InetAcceptConnect method (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short InetAcceptConnect (short iServer);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


Accepts a requested connection from a remote computer, on the server specified by iServer.

This method should be called only in response to the InetAccept event.

Before connection events can be generated, the local computer must call InetServerInit to setup a port as a server.

After establishing a connection to a remote computer, you can then send data to the remote computer using the InetSendBitmap, InetSendDIB, InetSendSound and InetSendData methods. InetReceiveBitmap, InetReceiveData, InetReceiveSound and InetReceiveStart events indicate that data has been received from a remote computer.

The newly created connection is added to the end of the ConnectList property. ConnectList(ConnectListNum - 1) is the handle of the connection created if InetAcceptConnect is successful.

You can disconnect connected remote computers by using the InetDisconnect method.


Read the InetConnectedComputer property after calling this method to get the handle to the remote computer.

See Also


InetServerInit method, InetConnect method, InetSendBitmap method, InetSendDIB method, InetSendData method, InetReceiveBitmap event, InetReceiveData event, InetReceiveStart event, InetError event, InetDisconnect method, InetConnectedComputer property


Working with Internet Functionality: Network Connections