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StatisticsInformationCommand Class
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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects Namespace : StatisticsInformationCommand Class

Returns statistical information about the image. Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7

Object Model

StatisticsInformationCommand Class


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class StatisticsInformationCommand 
   Inherits Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand
   Implements IRasterCommand 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As StatisticsInformationCommand
public class StatisticsInformationCommand : Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand, IRasterCommand  
public ref class StatisticsInformationCommand : public Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand, IRasterCommand  


Run the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.StatisticsInformationCommand on an image.

Visual BasicCopy Code
Public Sub StatisticsInformationCommandExample()
   Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()
   codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = True

   Dim leadImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Master.jpg"))

   ' Prepare the command
   Dim command As StatisticsInformationCommand = New StatisticsInformationCommand
   command.Channel = RasterColorChannel.Master
   command.Start = 0
   command.End = 255
   'Get statistical image information.
   MessageBox.Show("Minimum = " + command.Minimum.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "Maximum = " + command.Maximum.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "Mean = " + command.Mean.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "Median = " + command.Median.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "Percent = " + command.Percent.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "PixelCount = " + command.PixelCount.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "StandardDeviation = " + command.StandardDeviation.ToString + Chr(13) + _
      "TotalPixelCount = " + command.TotalPixelCount.ToString)

End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
C#Copy Code
public void StatisticsInformationCommandExample()
      // Load an image
      RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
      codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true;

      RasterImage image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Master.jpg"));

      // Prepare the command
      StatisticsInformationCommand command = new StatisticsInformationCommand();
      command.Channel = RasterColorChannel.Master;
      command.Start   = 0;
      command.End    = 255;
      //Get statistical image information.
      MessageBox.Show("Minimum = " + command.Minimum + "\n" +
         "Maximum = " + command.Maximum + "\n" +
         "Mean = " + command.Mean + "\n" +
         "Median = " + command.Median + "\n" +
         "Percent = " + command.Percent + "\n" +
         "PixelCount = " + command.PixelCount + "\n" +
         "StandardDeviation = " + command.StandardDeviation + "\n" +
         "TotalPixelCount = " + command.TotalPixelCount);


static class LEAD_VARS
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
SilverlightCSharpCopy Code
public void StatisticsInformationCommandExample(RasterImage image)
   // Prepare the command
   StatisticsInformationCommand command = new StatisticsInformationCommand();
   command.Channel = RasterColorChannel.Master;
   command.Start = 0;
   command.End = 255;
   //Get statistical image information.
   Debug.WriteLine("Minimum = " + command.Minimum + "\n" +
      "Maximum = " + command.Maximum + "\n" +
      "Mean = " + command.Mean + "\n" +
      "Median = " + command.Median + "\n" +
      "Percent = " + command.Percent + "\n" +
      "PixelCount = " + command.PixelCount + "\n" +
      "StandardDeviation = " + command.StandardDeviation + "\n" +
      "TotalPixelCount = " + command.TotalPixelCount);
SilverlightVBCopy Code
Public Sub StatisticsInformationCommandExample(ByVal image As RasterImage)
   ' Prepare the command
   Dim command As StatisticsInformationCommand = New StatisticsInformationCommand()
   command.Channel = RasterColorChannel.Master
   command.Start = 0
   command.End = 255
   'Get statistical image information.
   Debug.WriteLine("Minimum = " & command.Minimum + Constants.vbLf & "Maximum = " & command.Maximum + Constants.vbLf & "Mean = " & command.Mean + Constants.vbLf & "Median = " & command.Median + Constants.vbLf & "Percent = " & command.Percent + Constants.vbLf & "PixelCount = " & command.PixelCount + Constants.vbLf & "StandardDeviation = " & command.StandardDeviation + Constants.vbLf & "TotalPixelCount = " & command.TotalPixelCount)
End Sub


  • This command calculates statistical information about the image.
  • The start and end values designate the range of colors that will be taken in consideration for producing the results. Only the values between Start and End are used for the calculation of the results. The range of each one depends on the bits per pixel of the image: in the case of 8 bits per component (RGB), the range is between 0 and 255; for 16 bits, the range is 0 through 65535;and from -32768 to 32767 for signed images; and for 12 bits, the range is 0 through 4095.
  • This command supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.
  • This command support signed data images.
  • This command does not support 32-bit grayscale images.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Silverlight 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS/X (Intel Only)

See Also