AnnSetProtractorOptions method (Annotation Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int AnnSetProtractorOptions(HANNOBJECT hObject, bool bAcute, int nUnit, AnsiString strAbbrev, int nPrecision, float fArcRadius, bool bSelected);

Delphi Syntax

Function AnnSetProtractorOptions(hObject: HANNOBJECT; bAcute: Boolean; nUnit: L_INT; strAbbrev: String; nPrecision: L_INT; fArcRadius: Single; bSelected: Boolean): L_INT;


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Sets various options for a Protractor object (ANNOBJECT_PROTRACTOR). To obtain or restore the default abbreviation for a unit of measurement, call the AnnSetProtractorOptions method and add ANNUNIT_DEF_ABBR [0x4000] to the unit value passed in nUnit.


This method can be called for Container objects, allowing Protractor objects within the container to be changed. The setting in bSelected determines which objects are changed.

See Also


AnnGetProtractorOptions method, AnnGetAngle method


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation


Altering Annotation Object Settings


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Getting and Setting the Protractor Properties