typedef struct _OPENDLGFILEDATA 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_TCHAR szFileName [L_MAXPATH]; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pThumbnail; 
   pFILEINFO pFileInfo; 
   L_INT nPageNumber; 
   L_INT nPasses; 
   L_BOOL bLoadCompressed; 
   L_BOOL bLoadRotated ; 
   OPENDLGOPTIONS FileOptions ; 
   RASTERIZEDOCOPTIONS RasterizeDocOptions; 

The OPENDLGFILEDATA structure is allocated by the LDialogFile::DoModalOpen function based on the number of files selected when the user presses Open the open button. After the user presses Open the open button, this structure is updated with information about the user's selections.

Member Description
uStructSize Size of this structure, in bytes. Use the sizeof operator to calculate this value.
szFileName Character string containing the name of the file to open.
pBitmap Ignored.
pThumbnail Pointer to the bitmap handle to be filled with the file's thumbnail bitmap if DLG_OPEN_GENERATETHUMBNAIL is set in the uDlgFlags member of the OPENDLGPARAMS structure. You should free this pointer using the GlobalFree function only if you set the DLG_OPEN_GENERATETHUMBNAIL flag.
pFileInfo Pointer to a FILEINFO structure to be updated with information entered by the user through the dialog. You should free this pointer when it is no longer needed using the GlobalFree function.
nPageNumber Number of the page to load.
nPasses The number of passes (scans through the image) when loading or saving a progressive JPEG, LEAD CMP, or PNG files. (This value is also used when loading, but not when saving, interlaced PNG files.). Possible values when loading a progressive file:
  Any positive number Do the specified number of times.
  CALLBACK_ONCE Do only one pass at the end.
  CALLBACK_WHEN_MEANINGFUL Do only significant scans. (This is usually the best option).
  CALLBACK_ALWAYS Do the number of passes stored in the file.


bLoadCompressed Value that indicates the status of the Load Compressed Box and therefore whether to load the image in compressed form. If possible, load the file as a 1 bit RLE compressed image. For more information, refer to Speeding Up 1-Bit Documents.
bLoadRotated Value that indicates the status of the Load Rotated Box and whether you wish to load the image in a rotated state, if the image was saved with a rotated view perspective in the file. For more information, refer to LOADFILEOPTION.Flags Possible values are:
  Value Meaning
  TRUE The Load Rotated Box is checked and the image will be loaded in a rotated state.
  FALSE The Load Rotated Box is not checked and the image will not be loaded in a rotated state.
FileOptions An OPENDLGOPTIONS structure to be updated with information entered by the user through the dialog.
RasterizeDocOptions An RASTERIZEDOCOPTIONS structure to be updated with information entered by the user through the dialog.
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