LEADTOOLS Annotations (Leadtools.Annotations assembly)

AnnCurveObject Class

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Defines an annotation curve object.
Object Model

The curve object is a spline curve that contains a collection of AnnPoint points, a Tension value and an AnnPen pen. For more information about the curve annotation object refer to AnnCurveObject. For more information about the automated curve annotation object, refer to Annotation Objects - Automated Features.

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Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Annotations
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.WinForms

Private Sub AnnCurveObject_AnnCurveObject(ByVal container As AnnContainer)
   Dim curve As AnnCurveObject = New AnnCurveObject()
   curve.Points.Add(New AnnPoint(100, 100, AnnUnit.Pixel))
   curve.Points.Add(New AnnPoint(200, 100, AnnUnit.Pixel))
   curve.Points.Add(New AnnPoint(200, 200, AnnUnit.Pixel))
   curve.Points.Add(New AnnPoint(100, 300, AnnUnit.Pixel))
   curve.Pen = New AnnPen(Color.Red, New AnnLength(1, AnnUnit.Pixel))
   curve.Tension = 1
End Sub
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.WinForms;

private void AnnCurveObject_AnnCurveObject(AnnContainer container)
   AnnCurveObject curve = new AnnCurveObject();
   curve.Points.Add(new AnnPoint(100, 100, AnnUnit.Pixel));
   curve.Points.Add(new AnnPoint(200, 100, AnnUnit.Pixel));
   curve.Points.Add(new AnnPoint(200, 200, AnnUnit.Pixel));
   curve.Points.Add(new AnnPoint(100, 300, AnnUnit.Pixel));
   curve.Pen = new AnnPen(Color.Red, new AnnLength(1, AnnUnit.Pixel));
   curve.Tension = 1;

Target Platforms

See Also


AnnCurveObject Members
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace



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