LEADTOOLS Annotations (Leadtools.Annotations assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Annotations Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of interfaces, enumerations, structures, and classes.
ClassAnnAfterObjectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.AfterObjectChanged event.
ClassAnnAudioObject Defines an audio annotation object.
ClassAnnAudioRunDesigner This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnAudioObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnAutomation Manages the automation for an annotation container and a an automation control such as the LEADTOOLS Leadtools.WinForms.RasterImageViewer control.
ClassAnnAutomationManager Manages the automation mode for an annotation application.
ClassAnnAutomationObject Defines all the properties needed to automate an annotation object.
ClassAnnBeforeObjectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.BeforeObjectChanged event.
ClassAnnBrush Classes derived from this abstract base class define objects used to fill the interiors of annotation objects like rectangles, ellipses, polygons, etc.
ClassAnnButtonObject Defines an annotation push button object.
ClassAnnButtonRunDesigner This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnButtonObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnClosedCurveObject Defines a closed annotation curve object.
ClassAnnCodecs Provides support for loading and saving objects to annotation files.
ClassAnnCodecsInformation Provides information on an annotation file or stream.
ClassAnnCodecsInvalidFormatException The exception that is thrown for an invalid Annotation file format.
ClassAnnContainer Represents an Annotation container.
ClassAnnControlPoint Represents the shape of a control point (handle) used by the AnnEditDesigner.
ClassAnnCrossProductDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnCrossProductObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnCrossProductEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnCrossProductObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnCrossProductObject Defines an annotation cross product object.
ClassAnnCurveObject Defines an annotation curve object.
ClassAnnDesigner The base class for all the designers in the annotation toolkit.
ClassAnnDottedEllipseControlPoint Represents an ellipse-shaped AnnControlPoint with a dot in the center.
ClassAnnDrawable This is the base class for all annotation objects used in the Annotations class library.
ClassAnnDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDesigner class to provide standard functionality for drawing Annotation objects on an annotation container.
ClassAnnDrawDesignerEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawDesigner.Draw event.
ClassAnnEditDesigner This class extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for editing Annotation objects on an annotation container.
ClassAnnEditDesignerEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner.Edit event.
ClassAnnEllipseControlPoint Represents an ellipse shaped AnnControlPoint.
ClassAnnEllipseObject Defines an annotation ellipse object.
ClassAnnEncryptObject Defines an annotation encrypt object.
ClassAnnFont Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes using to draw annotation strings.
ClassAnnFreehandDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing a freehand AnnPolylineObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnFreehandHotspotObject Defines an annotation freehand hot spot object.
ClassAnnGroupEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnGroupObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnGroupObject This class provides support for creating and managing annotation group objects.
ClassAnnHatchBrush Defines an annotation brush with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color.
ClassAnnHiliteObject Defines an annotation hilite object.
ClassAnnHotspotObject Defines an annotation hot spot object.
ClassAnnImageObject Defines an annotation image object.
ClassAnnLinearGradientBrush Encapsulates an annotation brush object with a linear gradient.
ClassAnnLineDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnLineObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnLineEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnLineObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnLineObject Defines an annotation line object.
ClassAnnNewGroupEditDesigner This class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnGroupObject on an annotation container. This class has improved rotate functionality over the AnnGroupEditDesigner.
ClassAnnNoteObject The note annotation object.
ClassAnnObject This is the base class for all annotation objects.
ClassAnnPaintEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnContainer.BeforeDrawingObjects and Leadtools.Annotations.AnnContainer.AfterDrawingObjects events.
ClassAnnPen Defines an object used to draw lines and curves for Annotation objects.
ClassAnnPicture Defines an annotation picture along with its transparency information.
ClassAnnPointDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnPointObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnPointEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnPointObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnPointerObject Defines an annotation pointer object.
ClassAnnPointObject Defines an annotation point object.
ClassAnnPolygonObject Defines an annotation polygon object.
ClassAnnPolylineDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnPolylineObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnPolylineEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnPolylineObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnPolylineObject Defines an annotation polyline object.
ClassAnnPolyRulerObject Defines an annotation polyruler object.
ClassAnnPrinter Supports printing of an Leadtools.RasterImage and a AnnContainer.
ClassAnnProtractorDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnProtractorObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnProtractorEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnProtractorObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnProtractorObject Defines an annotation protractor object.
ClassAnnRectangleControlPoint Represents a rectangular AnnControlPoint.
ClassAnnRectangleDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnRectangleObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnRectangleEditDesigner This class extends AnnEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnRectangleObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnRectangleObject Defines an annotation rectangle object.
ClassAnnRedactionObject Defines an annotation redaction object.
ClassAnnRichTextDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnRichTextObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnRichTextEditDesigner This class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnRichTextObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnRichTextObject This class provides support for creating and managing Rich Text annotation objects
ClassAnnRubberStampObject Defines an annotation stamp object.
ClassAnnRulerObject This class provides support for creating and managing Ruler annotation objects.
ClassAnnRunDesigner This class extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for running Annotation objects on an annotation container.
ClassAnnRunDesignerEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRunDesigner.Run event.
ClassAnnSnapToGridOptions Options for annotation snap to grid behavior in annotation automation design mode.
ClassAnnSolidBrush Defines an annotation brush of a single color.
ClassAnnStampObject Defines an annotation stamp object.
ClassAnnTextDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnTextObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnTextEditDesigner This class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnTextObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnTextObject This class provides support for creating and managing Text annotation objects
ClassAnnTextPointerDrawDesigner This class extends the AnnRectangleDrawDesigner class to provide functionality for drawing an AnnTextPointerObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnTextPointerEditDesigner This class extends AnnRectangleEditDesigner to provide functionality for editing an AnnTextPointerObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnTextPointerObject This class provides support for creating and managing text pointer objects.
ClassAnnTextRollupObject This class provides support for creating and managing text rollup annotation objects.
ClassAnnTextRollupRunDesigner This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnTextRollupObject on an annotation container.
ClassAnnTransformer The AnnTransformer class is an Annotation support class which provides functionality for converting annotation points, rectangles, lengths, etc. from one coordinate system to another.
ClassAnnUnitConverter The AnnUnitConverter class contains methods and properties for converting between different units of measurement.
ClassAnnVideoObject Defines a video annotation object.
ClassAnnVideoRunDesigner This class extends AnnRunDesigner to provide functionality for running an AnnVideoObject on an annotation container.
InterfaceIAnnAutomationControl Support for user controls with the LEADTOOLS Annotation Automation.
InterfaceIAnnPictureObject Supports standard picture properties used by annotation objects from classes that implement this interface.
InterfaceIAnnPrimarySecondaryPictureObject Supports standard primary and secondary picture properties used by annotation objects from classes that implement this interface.
InterfaceIAnnProtractorObject Supports standard protractor properties used by annotation objects from classes that implement this interface.
InterfaceIAnnRulerObject Supports standard ruler properties used by annotation objects from classes that implement this interface.
InterfaceIAnnTextObject Supports standard text properties used by annotation objects that implement this interface.
StructureAnnLength A single-precision floating point number that represents a length.
StructureAnnPoint Represents an ordered pair of float x- and y- coordinates and a unit of measurement that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
StructureAnnRectangle Stores a set of four floating-point numbers and a unit of measure that represents the location and size of a rectangle.
StructureAnnSize Stores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers and a unit of measurement, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
EnumerationAnnAngularUnit Represents the unit of measurement to be used for angles.
EnumerationAnnAutomationHidePropertiesTabs Flags that correspond to the property pages that can be displayed or hidden when displaying the annotation properties dialog through automation.
EnumerationAnnCodecsFormat Represents supported annotation file formats.
EnumerationAnnCodecsSavePageMode Indicates which operation to perform when saving multi-page annotation files.
EnumerationAnnCodecsTagFormat Supported annotation tag formats.
EnumerationAnnDesignerOperationStatus Indicates the status of the current AnnDesigner object.
EnumerationAnnEditDesignerOperation Indicates the current AnnEditDesigner operation.
EnumerationAnnFixedStateOperations Indicates the type of fixed width and font size state of the annotation object.
EnumerationAnnGetGraphicsPathMode Indicates which type of graphics path to return. Used with the AnnObject.GetGraphicsPath method.
EnumerationAnnObjectChangedType Indicates the type of change to the AnnObject
EnumerationAnnPictureTransparentMode Specifies how to treat the transparent color of an AnnPicture
EnumerationAnnRubberStampType Represents the types of rubber stamps available for the AnnRubberStampObject annotation object.
EnumerationAnnTextRotate Indicates how much the IAnnTextObject with.
EnumerationAnnTransformObjectMode Used with AnnObject.TransformObjectMode to determine how to transform the object when any of the object transformation methods (AnnObject.Translate, AnnObject.Rotate and AnnObject.Scale) is called.
EnumerationAnnTransformObjectOperation Used with AnnObject.GetTransformPoints and AnnObject.SetTransformPoints methods to determine what transformation operation is to be performed on the points.
EnumerationAnnUnit Represents the unit of measurement for lengths and positions.
EnumerationAnnUserMode Specifies the user mode for all objects in this container. Design mode is for creating objects; run mode is for viewing them.
See Also


Leadtools.Annotations Assembly



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