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Leadtools.Documents.Converters Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools Documents Converters classes, enumerations, and structures.

Class Description
DocumentConverter Supports conversion from any type of document to another using SVG, OCR and Raster technologies.
DocumentConverterDiagnostics Manages the diagnostics options of the document converter.
DocumentConverterJob Document converter job.
DocumentConverterJobEventArgs Data for the JobStarted, JobOperation andJobCompleted events.
DocumentConverterJobs Manages creating and running jobs in this document converter as well as job status events.
DocumentConverterOptions Manages the extra options to use with the document converter.
DocumentConverterPreprocessor Manages the pre-processing options of the document converter.
Structure Description
DocumentConverterJobData Data for a document converter job.
DocumentConverterJobError Contains information on an document converter job error
Enumeration Description
DocumentConverterAnnotationsMode Annotation conversion options.
DocumentConverterConversionModes Types of conversions that were used during the operation of this job.
DocumentConverterEmptyPageMode Controls how empty pages are treated during the conversion.
DocumentConverterJobErrorMode Controls how the engine handles errors that may occur during conversion.
DocumentConverterJobOperation Document converter operation.
DocumentConverterJobStatus Job status.
DocumentConverterSvgImagesRecognitionMode Determines how image elements inside SVG documents are treated during SVG conversion.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.Documents.Converters Assembly