Thanks again, Greg. I'm slowly making progress.
if I try to isntantiate the object of type ImageProcessing like the following:
Leadtools.ImageProcessing imgProc = new Leadtools.ImageProcessing()
and try to use imgProc, it doesn't allow me and no intellisense list is available. Are you sure i can instantiate the object of that type?
A couple of additional questions about the type Lead.Drawing.Image that was available in v13 and its methods, that I could not find an alternative equivalent to:
1. Image.GetGraphics()
2. Image.ReleaseGraphics()
3. Image.ToImage()
4. Lead.Drawing.bitmap.MakeTransparent()
Here's a line that i try to rewrite:
To imitate the transparency, according to the Help I tried to create a mask and use the
.CreateAlphaImage method like this:
Leadtools.IRasterImage alphaImage;
System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(bitmap.XResolution,
bitmap.AddRectangleToRegion(null, rectangle, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);
IRasterImage alphaImage = bitmap.CreateMaskFromRegion();
alphaImage = bitmap.CreateAlphaImage();
bitmap.AddMaskToRegion(null, alphaImage, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);
But it doesn't work, plus I'm not sure. where and what i can actually set to something similar to Maketransperant method and how I would pass White color into it. Please advise.
As always, thank you very much for your help and effort.