LEADTOOLS PDF (Leadtools.Pdf assembly)

PDFDocument Class

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Encapsulates a PDF document and allows reading the PDF pages, objects and images. * PDF Capability Required.
Object Model
public class PDFDocument 
Public Class PDFDocument 
Dim instance As PDFDocument


public ref class PDFDocument 

The PDFDocument class encapsulates a PDF document on disk and allows you to read the pages, objects and images from the document. The PDFDocument contains the following functionality:

To create a PDFDocument from a PDF file on disk, use the PDFDocument(string fileName) constructor passing the file name. If the document is encrypted with a password, then use the the PDFDocument(string fileName, string password) constructor which will automatically decrypt the document and read it. To find out if a document is encrypted and requires a password, use the static (Shared in Visual Basic) PDFFile.IsEncrypted method.

The PDFDocument class implements the System.IDisposable interface, it is recommended that you follow the standard .NET dispose pattern when using the PDFDocument class. For more information, refer to the System.IDisposable interface documentation in MSDN.

*NOTE: This class is only included as part of our Advanced PDF Plugin. If you receive a PDF Capability Required error, please check that your license supports this plugin before using these classes in an unlocked application.

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Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.Pdf
Imports Leadtools.WinForms

Public Sub PDFDocumentExample()
   Dim pdfFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "LEAD.pdf")

   ' Create a PDF document for file
   Using document As New PDFDocument(pdfFileName)

      ' Show the file type and properties
      Console.WriteLine("File type is : {0}", document.FileType)
      Console.WriteLine("Contains : {0} pages", document.Pages.Count)
      For Each page As PDFDocumentPage In document.Pages
         Console.WriteLine("Page: {0}, size: {1} by {2} ({3} by {4} inches)", page.PageNumber, page.Width, page.Height, page.WidthInches, page.HeightInches)

      Dim props As PDFDocumentProperties = document.DocumentProperties
      Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", props.Title)
      Console.WriteLine("Author: {0}", props.Author)
      Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}", props.Subject)
      Console.WriteLine("Keywords: {0}", props.Keywords)
      Console.WriteLine("Creator: {0}", props.Creator)
      Console.WriteLine("Producer: {0}", props.Producer)
      Console.WriteLine("Created: {0}", props.Created)
      Console.WriteLine("Modified: {0}", props.Modified)
   End Using
End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Pdf;
using Leadtools.WinForms;

public void PDFDocumentExample()
   string pdfFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, @"LEAD.pdf");

   // Create a PDF document for file
   using(PDFDocument document = new PDFDocument(pdfFileName))

      // Show the file type and properties
      Console.WriteLine("File type is : {0}", document.FileType);
      Console.WriteLine("Contains : {0} pages", document.Pages.Count);
      foreach(PDFDocumentPage page in document.Pages)
         Console.WriteLine("Page: {0}, size: {1} by {2} ({3} by {4} inches)", page.PageNumber, page.Width, page.Height, page.WidthInches, page.HeightInches);

      PDFDocumentProperties props = document.DocumentProperties;
      Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}", props.Title);
      Console.WriteLine("Author: {0}", props.Author);
      Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}", props.Subject);
      Console.WriteLine("Keywords: {0}", props.Keywords);
      Console.WriteLine("Creator: {0}", props.Creator);
      Console.WriteLine("Producer: {0}", props.Producer);
      Console.WriteLine("Created: {0}", props.Created);
      Console.WriteLine("Modified: {0}", props.Modified);

static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";

Target Platforms

See Also


PDFDocument Members
Leadtools.Pdf Namespace
PDFFile Class
PDFDocumentPage Class
PDFObject Structure
Programming with LEADTOOLS PDF



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