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NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
IsPhysicianFamilyNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PhysicianFamilyNameColumn contains a null value.
IsPhysicianGivenNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PhysicianGivenNameColumn contains a null value.
IsPhysicianMiddleNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PhysicianMiddleNameColumn contains a null value.
IsPhysicianNamePrefixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PhysicianNamePrefixColumn contains a null value.
IsPhysicianNameSuffixNull Gets a value that indicates whether the PhysicianNameSuffixColumn contains a null value.
SetPhysicianFamilyNameNull Sets the value of the PhysicianFamilyNameColumn to a null value.
SetPhysicianGivenNameNull Sets the value of the PhysicianGivenNameColumn to a null value.
SetPhysicianMiddleNameNull Sets the value of the PhysicianMiddleNameColumn to a null value.
SetPhysicianNamePrefixNull Sets the value of the PhysicianNamePrefixColumn to a null value.
SetPhysicianNameSuffixNull Sets the value of the PhysicianNameSuffixColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
PhysicianFamilyName Gets or sets the Physician Family Name.
PhysicianGivenName Gets or sets the Physician Given Name.
PhysicianMiddleName Gets or sets the Physician Middle Name.
PhysicianNamePrefix Gets or sets the Physician Name Prefix.
PhysicianNameSuffix Gets or sets the Physician Name Suffix.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow
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