InetReceiveSound2 event (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



void InetReceiveSound2 (short iComputer, short iFormatTag, short iChannels, long lSamplesPerSec, long lAvgBytesPerSec, short iBlockAlign, short iBitsPerSample, short iExtraDataSize, VARIANT pExtraData, VARIANT pData, long lDataSize);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


This event is triggered when wave data is received by iComputer. It is generated in response to a remote computer calling the InetSendSound2 method. The following parameters can be used to update the sound format:

iFormatTag, iChannels, lSamplesPerSec, AvgBytesPerSec, iBlockAlign, iBitsPerSample, iExtraDataSize, pExtraData. pData is the actual sound data that is received. Sound data can be sent to a remote computer by using the InetSendSound2 method.

Events occur in this order:

- InetReceiveStart is generated once.

- InetReceiveSound2 is generated when sound is completely received.

See Also


InetSendSound2 method, InetServerInit method, InetConnect method, InetAcceptConnect method, InetAccept event, InetReceiveStart event, InetError event


Working with Internet Functionality: Sending and Receiving Data