ButtonMenuText property (TAnnMenu)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

char * ButtonMenuText [int iButtonIndex][int iToolIndex]

Delphi Syntax

ButtonMenuText [iButtonIndex: integer; iToolIndex: integer]: PChar


Refer to Annotation Toolbar


(Document/Medical only) String containing the menu text for the specified menu item of the specified button in the AnnToolbar object. For example, if ButtonMenuText [2,1] contains the string "Select", then when the user clicks the third button of the annotation toolbar (iButtonIndex is zero-based), a menu will be displayed. The second menu item will display the text Select.

This property is only valid if ButtonMenuTextID Property is -1.

The ButtonMenuXXX properties are only used for buttons that are associated with multiple tools.

See Also


AutoSetTool property, ButtonBitmapDown property, ButtonBitmapUp property, ButtonColumns property,ButtonCount property, ButtonMenuTextID property, ButtonMenuTool property, ButtonRows property, ButtonTool property, ButtonToolCount property, ButtonToolTipText property, ButtonToolTipTextID property, ButtonVisible property, CreateTB method, h_Wnd property, Tool property, Visible property


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Automation