General Questions
Problem with Still Image Reader Filter
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Monday, August 14, 2006 12:39:08 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
Hi, Everybody
I'm trying to use Still Image Reader in my application, which's written entirely in C#/VS2005. It's created succesfullty by the default constructor, like this:
TStlImgRdClass stillIm = new LTStlImgRdClass();
But when I try to use it's properties, for example:
string str = stillIm.RegisteredExtensions;
the InvalidCastException is thrown. The exception message is here:
Unable to cast COM object of type 'LTStlImgRdLib.LTStlImgRdClass' to interface type 'LTStlImgRdLib.ILTStlImgRd'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{E2B7DD5B-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9}' failed due to the following error: Interface is not supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
Could you please tell me, how to solve the problem? Maybe, the filter is not registered? But I installed Lead Tools succesfully... And if it's so, how to register it correctly?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:39:57 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 1,326
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If you try to use it as follows, do you get the same exception?
LTStlImgRdLib.LTStlImgRdClass stillIm = new LTStlImgRdLib.LTStlImgRdClass();
string str = stillIm.RegisteredExtensions;
Please let me know how it goes.
Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
General Questions
Problem with Still Image Reader Filter
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