Selected Property (Device)

Indicates whether the device is currently selected.
public bool Selected { get; set; } 
Public Property Selected As Boolean 
property bool Selected { 
   bool get(); 
   void set (    bool ); 

Property Value

A value of true indicates that the device is currently selected. Otherwise, the value is false. Assignment could raise an error exception. For more information, refer to the ErrorCode.


Indicates whether the device is currently selected.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.MediaStreaming; 
public Server _server = null; 
public bool _result = false; 
public void PrintCaptureDevicesExample() 
      string strDevices = ""; 
      // create an instance of the server object 
      _server = new Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server(); 
      // retrieve a copy of the Live Streams 
      LiveStreams Streams = _server.GetLiveStreams(); 
      // create live stream just to enumerate the devices 
      LiveStream stream = Streams.CreateLiveStream(); 
      // print the capture devices to a string 
      strDevices += "--- Live Stream Devices---\n\n"; 
      //Get the Video Devices  
      Devices VideoDevices = stream.VideoDevices; 
      strDevices += string.Format("--- Video Devices (count = {0}) ---\n\n", VideoDevices.Count.ToString()); 
      // Print Video Devices 
      int nIndex = 0; 
      foreach (Device Device in VideoDevices) 
         strDevices += string.Format("Device[{0}]: FriendlyName = \"{1}\".\n", nIndex.ToString(), Device.FriendlyName); 
         strDevices += string.Format("Name =  \"{0}\".\n", nIndex.ToString(), Device.Name); 
         if (Device.Selected) 
            strDevices += "Selected = \"true\" \n"; 
            strDevices += "Selected = \"false\" \n"; 
      //Get the Audio Devices  
      Devices AudioDevices = stream.AudioDevices; 
      strDevices += string.Format("--- Audio Devices (count = {0}) ---\n\n", AudioDevices.ToString()); 
      // Print Audio Devices 
      nIndex = 0; 
      foreach (Device Device in AudioDevices) 
         strDevices += string.Format("Device[{0}]: FriendlyName = \"{1}\".\n", nIndex.ToString(), Device.FriendlyName); 
         strDevices += string.Format("Name =  \"{0}\".\n", nIndex.ToString(), Device.Name); 
         if (Device.Selected) 
            strDevices += "Selected = \"true\" \n"; 
            strDevices += "Selected = \"false\" \n"; 
      // display a message contains the Devices information string 
      MessageBox.Show(strDevices, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); 
      _result = true; 
   catch (Exception) 
      _result = false; 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.MediaStreaming 
Public _server As Server = Nothing 
Public _result As Boolean = False 
Public Sub PrintCaptureDevicesExample() 
      Dim strDevices As String = "" 
      ' create an instance of the server object 
      _server = New Leadtools.MediaStreaming.Server() 
      ' retrieve a copy of the Live Streams 
      Dim Streams As LiveStreams = _server.GetLiveStreams() 
      ' create live stream just to enumerate the devices 
      Dim stream As LiveStream = Streams.CreateLiveStream() 
      ' print the capture devices to a string 
      strDevices &= "--- Live Stream Devices---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf 
      'Get the Video Devices  
      Dim VideoDevices As Devices = stream.VideoDevices 
      strDevices &= String.Format("--- Video Devices (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, VideoDevices.Count.ToString()) 
      ' Print Video Devices 
      Dim nIndex As Integer = 0 
      For Each Device As Device In VideoDevices 
         strDevices &= String.Format("Device[{0}]: FriendlyName = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), Device.FriendlyName) 
         strDevices &= String.Format("Name =  ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), Device.Name) 
         If Device.Selected Then 
            strDevices &= "Selected = ""true"" " & Constants.vbLf 
            strDevices &= "Selected = ""false"" " & Constants.vbLf 
         End If 
         nIndex += 1 
      Next Device 
      'Get the Audio Devices  
      Dim AudioDevices As Devices = stream.AudioDevices 
      strDevices &= String.Format("--- Audio Devices (count = {0}) ---" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, AudioDevices.ToString()) 
      ' Print Audio Devices 
      nIndex = 0 
      For Each Device As Device In AudioDevices 
         strDevices &= String.Format("Device[{0}]: FriendlyName = ""{1}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), Device.FriendlyName) 
         strDevices &= String.Format("Name =  ""{0}""." & Constants.vbLf, nIndex.ToString(), Device.Name) 
         If Device.Selected Then 
            strDevices &= "Selected = ""true"" " & Constants.vbLf 
            strDevices &= "Selected = ""false"" " & Constants.vbLf 
         End If 
         nIndex += 1 
      Next Device 
      ' display a message contains the Devices information string 
      MessageBox.Show(strDevices, "LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Examples", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) 
      _result = True 
   Catch e1 As Exception 
      _result = False 
   End Try 
End Sub 

Target Platforms

See Also


Device Class

Device Members

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Leadtools.MediaStreaming Assembly

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