InetQueueSize property (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



long InetQueueSize (short iComputer);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


(Read Only) Returns the size of the internal queue used by the iComputer computer handle. If this property returns 0 for iComputer, then there is no data in the queue. If it returns a value between 1 and 0xFFFFFFFE, then it represents the number of bytes in the queue, not counting any LEADTOOLS headers. If this property return -1, then there is no data but the queue is not empty and consists only of LEADTOOLS' headers used for auto processing data sent and received over the connection.


Even if this property is 0, there is no guarantee that all bytes have been sent. A zero just means there is no data currently waiting to be sent.

See Also


InetClearQueue method, InetSendBitmap method, InetSendDIB method, InetSendData method, InetSendSound method


Working with Internet Functionality: Sending and Receiving Data