AnnDestroy method (Annotation Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int AnnDestroy(LEADTyp::L_HANDLE hObject, int iFlags);

Delphi Syntax

Function AnnDestroy(hObject: L_HANDLE; iFlags: Integer): Integer;


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Deletes an annotation object and frees the memory that was used to store the object.


The user should not call this method during processing of the OnAnnCreate, OnAnnDestroy or OnAnnEnumerate events.

See Also


AnnCreate method, AnnDefine method, AnnGetVisible method, AnnInsert method, AnnSetAutoDefaults method, AnnSetSelected method, AnnSetVisible method, AnnCreateItem method, AnnCut method, AnnGetContainer method, AnnGetTopContainer method, AnnInsert method, AnnRemove method


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Implementing Automation


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Creating and Deleting Annotations


Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects