Changes from Version 12 to Version 12.1

Version 12.1 of the LEADTOOLS VCL has changed from version 12 as follows:

Essentially the changes are as follows:

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now supports J2K and JP2 JPEG 2000 file formats. (JPEG 2000 Plug In only).

image\sqrblit.gif The LEADTOOLS Annotation Control and Annotation Toolbar Control, formerly implemented in the LT12xxAN.BPL, have been replaced with a new LEADTOOLS Annotation Control, implemented in LT12xxNT.BPL. Many of the properties, methods and events in the LT12xxAN.BPL have either undergone a name change, or have been completely removed from LT12xxNT.BPL. For a comparison of the old and new properties, methods and events, see below:

Old property, method or event:

New property, method or event:

AnnLoad method

New AnnLoad method

AnnSave method

New AnnSave method

AnnSaveTag method

New AnnSaveTag method

CanCopy method

No corresponding new method or property.

CanCut method

No corresponding new method or property.

CanPaste method

AnnPasteReady property

CanUndo method

AnnUndoDepth property

Copy method

AnnCopy method

CreateToolbar method

CreateTB method

CurSelTool property

Tool property

Cut method

No corresponding new method or property.

DrawEnable property

AnnAutoDrawEnable property

IsCreated method

h_Wnd property

Load method (Annotation Control)

Load method (Main Control) and AnnLoad method (Annotation Control)

Lock method

AnnLock method

MenuEnable property

AnnAutoMenuEnable property

OnAnnDrawn event

New OnAnnDrawn event

OnTBChecked event

OnAnnToolChecked event

OnTBShow event

h_Wnd property

OnUserCloseTB event

h_Wnd property

Paste method

AnnPaste method

Print method

Render method (Main Control)

Realize method

AnnRealize method

SetTool method

Tool property

Show method

Visible property

ShowLockedIcon method

AnnShowLockedIcon property

Undo method

AnnUndo method

Unlock method

AnnUnlock method

Unrealize method

AnnUnrealize method

UserMode property

AnnUserMode property

VisibleButton property

ButtonVisible property

A full list of the current Annotation properties, methods and events, is provided at the end of this topic.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS DICOM VCL now supports several new classes, including:

Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State

Basic Voice Audio

12-Lead ECG

General ECG

Ambulatory ECG


Basic Cardiac EP

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS DICOM VCL now supports several new UIDs, including:

JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression Transfer Syntax

JPEG-LS Lossy (Near-Lossless) Image Compression Transfer Syntax

Ambulatory ECG Waveform Storage

Hemodynamic Waveform Storage

Cardiac Electrophysiology Waveform Storage

Basic Voice Audio Waveform Storage

Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS DICOM VCL now supports several new Modules, including:

Presentation series

Presentation state

Bitmap display shutter

Overlay curve activation

Displayed area

Graphic annotation

Spatial transformation

Graphic layer

Softcopy VOI LUT

Softcopy presentation LUT


Waveform identification


Waveform annotation

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL now provides a means of determining whether a loaded PNG file contains alpha channel information.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL now supports Magnifying Glass features that let you update the bitmap from another source during the procedure.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS also provides support for customizing the shape of the magnifying glass.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL now supports Annotation and Annotation Toolbar capabilities.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS VCL now lets you retrieve bitmap information based on a row value and a column value.

image\sqrblit.gif Optional PDF plug-in for PDF file format support (PDF, PS, and EPS) is now available.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now provides support for controlling the rasterizing of vector image files.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS can now convert between V4 and V5 DIBs.

image\sqrblit.gif DICOM now supports Structured IODs.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS can now convert from JPEG compressed DIBs.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS can now convert from RLE4 and RLE8 compressed DIBs.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now provides support for loading and saving PDF files.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now provides support for controlling the rasterizing of vector image files.

The rest of this section lists the new properties, methods and events included in version 12.1.

Annotation Control

AddItem method

AnnAddUndoNode method

AnnAutoDialogFontSize property

AnnAutoDrawEnable property

AnnAutomation property

AnnAutoMenuEnable property

AnnAutoResize property

AnnAutoRotate property

AnnContainer property

AnnCopy method

AnnCreate method

AnnDataPath property

AnnDefine method

AnnDestroy method

AnnEnumerate method

AnnFlip method

AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnGetAutoText method

AnnGetGrouping method

AnnGetHyperlinkParam method

AnnGetHyperlinkString method

AnnGetHyperlinkType method

AnnGetItemHandle method

AnnGetLocked method

AnnGetObjectFromTag method

AnnGetPointCount method

AnnGetPointX method

AnnGetPointY method

AnnGetSelectCount method

AnnGetSelectList method

AnnGetTag method

AnnGetType method

AnnGetVisible method

AnnGroup method

AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property

AnnInsert method

AnnLoad method

AnnLoadMemory method

AnnLock method

AnnMove method

AnnPaste method

AnnPasteReady property

AnnRealize method

AnnRectHeight property

AnnRectLeft property

AnnRectTop property

AnnRectWidth property

AnnReverse method

AnnRotate method

AnnSave method

AnnSaveMemory method

AnnSaveTag method

AnnShowLockedIcon property

AnnSetAutoDefaults method

AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnSetAutoText method

AnnSetGrouping method

AnnSetHyperlinkMsg method

AnnSetHyperlinkString method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnSetTag method

AnnSetUser method

AnnSetVisible method

AnnShowLockedIcon property

AnnTool property

AnnToolbar property

AnnUndo method

AnnUndoDepth property

AnnUndoEnable property

AnnUngroup method

AnnUnlock method

AnnUnrealize method

AnnUserMode property

AutoSetTool property

ButtonBitmapDown property

ButtonBitmapUp property

ButtonColumns property

ButtonCount property

ButtonMenuText property

ButtonMenuTextID property

ButtonMenuTool property

ButtonRows property

ButtonTool property

ButtonToolCount property

ButtonToolTipText property

ButtonToolTipTextID property

ButtonVisible property

Count property

CreateTB method

DeleteItem method

GetSubMenu method

h_Wnd property

ItemChecked property

ItemEnabled property

ItemID property

ItemString property

ItemType property

OnAnnChange event

OnAnnClicked event

OnAnnCreate event

OnAnnDestroy event

OnAnnDrawn event

OnAnnEnumerate event

OnAnnHyperlink event

OnAnnHyperlinkMenu event

OnAnnLocked event

OnAnnMenu event

OnAnnMouseDown event

OnAnnMouseMove event

OnAnnMouseUp event

OnAnnSelect event

OnAnnToolChecked event

OnAnnToolDestroy event

OnAnnUnlocked event

OnAnnUserMenu event

Point property

SetMousePos method

Tool property

Visible property

Bitmap Row

BitmapBytesPerLine property

BitmapOrder property

GetBitmapRow method

GetBitmapRowCol method

PutBitmapRow method

PutBitmapRowCol method

JPEG 2000 file format support

J2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property

J2KCBS_PredictableTermination property

J2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property

J2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property

J2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property

J2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property

J2KCodBlockHeight property

J2KCodBlockWidth property

J2KCompressionControl property

J2KCompressionRatio property

J2KDecompLevel property

J2KDerivedBaseExponent property

J2KDerivedBaseMantissa property

J2KDerivedBaseMantissa property

J2KGuardBits property

J2KProgressOrder property

J2KSetDefaults method

J2KTargetFileSize property

J2KUseColorTransform property

J2KUseEPHMarker property

J2KUseSOPMarker property

J2KXOsiz property

J2KXTOsiz property

J2KXTsiz property

J2KYOsiz property

J2KYTOsiz property

J2KYTsiz property

PDF file format support

PDFDisplayDepth property

PDFGraphicsAlpha property

PDFSaveUseDPI property

PDFTextAlpha property

PDFUseLibFonts property

PDFXResolution property

PDFYResolution property

Rasterizing vector files

RasterizeViewMode property

RasterizeViewportHeight property

RasterizeViewportWidth property

Magnifying Glass

MagGlassBitonalScaling property

MagGlassFlags property

MagGlassMask property

MagGlassMaskCount property

MagGlassPaintDither property

MagGlassPaintPalette property

MagGlassPaintScaling property

MagGlassPointer property

StartMagGlass method

StopMagGlass method

UpdateMagGlassShape method


InfoHasAlpha property

OnBitmapDataPathClosed event