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RasterDialogStringsId Enumeration
See Also  
Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File Namespace : RasterDialogStringsId Enumeration

Indicates the dialog string ID.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum RasterDialogStringsId 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements IComparableIConvertibleIFormattable 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RasterDialogStringsId
public enum RasterDialogStringsId : System.Enum, IComparableIConvertibleIFormattable  
public enum class RasterDialogStringsId : public System.Enum, IComparableIConvertibleIFormattable  


FileInformationArtistString ID for the File Information dialog "Artist" string.
FileInformationBitsPerPixelString ID for the File Information dialog "Bits per pixel" string.
FileInformationCaptionString ID for the File Information dialog "File Information" caption string.
FileInformationCloseString ID for the File Information dialog "Close" string.
FileInformationCompressionString ID for the File Information dialog "Compression" string.
FileInformationCopyrightString ID for the File Information dialog "Copyright" string.
FileInformationDateTimeString ID for the File Information dialog "Date/Time" string.
FileInformationDescriptionString ID for the File Information dialog "Description" string.
FileInformationDisclaimerString ID for the File Information dialog "Disclaimer" string.
FileInformationDocumentUnitInchString ID for the File Information dialog "inches" string.
FileInformationDocumentUnitMillimeterString ID for the File Information dialog "millimeters" string.
FileInformationDocumentUnitPixelString ID for the File Information dialog "pixels" string.
FileInformationFormatString ID for the File Information dialog "Format" string.
FileInformationFormatAbcString ID for the File Information dialog "ABC(abc)." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp)." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 1 Dimensional." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group3 2 Dimensional." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Group4." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Mmr Compressed." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Afp Format(Afp(Ioca Uncompressed." string.
FileInformationFormatAfpIm1String ID for the File Information dialog "IM1-AFP Advanced Function Presentation" string.
FileInformationFormatAniString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Animated Cursor(ANI)." string.
FileInformationFormatAnzString ID for the File Information dialog "Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5" string.
FileInformationFormatAwdString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Fax(awd)." string.
FileInformationFormatBmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)." string.
FileInformationFormatBmpRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Bitmap(BMP)(With Rle)." string.
FileInformationFormatCalsString ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 1)." string.
FileInformationFormatCals2String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 2)." string.
FileInformationFormatCals3String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 3)." string.
FileInformationFormatCals4String ID for the File Information dialog "Cals Raster(Type 4)." string.
FileInformationFormatCcittString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt." string.
FileInformationFormatCcittGroup31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatCcittGroup32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 3(2 Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatCcittGroup4String ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Ccitt Group 4." string.
FileInformationFormatCinString ID for the File Information dialog "Cineon Format(Cin)." string.
FileInformationFormatClpString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)" string.
FileInformationFormatClpRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Windows Clipboard(Clp)(Rle compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatCmpString ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Compressed(Cmp)." string.
FileInformationFormatCmwString ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Cmw." string.
FileInformationFormatCrwString ID for the File Information dialog "Canon RAW Format(crw)." string.
FileInformationFormatCutString ID for the File Information dialog "Dr.Halo." string.
FileInformationFormatDcrString ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera Format(dcr)." string.
FileInformationFormatDcsString ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format(dcs)." string.
FileInformationFormatDicomColorString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Color" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom Grayscale" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kColorString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Color" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomJ2kGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "Dicom J2k Grayscale" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomJpegColorString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Color" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomJpegGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM Jpeg Grayscale" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomRleColorString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Color" string.
FileInformationFormatDicomRleGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "DICOM RLE Grayscale" string.
FileInformationFormatDjvuString ID for the File Information dialog "DjVu Format(djvu)." string.
FileInformationFormatDocString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 Word Document" string.
FileInformationFormatDocxString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Word Document 2007" string.
FileInformationFormatEcwString ID for the File Information dialog "Enhanced Compressed Wavelet Format(ecw)." string.
FileInformationFormatEmfString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Enhanced Metafile(EMF)" string.
FileInformationFormatEpsString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string.
FileInformationFormatEpsPostscriptString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster(Encapsulated PostScript)." string.
FileInformationFormatEpsTiffString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster Tiff(Encapsulated PostScript Tiff)." string.
FileInformationFormatEpsWmfString ID for the File Information dialog "Postscript Raster WMF( Encapsulated PostScript WMF)." string.
FileInformationFormatExifString ID for the File Information dialog "Exif." string.
FileInformationFormatExifJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg)." string.
FileInformationFormatExifJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string.
FileInformationFormatExifJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string.
FileInformationFormatExifYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Exif(YCC)." string.
FileInformationFormatFaxG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatFaxG31DimNoEolString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Group 3 1 Dimensional - with no EOL)." string.
FileInformationFormatFaxG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 3(2 dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatFaxG4String ID for the File Information dialog "FAX Group 4." string.
FileInformationFormatFitString ID for the File Information dialog "Fits Format(Fit)." string.
FileInformationFormatFlcString ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(Flc)." string.
FileInformationFormatFliString ID for the File Information dialog "Flic Animation(FLI)." string.
FileInformationFormatFpxString ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string.
FileInformationFormatFpxJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "FlashPix(fpx)." string.
FileInformationFormatGeoTifString ID for the File Information dialog "GEO TIFF2" string.
FileInformationFormatGeoTiffString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(GeoTiff)." string.
FileInformationFormatGifString ID for the File Information dialog "CompuServe Gif." string.
FileInformationFormatHdpString ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto(hdp)." string. HD Photo can be considered to be an implementation of the JPEG XR specification.
FileInformationFormatHdpCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Cmyk(hdp)." string. HD Photo can be considered to be an implementation of the JPEG XR specification.
FileInformationFormatHdpGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "MS HDPhoto Gray(hdp)." string. HD Photo can be considered to be an implementation of the JPEG XR specification.
FileInformationFormatIcaAbicString ID for the File Information dialog "IOCA files Abic compression" string.
FileInformationFormatIcaG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(1 Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatIcaG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(2 Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatIcaG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string.
FileInformationFormatIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Mmr Compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(uncompressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatIffCatString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat)." string.
FileInformationFormatIffCatUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Cat uncompressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatIffIlbmString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm)." string.
FileInformationFormatIffIlbmUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Iff(Amiga Interchange)(Ilbm uncompressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatImgString ID for the File Information dialog "Gem Image(IMG)." string.
FileInformationFormatIntergraphCcittG4String ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Ccitt Group 4 compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatIntergraphRleString ID for the File Information dialog "IntergraphRle(Itg)(Rle compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatJ2kString ID for the File Information dialog "J2k - Lossy or Lossless." string.
FileInformationFormatJbigString ID for the File Information dialog "Jbig Jbig(JBG)." string.
FileInformationFormatJbig2String ID for the File Information dialog "JBIG 2" string.
FileInformationFormatJp2String ID for the File Information dialog "Jp2 - Lossy or Lossless." string.
FileInformationFormatJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)." string.
FileInformationFormatJpeg12String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
FileInformationFormatJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string.
FileInformationFormatJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string.
FileInformationFormatJpeg8String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
FileInformationFormatJpegLab411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:1:1)." string.
FileInformationFormatJpegLab422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab 4:2:2)." string.
FileInformationFormatJpegLab444String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg File Interchange Format(Jfif)(Lab)." string.
FileInformationFormatJpmString ID for the File Information dialog "JPM (jpm)" string.
FileInformationFormatJpxString ID for the File Information dialog "JPEG 2000 part-2 (JPX)." string.
FileInformationFormatKdcString ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc)." string.
FileInformationFormatKdc120String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 120)." string.
FileInformationFormatKdc40String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 40)." string.
FileInformationFormatKdc50String ID for the File Information dialog "Kodak Digital Camera Format(kdc 50)." string.
FileInformationFormatLaserDataString ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string.
FileInformationFormatLead1BitString ID for the File Information dialog "Lead1Bit LEAD 1-bit." string.
FileInformationFormatLeadMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "LEAD Mrc format" string.
FileInformationFormatLosslessJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless Jpeg" string.
FileInformationFormatLosslessTifJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Lossless TIF Jpeg" string.
FileInformationFormatMacString ID for the File Information dialog "MacPaint(MAC)." string.
FileInformationFormatMngString ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics" string.
FileInformationFormatMngGrayString ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Gray)" string.
FileInformationFormatMngJngString ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng)" string.
FileInformationFormatMngJng411String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 411)" string.
FileInformationFormatMngJng422String ID for the File Information dialog "Multiple-image Network Graphics (Jng 422)" string.
FileInformationFormatMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "Mrc format" string.
FileInformationFormatMspString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Paint(MSP)." string.
FileInformationFormatOs2String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string.
FileInformationFormatOs22String ID for the File Information dialog "OS/2 Bitmap(OS/2 BMP)." string.
FileInformationFormatPbmAsciiString ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Ascii." string.
FileInformationFormatPbmBinaryString ID for the File Information dialog "Pbm Binary." string.
FileInformationFormatPcdString ID for the File Information dialog "PhotoCD(pcd)." string.
FileInformationFormatPctString ID for the File Information dialog "Macintosh Pict Format(pct)." string.
FileInformationFormatPcxString ID for the File Information dialog "ZSoft Pcx." string.
FileInformationFormatPgmAsciiString ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Ascii." string.
FileInformationFormatPgmBinaryString ID for the File Information dialog "Pgm Binary." string.
FileInformationFormatPngString ID for the File Information dialog "Png(Portable Network Graphics)." string.
FileInformationFormatPngIcoString ID for the File Information dialog "Vista Png Icon(ico)." string.
FileInformationFormatPpmAsciiString ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Ascii." string.
FileInformationFormatPpmBinaryString ID for the File Information dialog "Ppm Binary." string.
FileInformationFormatPptString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2003 PowerPoint Presentation" string.
FileInformationFormatPptxString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office 2007 PowerPoint Presentation" string.
FileInformationFormatPsdString ID for the File Information dialog "Photoshop 3.0(Psd)." string.
FileInformationFormatPtocaString ID for the File Information dialog "Ptoca Format(Ptoca)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasString ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster(Ras)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Group 4l)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:1:1)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasPdfJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Portable Document Format(Pdf)(Jpeg 4:2:2)." string.
FileInformationFormatRasRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Sun Raster Format(Ras)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string.
FileInformationFormatRawBitfieldsString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(BitField compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawCcittString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Ccitt compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawIcaG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 1Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawIcaG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 3 2Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawIcaG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Group 4)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawIcaIbmMmrString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(Raw Mmr Compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawIcaUncompressedString ID for the File Information dialog "Ioca(Ica)(raw uncompressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Jpeg compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawPackBitsString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Packbits compressed)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawRgbString ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data." string.
FileInformationFormatRawRle4String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 4-bit)." string.
FileInformationFormatRawRle8String ID for the File Information dialog "Raw Image Data(Rle 8-bit)." string.
FileInformationFormatRtfRasterString ID for the File Information dialog "Rich Text Format(rtf)." string.
FileInformationFormatSctString ID for the File Information dialog "Scitex Continuous Tone Format(Sct)." string.
FileInformationFormatSffString ID for the File Information dialog "Structured Fax File Format(Sff)." string.
FileInformationFormatSgiString ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)." string.
FileInformationFormatSgiRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Silicon Graphics Image Format(Sgi)(Rle)." string.
FileInformationFormatSidDeprecated - No longer supported. String ID for the File Information dialog "Dr SID(sid)." string.
FileInformationFormatSmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)." string.
FileInformationFormatSmpG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 1-Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatSmpG32DimString ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 3 2-Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatSmpG4String ID for the File Information dialog "Smp Format(Smp)(Group 4)." string.
FileInformationFormatSnpString ID for the File Information dialog "MS Access Report Snapshots" string.
FileInformationFormatTdbString ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db" string.
FileInformationFormatTdbVistaString ID for the File Information dialog "Thumbs db Vista" string.
FileInformationFormatTgaString ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)." string.
FileInformationFormatTgaRleString ID for the File Information dialog "Truevision Tga(Targa)(Rle)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifCmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with LEAD Cmp compression)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifCmwString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(LEAD Cmw)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Cmyk(With Cmyk compression)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifCustomString ID for the File Information dialog "Unsupported." string.
FileInformationFormatTifDxfString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with embedded DXF)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifJ2kString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(Jpeg 2000)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifJbigString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(with Jbig compression)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format." string.
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg12String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:1:1)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "Jpeg Tagged Interchange Format(4:2:2)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifJpeg8String ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-Jpeg 4:0:0" string.
FileInformationFormatTifLead1BitString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Tagged Image File Format)(With LEAD 1-bit compression)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifLeadMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff LEAD Mrc format" string.
FileInformationFormatTifLzwString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff with Lzw Compression." string.
FileInformationFormatTifLzwCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw(Cmyk)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifLzwYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Lzw YCC." string.
FileInformationFormatTifMrcString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Mrc format" string.
FileInformationFormatTifPackBitsString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits." string.
FileInformationFormatTifPackBitsCmykString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(Cmyk)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifPackbitsYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff Packbits(YCC)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifUnknownString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff(Unknown image data)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG31DString ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G31D)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG32DString ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G32D)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifxFaxG4String ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(G4)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifxJbigString ID for the File Information dialog "TIFF-FX(JBIG)." string.
FileInformationFormatTifxJbigT43String ID for the File Information dialog "Internet Fax Jbig T43" string.
FileInformationFormatTifYccString ID for the File Information dialog "Tiff YCC." string.
FileInformationFormatTxtString ID for the File Information dialog "ASCII Text format(txt)." string.
FileInformationFormatUnknownString ID for the File Information dialog "Unknown(or Raw Data)." string.
FileInformationFormatVffString ID for the File Information dialog "SUN TCCA Visualization File Format" string.
FileInformationFormatWbmpString ID for the File Information dialog "Wireless Bitmap Format(Wbmp)." string.
FileInformationFormatWfxG31DimString ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 3(1 Dimensional)." string.
FileInformationFormatWfxG4String ID for the File Information dialog "WinFax Group 4." string.
FileInformationFormatWinCurString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Cursor(CUR)" string.
FileInformationFormatWinIcoString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Icon(ICO)." string.
FileInformationFormatWmfString ID for the File Information dialog "Windows Metafile(WMF)." string.
FileInformationFormatWmzString ID for the File Information dialog "Compressed Windows Metafile(wmz)." string.
FileInformationFormatWpgString ID for the File Information dialog "WordPerfect(WPG)." string.
FileInformationFormatXbmString ID for the File Information dialog "Xbm." string.
FileInformationFormatXlsString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Office Excel Workbook" string.
FileInformationFormatXlsxString ID for the File Information dialog "Microsoft Excel 2007 XML Workbook" string.
FileInformationFormatXpmString ID for the File Information dialog "Xpm Window PixMap." string.
FileInformationFormatXwdString ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd)." string.
FileInformationFormatXwd10String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 10)." string.
FileInformationFormatXwd11String ID for the File Information dialog "X Window Dump(Xwd 11)." string.
FileInformationHeightString ID for the File Information dialog "Height" string.
FileInformationHelpString ID for the File Information dialog "Help" string.
FileInformationHostComputerString ID for the File Information dialog "Host Computer" string.
FileInformationItemString ID for the File Information dialog "Item:" string.
FileInformationMakeString ID for the File Information dialog "Make" string.
FileInformationMiscString ID for the File Information dialog "Misc" string.
FileInformationModelString ID for the File Information dialog "Model" string.
FileInformationNameString ID for the File Information dialog "Name" string.
FileInformationNameofDocumentString ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Document" string.
FileInformationNameofPageString ID for the File Information dialog "Name of Page" string.
FileInformationOriginalPageSizeString ID for the File Information dialog "Original page size:" string.
FileInformationPageString ID for the File Information dialog "Page" string.
FileInformationSizeInMemoryString ID for the File Information dialog "Size in memory" string.
FileInformationSizeOnDiskString ID for the File Information dialog "Size on disk" string.
FileInformationSoftwareString ID for the File Information dialog "Software" string.
FileInformationTifZipString ID for the File Information dialog "Tagged Image File Format-ZIP" string.
FileInformationTitleString ID for the File Information dialog "Title" string.
FileInformationValueString ID for the File Information dialog "Value:" string.
FileInformationWarningString ID for the File Information dialog "Warning" string.
FileInformationWidthString ID for the File Information dialog "Width" string.
FileInformationXpsString ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document (xps)" string.
FileInformationXpsJpegString ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
FileInformationXpsJpeg411String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
FileInformationXpsJpeg422String ID for the File Information dialog "XPS Document" string.
FileInformationXResolutionDPIString ID for the File Information dialog "XResolution (DPI)" string.
FileInformationYResolutionDPIString ID for the File Information dialog "YResolution (DPI)" string.
FileSaveOptionsAppendString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Append" string.
FileSaveOptionsCancelString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Cancel" string.
FileSaveOptionsCaptionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "File Save Options" string.
FileSaveOptionsCompressionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression" string.
FileSaveOptionsCompressionControlString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Control:" string.
FileSaveOptionsCompressionRatioString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Ratio:" string.
FileSaveOptionsGeneralString ID for the File Save Options dialog "General" string.
FileSaveOptionsHelpString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Help" string.
FileSaveOptionsInsertString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Insert" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kAdvancedString ID for the File Save Options dialog "J2k Options..." string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kColorString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Color-axis" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kCompRatioString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Compression Ratio" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kLosslessString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Lossless" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kPositionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Position-axis" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality-axis" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kQualityFactorString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality Factor" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution1String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 1" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kResolution2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Resolution-axis 2" string.
FileSaveOptionsJ2kTargetSizeString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target File Size" string.
FileSaveOptionsJbig2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "JBIG2 Options..." string.
FileSaveOptionsMultipageString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Multipage" string.
FileSaveOptionsOkString ID for the File Save Options dialog "OK" string.
FileSaveOptionsOperationString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Operation:" string.
FileSaveOptionsOverwriteString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Overwrite" string.
FileSaveOptionsPageNoString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Page No.:" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdf13String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.3" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdf14String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.4" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdf15String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.5" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdf16String ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF 1.6" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdfAString ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF\A" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdfDefaultString ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "Default" string.
FileSaveOptionsPdfProfilesString ID for the File Save Options PDF Options dialog "PDF Profiles:" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg1String ID for the File Save Options dialog "1" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg10String ID for the File Save Options dialog "10" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "2" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg3String ID for the File Save Options dialog "3" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg4String ID for the File Save Options dialog "4" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg5String ID for the File Save Options dialog "5" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg6String ID for the File Save Options dialog "6" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg7String ID for the File Save Options dialog "7" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg8String ID for the File Save Options dialog "8" string.
FileSaveOptionsProg9String ID for the File Save Options dialog "9" string.
FileSaveOptionsProgAllString ID for the File Save Options dialog "All" string.
FileSaveOptionsProgMeaningfulString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Meaningful Only" string.
FileSaveOptionsProgOptionsString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressive Options:" string.
FileSaveOptionsProgressingOrderString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Progressing Order:" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorString ID for the File Save Options dialog "QualityFactor:" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorCustomString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Custom" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorLessTilingString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumCompressionString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorMaximumQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality1String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 1" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorPerfectQuality2String ID for the File Save Options dialog "Perfect quality 2" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality more important than size" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorQualityAndSizeString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality and size equally important" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSharpString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string.
FileSaveOptionsQualityFactorSuperQualityString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Quality far more important than size" string.
FileSaveOptionsReplaceString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Replace" string.
FileSaveOptionsStampBppString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Bits Per Pixel:" string.
FileSaveOptionsStampHeightString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Height:" string.
FileSaveOptionsStampOptionsString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Stamp Options" string.
FileSaveOptionsStampSaveString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Save" string.
FileSaveOptionsStampWidthString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Width:" string.
FileSaveOptionsTargetSizeString ID for the File Save Options dialog "Target Size:" string.
J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRectangleString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox rectangle item.
J2kAdvancedOptionsControlRegionString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog control combobox region item.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIBottomString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog bottom label.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROICancelString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Cancel button.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROICaptionString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog caption.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIContorlString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog label.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIEnableString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Enable checkbox.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIHelpString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog Help button.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROILeftString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog left label.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIOKString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog OK button.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIRightString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog right label.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROITopString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog top label.
J2kAdvancedOptionsROIWeightString ID for Advanced J2K ROI Options dialog weight label.
J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Alpha Channel" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelActiveBitsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Active Bits:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsAlphaChannelLosslessString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Lossless" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsCancelString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Cancel" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsCaptionString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Jpeg 2000 Options" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Code Block" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockHeightString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsCodeBlockWidthString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsDecompressLevelString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Decompress Level" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsDefaultOptionsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Default Options" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsDerivedBaseString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Derived Base" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsErrorResilienceString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Error Resiliences Symbol" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsExponentString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Exponent" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHeightString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Height:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileHorizontalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileOffsetString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Offset" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileSizeString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Tile Size" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileVerticalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsFileWidthString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Width:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsGeneralSettingsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "General Settings" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsGuardBitsString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Guard Bits:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsHelpString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Help" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsMantissaString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Mantissa" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsMarkersString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Markers" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Offset" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetHorizontalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsOffsetVerticalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsOkString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "OK" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Precinct Size:" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeFullString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Full" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne128String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 128" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne256String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 256" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne512String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 512" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalOne64String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical One 64" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo128String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 128" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo256String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 256" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo512String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 512" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeHierarchicalTwo64String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Hierarchical Two 64" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform1024String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 1024" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform128String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 128" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform2048String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 2048" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform256String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 256" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform512String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 512" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPrecinctSizeUniform64String ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Uniform 64" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsPredictableTerminationString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Predictable Termination" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsResetContextString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Reset Context On Boundaries" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsSelectiveAcBypassString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Selective AC bypass" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsTerminationString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Termination On Each Pass" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseColorTransformString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Color Transform" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseDerivedQuantizationString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Derived Quantization" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseEphMarkerString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Eph Marker" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsUseSopMarkerString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Use Sop Marker" string.
J2kAdvanceOptionsVerticallyCausalString ID for the Jpeg2000 Advance Options dialog "Vertically Causal Context" string.
Jbig2OptionsCancelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Cancel" string.
Jbig2OptionsCaptionString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "JBIG2 Options" string.
Jbig2OptionsDictionarySymbolString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Dictionary symbol" string.
Jbig2OptionsDifferenceThresholdString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Difference Threshold" string.
Jbig2OptionsEnableDictionaryString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Enable dictionary" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat1String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat1XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1X" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat1YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT1Y" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat2String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat2XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2X" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat2YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT2Y" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat3String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat3XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3X" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat3YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT3Y" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat4String ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat4XString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4X" string.
Jbig2OptionsGbat4YString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "GBAT4Y" string.
Jbig2OptionsHelpString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Help" string.
Jbig2OptionsKeepAllString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Keep all" string.
Jbig2OptionsOkString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "OK" string.
Jbig2OptionsQFactorString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Q Factor" string.
Jbig2OptionsRemoveUnrepeatedString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Remove Unrepeated" string.
Jbig2OptionsResolutionString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Resolution" string.
Jbig2OptionsResolutionXString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "X Resolution" string.
Jbig2OptionsResolutionYString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Y Resolution" string.
Jbig2OptionsSettingString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Settings" string.
Jbig2OptionsSettingImageString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Image" string.
Jbig2OptionsSettingTextString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxAreaString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum area" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxHeightString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum height" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMaxWidthString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol maximum width" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinAreaString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum area" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinHeightString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum height" string.
Jbig2OptionsSymbolMinWidthString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Symbol minimum width" string.
Jbig2OptionsTemplateString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Template" string.
Jbig2OptionsTextSymbolString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Text symbol" string.
Jbig2OptionsThreeLines10PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 10 pixel" string.
Jbig2OptionsThreeLines13PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 14 pixel" string.
Jbig2OptionsThreeLines16PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "3 lines 16 pixel" string.
Jbig2OptionsTwoLines10PixelString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "2 lines 10 pixel" string.
Jbig2OptionsTypicalPredictionString ID for the JBIG2 Options dialog "Typlical prediction" string.
LoadOptionsAnzString ID for the File Information dialog "Anz" string.
LoadOptionsAnzViewString ID for the File Information dialog "ANZ View:" string.
LoadOptionsAnzViewCoronalString ID for the File Information dialog "Coronal" string.
LoadOptionsAnzViewSagittalString ID for the File Information dialog "Sagittal" string.
LoadOptionsAnzViewTransverseString ID for the File Information dialog "Transverse" string.
LoadOptionsCancelString ID for the Load Options dialog "Cancel" string.
LoadOptionsCaptionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Caption" string.
LoadOptionsFullPathString ID for the Load Options dialog "Full Path" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralString ID for the Load Options dialog "General" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralLoadCompressedString ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Compressed" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralLoadRotatedString ID for the Load Options dialog "Load Rotated" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPageNoString ID for the Load Options dialog "Page No.:" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses1String ID for the Load Options dialog "1" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses10String ID for the Load Options dialog "10" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses2String ID for the Load Options dialog "2" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses3String ID for the Load Options dialog "3" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses4String ID for the Load Options dialog "4" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses5String ID for the Load Options dialog "5" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses6String ID for the Load Options dialog "6" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses7String ID for the Load Options dialog "7" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses8String ID for the Load Options dialog "8" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPasses9String ID for the Load Options dialog "9" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPassesAllString ID for the Load Options dialog "All" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralPassesMeaningfulOnlyString ID for the Load Options dialog "MeaningfulOnly" string.
LoadOptionsGeneralProressivePassesString ID for the Load Options dialog "Progressive Passes:" string.
LoadOptionsHelpString ID for the Load Options dialog "Help" string.
LoadOptionsNoOptionsString ID for the Load Options dialog "No Options" string.
LoadOptionsNotImageFormatFileString ID for the Load Options dialog "Not Image Format File" string.
LoadOptionsOkString ID for the Load Options dialog "OK" string.
LoadOptionsPdfString ID for the Load Options dialog "Pdf" string.
LoadOptionsPdfDisplayDepthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Display Depth ( Bpp ):" string.
LoadOptionsPdfGraphicsAlphaString ID for the Load Options dialog "Graphics Alpha ( Bits ):" string.
LoadOptionsPdfHorizontalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
LoadOptionsPdfResolutionDpiString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution ( Dpi )" string.
LoadOptionsPdfTextAlphaString ID for the Load Options dialog "Text Alpha ( Bits ):" string.
LoadOptionsPdfVerticalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterDpiString ID for the Load Options dialog "DPI:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterHeightString ID for the Load Options dialog "Height:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentString ID for the Load Options dialog "Rasterize Document" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentBottomMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Bottom margin:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentLeftMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Left margin:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageHeightString ID for the Load Options dialog "Page height:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentPageWidthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Page width:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentResolutionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentRightMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Right margin:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeString ID for the Load Options dialog "Size mode:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitString ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitAlwaysString ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Always" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitWidthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Fit Width" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeNoneString ID for the Load Options dialog "None" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeStretchString ID for the Load Options dialog "Stretch" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentTopMarginString ID for the Load Options dialog "Top margin:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitString ID for the Load Options dialog "Unit:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitInchString ID for the Load Options dialog "Inch" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitMillimeterString ID for the Load Options dialog "Millimeter" string.
LoadOptionsRasterizeDocumentUnitPixelString ID for the Load Options dialog "Pixel" string.
LoadOptionsRasterNoResolutionsString ID for the Load Options dialog "No Resolutions Available" string.
LoadOptionsRasterResolutionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution:" string.
LoadOptionsRasterWidthString ID for the Load Options dialog "Width:" string.
LoadOptionsResolutionString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution" string.
LoadOptionsVffString ID for the File Information dialog "Vff" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewString ID for the File Information dialog "VFF View:" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewDownToUpString ID for the File Information dialog "Down To Up" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewFrontToRearString ID for the File Information dialog "Front To Rear" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewLeftToRightString ID for the File Information dialog "Left To Right" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewRearToFrontString ID for the File Information dialog "Rear To Front" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewRightToLeftString ID for the File Information dialog "Right To Left" string.
LoadOptionsVffViewUpToDownString ID for the File Information dialog "Up To Down" string.
LoadOptionsXlsString ID for the Load Options dialog "Xls" string for XLS tab.
LoadOptionsXlsMultiPageSheetString ID for the Load Options dialog "Multi Page Sheet" string.
LoadOptionsXpsString ID for the Load Options dialog "Xps" string.
LoadOptionsXpsHorizontalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Horizontal:" string.
LoadOptionsXpsResolutionDpiString ID for the Load Options dialog "Resolution (Dpi)" string.
LoadOptionsXpsVerticalString ID for the Load Options dialog "Vertical:" string.
OpenCancelString ID for the Open dialog "Cancel" string.
OpenDeletePageString ID for the Open dialog "Delete" string.
OpenDeletePageMessageBodyString ID for the Open dialog "Delete page d?" string.
OpenDeletePageMessageTitleString ID for the Open dialog "Delete Page" string.
OpenErrorDeletingMessageBodyString ID for the Open dialog "Error Deleting Page!" string.
OpenFileInfoErrorMessageBodyString ID for the Open dialog "Error {0}: Information not available for\n {1}" string.
OpenFileInfoErrorMessageTitleString ID for the Open dialog "FileInfo Error" string.
OpenFileInfoToolTipString ID for the Open dialog "File Info" string.
OpenFileNameString ID for the Open dialog "File name:" string.
OpenFilesoftypeString ID for the Open dialog "Files of type:" string.
OpenHelpString ID for the Open dialog "Help" string.
OpenLookinString ID for the Open dialog "Look in" string.
OpenOkString ID for the Open dialog "Open" string.
OpenPreviewNotAvailableString ID for the Open dialog "Preview not available" string.
OpenPreviewPageString ID for the Open dialog "Page:" string.
OpenPreviewSelectedFileToolTipString ID for the Open dialog "Preview Selected File" string.
OpenShowOptionsonOpenString ID for the Open dialog "Show Options dialog on open" string.
SaveBPPString ID for the Save dialog "BPP:" string.
SaveCancelString ID for the Save dialog "Cancel" string.
SaveFileNameString ID for the Save dialog "File name:" string.
SaveFilesoftypeString ID for the Save dialog "Files of type:" string.
SaveHelpString ID for the Save dialog "Help" string.
SaveLookinString ID for the Save dialog "Look in" string.
SaveMultipageOverwriteErrorMessageBodyString ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to replace it?" string.
SaveMultipageUpdateErrorMessageBodyString ID for the Save dialog "{0} already exists. Do you want to update it?" string.
SaveOkString ID for the Save dialog "Save" string.
SaveOptionsString ID for the Save dialog "Options..." string.
SaveQualityFactorString ID for the Save dialog "QualityFactor:" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcEnhanceString ID for the Save dialog "Enhance compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcLosslessString ID for the Save dialog "Lossless compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcLosslessFastString ID for the Save dialog "Lossless Fast compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcLossyFastString ID for the Save dialog "Lossy Fast compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified1String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 1 compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified1FastString ID for the Save dialog "Modified1 fast compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified2String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 2 compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified2FastString ID for the Save dialog "Modified 2 Fast compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified3String ID for the Save dialog "Modified 3 compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcModified3FastString ID for the Save dialog "Modified 3 Fast compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcRemoveBorderString ID for the Save dialog "Remove Border compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorAbcVirtualLosslessString ID for the Save dialog "Virtual Lossless compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorCustomString ID for the Save dialog "Custom" string.
SaveQualityFactorLessTilingString ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (less tiling)" string.
SaveQualityFactorMaximumCompressionString ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression" string.
SaveQualityFactorMaximumQualityString ID for the Save dialog "Maximum compression keeping quality" string.
SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality1String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 1" string.
SaveQualityFactorPerfectQuality2String ID for the Save dialog "Perfect quality 2" string.
SaveQualityFactorQualityString ID for the Save dialog "Quality more important than size" string.
SaveQualityFactorQualityAndSizeString ID for the Save dialog "Quality and size equally important" string.
SaveQualityFactorSharpString ID for the Save dialog "Size more important than quality (sharp)" string.
SaveQualityFactorSuperQualityString ID for the Save dialog "Quality far more important than size" string.
SaveSubTypeString ID for the Save dialog "Sub Type:" string.


Refer to RasterOpenDialog example.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7

See Also