Annotations (Document/Medical only):
 Object Manipulation

Transforming annotations:

AnnAutoResize property

AnnAutoRotate property

AnnFlip method

AnnMove method

AnnRectHeight property

AnnRectLeft property

AnnRectTop property

AnnRectWidth property

AnnReverse method

AnnRotate method

Identifying annotations:

AnnGetObjectFromTag method

AnnGetTag method

AnnSetTag method

Enumerating annotations

AnnEnumerate method

OnAnnEnumerate event

Realizing annotations to a bitmap:

AnnRealize method

AnnUnrealize method

Creating an object

AnnCreate method

AnnCreateItem method

AnnDefine method

AnnSetTag method

Object characteristics

AnnAutoCursor property

AnnAutoHilightPen property

AnnGetVisible method

AnnInsert method

AnnSetAutoDefaults method

AnnSetSelected method

AnnSetVisible method

AnnGetAngle method

AnnGetAutoBackColor method

AnnGetBitmap method

AnnGetContainer method

AnnGetMetafile method

AnnGetNodes method

AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method

AnnGetProtractorOptions method

AnnGetROP2 method

AnnGetSecondaryBitmap method

AnnGetSelected method

AnnGetSelectRect method

AnnGetShowFlags method

AnnGetTopContainer method

AnnGetTransparent method

AnnGetTransparentColor method

AnnSelectPoint method

AnnSelectRect method

AnnSetAutoBackColor method

AnnSetBitmap method

AnnSetMetafile method

AnnSetNodes method

AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method

AnnSetProtractorOptions method

AnnSetROP2 method

AnnSetSecondaryBitmap method

AnnSetShowFlags method

AnnSetTransparent method

AnnSetTransparentColor method

AnnCut method

AnnRemove method

Grouping and ungrouping objects

AnnGetGrouping method

AnnGroup method

AnnSetGrouping method

AnnUngroup method

Destroying an object

AnnDestroy method

Moving the name of an annotation

AnnGetNameOffsetX method

AnnGetNameOffsetY method

AnnGetNameRestrict method

AnnNameBoundingRectHeight property

AnnNameBoundingRectLeft property

AnnNameBoundingRectTop property

AnnNameBoundingRectWidth property

AnnNameRectHeight property

AnnNameRectLeft property

AnnNameRectTop property

AnnNameRectWidth property

AnnSetNameOffsetX method

AnnSetNameOffsetY method

AnnSetNameRestrict method

Getting and Setting the Name Property

AnnGetNameOptions method

AnnSetNameOptions method