.
917FileSaveFormatXbmString ID for the File Save dialog "Xbm (.xbm)" string.
918FileSaveFormatSmpString ID for the File Save dialog "Xionics Smp (.smp)" string.
919FileSaveFormatXpmString ID for the File Save dialog "Xpm (.xpm)" string.
920FileSaveFormatXwd10String ID for the File Save dialog "Xwd (.xwd)" string.
921FileSaveFormatHdpString ID for the File Save dialog "MS HDPhoto (.hdp)" string.
922FileSaveFormatPngIcoString ID for the File Save dialog "Vista Png Icon (.ico)" string.
923FileSaveFormatXpsString ID for the File Save dialog "XPS Document (.xps)" string.
924FileSaveFormatMngString ID for the v "Multiple-image Network Graphics (.mng)" string.
925FileSaveFormatPptString ID for the File Save dialog "PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt)" string.
926FileSaveFormatJxrString ID for the File Save dialog "JPEG Extended Range (.jxr)" string.
927FileSaveFormatJlsString ID for the File Save dialog "JPEG LS (.jls)" string.
928FileSaveFormatIngString ID for the File Save dialog "INGR (.cit,.rle,.crl,.t29,.cot,.t27,.rgb)" string.
929FileOpenFormatX9fString ID for the File Save dialog "X9" string.
930FileInformationFormatX9fString ID for the File Information dialog "Image Cash Letter" string.
931FileInformationBytesString ID for the File Information dialog "bytes" string.
932FileInformationBigTiffString ID for the File Information dialog "Big TIFF" string.
933FileInformationBigTiffYesString ID for the File Information dialog Big TIFF "Yes" string.
934FileInformationBigTiffNoString ID for the File Information dialog Big TIFF "No" string.
935FileSaveFormatBigTiffString ID for the File Save dialog "BigTiff (*.tif)" string.
936FileInformationMessageCountString ID for the File Information dialog "Message Count" string.

Target Platforms

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Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File Assembly