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DocumentFileInfo Class


The DocumentFileInfo class provides information for additional files generated by the Leadtools.Services.Forms.ServiceContracts.IOcrService.Recognize operation.


[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Forms.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="DocumentFileInfo")] 
public class DocumentFileInfo 
<DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Forms.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="DocumentFileInfo")> 
Public Class DocumentFileInfo  
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Forms.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="DocumentFileInfo")] 
public ref class DocumentFileInfo  


When DocumentConvertOptions.Format is set to OcrDocumentFormatType.Html32 or OcrDocumentFormatType.Html40, an additional directory will be generated. This directory will contain files necessary for the Html page:

  • Image Files

For example if the file name is "Test.Html" then a "Test_files" will be created. “Test_files” will contain the images files. The references to these files, by default will be named “Leadtools_Rename_This” in the html file. All of these references need to be renamed to match the generated files.


using Leadtools.Services; 
using Leadtools.Services.Forms.ServiceContracts; 
using Leadtools.Services.Forms.ServiceImplementations; 
//using Leadtools.Services.Forms.DataContractsExamples.localhost; 
private void Replace(string docFileName, string source, string destination) 
   // Open a file for reading 
   StreamReader streamReader; 
   streamReader = File.OpenText(docFileName); 
   // read the entire file into a string 
   string contents = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); 
   StreamWriter streamWriter = File.CreateText(docFileName); 
   streamWriter.Write(contents.Replace(source, destination)); 
public void DocumentFilesExample() 
   OcrServiceClient client = new OcrServiceClient(); 
   RawBinaryData sourceBinaryData = new RawBinaryData(); 
   sourceBinaryData.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "clean.tif")); 
   // set the document convertion options 
   DocumentConvertOptions convertOptions = new DocumentConvertOptions(); 
   convertOptions.Source = sourceBinaryData; 
   convertOptions.Destination = null; 
   convertOptions.Format = OcrDocumentFormatType.Html; 
   convertOptions.FirstPageNumber = 1; 
   convertOptions.LastPageNumber = 1; 
   DocumentFiles files = null; 
   RecognizeRequest request = new RecognizeRequest(); 
   request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions; 
   RecognizeResponse response = client.Recognize(request); 
   if (response.Destination != null) 
      string outFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "clean.html"); 
      if (response.Destination is RawBinaryData) 
         File.WriteAllBytes(outFileName, (response.Destination as RawBinaryData).Data); 
         if (response.Files != null) 
            Replace(outFileName, "Leadtools_Rename_This", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outFileName)); 
            string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(outFileName) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outFileName) + "_Dir"; 
            foreach (DocumentFileInfo info in files) 
               File.WriteAllBytes(directory + "\\" + info.FileName, info.FileData.Data); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; 
Imports Leadtools.Services 
Imports Leadtools.Services.Forms.ServiceContracts 
Imports Leadtools.Services.Forms.ServiceImplementations 
'using Leadtools.Services.Forms.DataContractsExamples.localhost; 
Private Sub Replace(ByVal docFileName As String, ByVal source As String, ByVal destination As String) 
   ' Open a file for reading 
   Dim streamReader As StreamReader 
   streamReader = File.OpenText(docFileName) 
   ' read the entire file into a string 
   Dim contents As String = streamReader.ReadToEnd() 
   Dim streamWriter As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(docFileName) 
   streamWriter.Write(contents.Replace(source, destination)) 
End Sub 
Public Sub DocumentFilesExample() 
   Dim client As OcrServiceClient = New OcrServiceClient() 
   Dim sourceBinaryData As RawBinaryData = New RawBinaryData() 
   sourceBinaryData.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "clean.tif")) 
   ' set the document convertion options 
   Dim convertOptions As DocumentConvertOptions = New DocumentConvertOptions() 
   convertOptions.Source = sourceBinaryData 
   convertOptions.Destination = Nothing 
   convertOptions.Format = OcrDocumentFormatType.Html 
   convertOptions.FirstPageNumber = 1 
   convertOptions.LastPageNumber = 1 
   Dim files As DocumentFiles = Nothing 
   Dim request As RecognizeRequest = New RecognizeRequest() 
   request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions 
   Dim response As RecognizeResponse = client.Recognize(request) 
   If Not response.Destination Is Nothing Then 
      Dim outFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "clean.html") 
      If TypeOf response.Destination Is RawBinaryData Then 
         File.WriteAllBytes(outFileName, (TryCast(response.Destination, RawBinaryData)).Data) 
         If Not response.Files Is Nothing Then 
            Replace(outFileName, "Leadtools_Rename_This", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outFileName)) 
            Dim directory As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(outFileName) & "\" & Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outFileName) & "_Dir" 
            For Each info As DocumentFileInfo In files 
               File.WriteAllBytes(directory & "\" & info.FileName, info.FileData.Data) 
            Next info 
         End If 
      End If 
   End If 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" 
End Class 


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