LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.Multimedia assembly)

CaptureDlg Enumeration

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Values that define helper and property dialog boxes available in the CaptureCtrl object.
Public Enum CaptureDlg 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As CaptureDlg
public enum class CaptureDlg : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000000VideoFormatSpecifies the Video for Windows video format dialog box for legacy capture devices.
0x00000001VideoSourceSpecifies the Video for Windows video source dialog box for legacy capture devices.
0x00000002VideoDisplaySpecifies the Video for Windows video display dialog box for legacy devices.
0x00000003AudioFormatSpecifies the legacy audio format dialog box.
0x00000004VideoCaptureFilterSpecifies the property pages for the video device filter.
0x00000005AudioCaptureFilterSpecifies the property pages for the audio device filter.
0x00000006VideoCapturePinSpecifies the property pages for the video capture pin.
0x00000007AudioCapturePinSpecifies the property pages for the audio capture pin.
0x00000008VideoPreviewPinSpecifies the property pages for the video preview pin.
0x00000009AudioPreviewPinSpecifies the property pages for the audio preview pin.
0x0000000ATVTunerSpecifies the property pages for the TV tuner.
0x0000000BTVAudioSpecifies the property pages for the TV audio controls.
0x0000000CVideoCrossbarSpecifies the property pages for the video crossbar.
0x0000000DAudioCrossbarSpecifies the property pages for the audio or secondary crossbar.
0x0000000EVideoCompressorSpecifies the property pages for the currently selected video compressor.
0x0000000FAudioCompressorSpecifies the property pages for the currently selected audio compressor.
0x00000010CaptureSpecifies the combined property pages for the selected capture devices.
0x00000011TVSpecifies the property pages for TV control.
0x00000012PreviewSpecifies the combined property pages affecting preview.
0x00000013AudioProcessorsSpecifies the audio processor selection dialog box.
0x00000014VideoProcessorsSpecifies the video processor selection dialog box.
0x00000015TargetFormatSpecifies the properties dialog box for the assigned target format.
0x00000016VideoRendererSpecifies the properties dialog box for the preview video renderer.
0x00000017AudioRendererSpecifies the properties dialog box for the preview audio renderer.
0x00000018VideoDecompressorSpecifies the property pages for the video decompressor.
0x00000019AudioDecompressorSpecifies the property pages for the audio decompressor.
0x0000001ASplitterSpecifies the property pages for the splitter filter.
0x0000001BPreviewAudioProcessorsSpecifies the property pages for the preview audio processors dialog box.
0x0000001CPreviewVideoProcessorsSpecifies the property pages for the preview video processors dialog box.
0x00000100SelAudioProcessorSpecifies the first selected audio processor's properties dialog box.
0x00000200SelVideoProcessorSpecifies the first selected video processor's properties dialog box.
0x00000300PrevAudioProcessorSpecifies the first selected preview audio processor's properties dialog box.
0x00000400PrevVideoProcessorSpecifies the first selected preview video processor's properties dialog box.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace



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Leadtools.Multimedia requires a Multimedia or Multimedia Suite license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features