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Medical3DSlab Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by Medical3DSlab.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Medical3DSlab Initializes a new instance of the class Medical3DSlab with explicit parameters.

Public Methods

Name Description
Reset Resets the slab to the default values.
SetValues Copies the values from the specified slab into this instance.

Public Properties

Name Description
Enabled Enables or disables the slab feature.
X1 Gets or sets the first boundary of the slab on the x-axis.
X2 Gets or sets the second boundary of the slab on the x-axis.
Y1 Gets or sets the first boundary of the slab on the y-axis.
Y2 Gets or sets the second boundary of the slab on the y-axis.
Z1 Gets or sets the first boundary of the slab on the z-axis.
Z2 Gets or sets the second boundary of the slab on the z-axis.
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Leadtools.Medical3D Assembly