InetSendDIB method (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short InetSendDIB (long hDib, RasterFileConstants Format, short iBitsPerPixel, QFactorConstants Quality);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


Sends a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) to all the remote computers in the SendList and generates an InetReceiveBitmap event on the remote computer(s).

The DIB is first saved as a file in memory in the format specified by iFormat.

This means you can send files in any of the supported compressed or uncompressed formats.

Before you can send data to a remote computer, you must have an open connection.

You can open a connection in two ways:

1) Setup the local computer as a server and listen for connections using the InetServerInit method. When connection requests are received, open the connection using the InetAcceptConnect method.

2) Connect to an existing server using the InetConnect method.

See Also


InetServerInit method, InetConnect method, InetAcceptConnect method, InetAccept event, InetSendBitmap method, InetSendData method, InetReceiveBitmap event, InetReceiveData event, InetReceiveStart event, InetError event, SendList property, InetSendSound method, InetReceiveSound event


Working with Internet Functionality: Sending and Receiving Data