InetClearQueue method (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short InetClearQueue (short iComputer);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


You can use this method to abort data transfers. This method should be used with care because the remote end has no way of knowing that the send queue has been cleared.

If after using this method you send data using InetSendData, InetSendBitmap, InetSendSound, or InetSendDIB methods, then the remote end will be able to detect that new data is being sent and it will abort the previous download.

See Also


InetQueueSize property, InetSendBitmap method, InetSendDIB method, InetSendData method, InetSendSound method


Working with Internet Functionality: Sending and Receiving Data