DlgFlags property (LEADDlgImgEffect Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

L_UINT32 DlgFlags

Delphi Syntax

DlgFlags: L_UINT32


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


General property used by all the Imaging Common Dialog methods. The options set in this property determine the layout and action of the dialog boxes. The options available for each method depend on and are listed with each method.

See Also


ShowMotionBlurDlg method, ShowRadialBlurDlg method, ShowZoomBlurDlg method, ShowGaussianBlurDlg method, ShowAntiAliasDlg method, ShowAverageDlg method, ShowMedianDlg method, ShowAddNoiseDlg method, ShowMaxFilterDlg method, ShowMinFilterDlg method, ShowSharpenDlg method, ShowShiftDifferenceFilterDlg method, ShowEmbossDlg method, ShowOilifyDlg method, ShowMosaicDlg method, ShowErosionFilterDlg method, ShowDilationFilterDlg method, ShowContourFilterDlg method, ShowGradientFilterDlg method, ShowLaplacianFilterDlg method, ShowSobelFilterDlg method, ShowPrewittFilterDlg method, ShowLineSegmentFilterDlg method, ShowUnsharpMaskDlg method, ShowMultiplyDlg method, ShowAddBitmapsDlg method, ShowStitchDlg method, ShowFreeHandWaveDlg method, ShowWindDlg method, ShowPolarDlg method, ShowZoomWaveDlg method, ShowRadialWaveDlg method, ShowSwirlDlg method, ShowWaveDlg method, ShowFreeHandShearDlg method, ShowPunchDlg method, ShowRippleDlg method, ShowBendingDlg method, ShowCylindricalDlg method, ShowSpherizeDlg method, ShowImpressionistDlg method, ShowPixelateDlg method, ShowEdgeDetectorDlg method, ShowUnderlayDlg method, ShowPicturizeDlg method.


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events