LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

RasterRegion Class

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Describes a region of interest in a RasterImage object.
Object Model
public class RasterRegion : System.IDisposable  
Public Class RasterRegion 
   Implements System.IDisposable 
Dim instance As RasterRegion
@interface LTRasterRegion : NSObject
public class RasterRegion
function Leadtools.RasterRegion()
public ref class RasterRegion : public System.IDisposable  

The RasterImage object contains a region of interest value that can be used to limit the portion available for updating when using the image processing command. The region can be set using a geometric shape such as RasterImage.AddRectangleToRegion and RasterImage.AddEllipseToRegion or with image data attributes such as RasterImage.AddColorToRegion and RasterImage.AddMaskToRegion.

At any point, you can get a copy of the region inside a RasterImage object using the RasterImage.GetRegion method and update the region inside an image using the RasterImage.SetRegion method.

The RasterRegion class provides a platform independent representation of a region of interest in an image that can be used in any platform supported by LEADTOOLS such as GDI, GDI+, WPF and Silverlight.

To convert a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion object to/from a device dependent region, you can use the following helper classes:

The RasterRegion class implements the System.IDisposable interface, so you must call System.IDisposable.Dispose on any region objects you create after using it.

For more information, refer to Creating a Region.

For more information, refer to Saving A Region.

For more information, refer to Working with the Existing Region.

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing

Public Sub RasterRegionExample()
   Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()

   Dim srcFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp")
   Dim destFileName1 As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1_WithRegion1.bmp")
   Dim destFileName2 As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1_WithRegion2.bmp")

   ' Load the source image
   Using image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(srcFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1)
      ' Create a new rectangular RasterRegion
      Using region As New RasterRegion(New LeadRect(20, 30, 100, 200))
         ' Show this region properties
         Console.WriteLine("IsEmpty: {0}\nBounds: {1}", region.IsEmpty, region.GetBounds())

         ' Set it into the image
         image.SetRegion(Nothing, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set)

         ' Fill the image with a color and save it to disk to show the region
         Dim cmd As New FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Yellow))

         codecs.Save(image, destFileName1, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24)

         ' Clear this region

         ' Show its properties
         Console.WriteLine("IsEmpty: {0}\nBounds: {1}", region.IsEmpty, region.GetBounds())

         ' Set it into the image and fill again with red, notice
         ' that this will fill the whole image since
         ' the region is now empty
         image.SetRegion(Nothing, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set)

         cmd = New FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Red))

         codecs.Save(image, destFileName2, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24)
      End Using
   End Using

End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;

public void RasterRegionExample()
   string srcFileName = Path.Combine(ImagesPath.Path, "Image1.cmp");
   string destFileName1 = Path.Combine(ImagesPath.Path, "Image1_WithRegion1.bmp");
   string destFileName2 = Path.Combine(ImagesPath.Path, "Image1_WithRegion2.bmp");
   using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
      // Load the source image
      using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(srcFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1))
         // Create a new rectangular RasterRegion
         using (RasterRegion region = new RasterRegion(new LeadRect(20, 30, 100, 200)))
            // Show this region properties
            Console.WriteLine("IsEmpty: {0}\nBounds: {1}", region.IsEmpty, region.GetBounds());

            // Set it into the image
            image.SetRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);

            // Fill the image with a color and save it to disk to show the region
            FillCommand cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Yellow));

            codecs.Save(image, destFileName1, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);

            // Clear this region

            // Show its properties
            Console.WriteLine("IsEmpty: {0}\nBounds: {1}", region.IsEmpty, region.GetBounds());

            // Set it into the image and fill again with red, notice
            // that this will fill the whole image since
            // the region is now empty
            image.SetRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);

            cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Red));

            codecs.Save(image, destFileName2, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);
RasterRegionExamples.prototype.RasterRegionExample = function () {
    with (Leadtools) {
        with (Leadtools.Codecs) {
            var codecs = new RasterCodecs();

            var srcFileName = "Assets\\Image1.cmp";
            var destFileName1 = "Image1_WithRegion1.bmp";
            var destFileName2 = "Image1_WithRegion2.bmp";
            var image;
            var region;
            // Load the source image
            return Tools.AppInstallFolder().getFileAsync(srcFileName).then(function (loadFile) {
                return codecs.loadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.create(loadFile), 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.bgr, 1, 1)
                .then(function (img) {
                    image = img;

                    // Create a new rectangular RasterRegion
                    region = new RasterRegion(LeadRectHelper.create(20, 30, 100, 200));

                    // Show this region properties
                    console.info("IsEmpty: " + region.isEmpty + "\nBounds: " + LeadRectHelper.getStringDescription(region.getBounds()));

                    // Set it into the image
                    image.setRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.set);

                    // Fill the image with a color and save it to disk to show the region
                    var cmd = new Leadtools.ImageProcessing.FillCommand(RasterColorHelper.fromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.yellow));

                    return Tools.AppLocalFolder().createFileAsync(destFileName1)
                    .then(function (saveFile) {
                        var saveStream = LeadStreamFactory.create(saveFile);
                        return codecs.saveAsync(image, saveStream, RasterImageFormat.bmp, 0)
                            .then(function () {

                                // Clear this region

                                // Show its properties
                                console.info("IsEmpty: " + region.IsEmpty + "\nBounds: ", LeadRectHelper.getStringDescription(region.getBounds()));

                                // Set it into the image and fill again with red, notice
                                // that this will fill the whole image since
                                // the region is now empty
                                image.setRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.set);

                                cmd = new Leadtools.ImageProcessing.FillCommand(RasterColorHelper.fromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.red));

                                return Tools.AppLocalFolder().createFileAsync(destFileName2)
                            .then(function (saveFile) {
                                var saveStream = LeadStreamFactory.create(saveFile);
                                return codecs.saveAsync(image, saveStream, RasterImageFormat.bmp, 0)
                            .then(function () {
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;

public async Task RasterRegionExample()
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
   string srcFileName = @"Assets\Image1.cmp";
   string destFileName1 = "Image1_WithRegion1.bmp";
   string destFileName2 = "Image1_WithRegion2.bmp";

   // Load the source image
   StorageFile loadFile = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(srcFileName);
   using (RasterImage image = await codecs.LoadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(loadFile), 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.Bgr, 1, 1))
      // Create a new rectangular RasterRegion
      using(RasterRegion region = new RasterRegion(LeadRectHelper.Create(20, 30, 100, 200)))
         // Show this region properties
         Debug.WriteLine("IsEmpty: {0}\nBounds: {1}", region.IsEmpty, LeadRectHelper.GetStringDescription(region.GetBounds()));

         // Set it into the image
         image.SetRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);

         // Fill the image with a color and save it to disk to show the region
         FillCommand cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColorHelper.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Yellow));

         StorageFile saveFile = await Tools.AppLocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(destFileName1);
         ILeadStream saveStream = LeadStreamFactory.Create(saveFile);
         await codecs.SaveAsync(image, saveStream, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 0);

         // Clear this region

         // Show its properties
         Debug.WriteLine("IsEmpty: {0}\nBounds: {1}", region.IsEmpty, LeadRectHelper.GetStringDescription(region.GetBounds()));

         // Set it into the image and fill again with red, notice
         // that this will fill the whole image since
         // the region is now empty
         image.SetRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);

         cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColorHelper.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Red));

         saveFile = await Tools.AppLocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(destFileName2);
         saveStream = LeadStreamFactory.Create(saveFile);
         await codecs.SaveAsync(image, saveStream, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 0);


Target Platforms

See Also


RasterRegion Members
Leadtools Namespace



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