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CombineCommandFlags Enumeration
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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects Namespace : CombineCommandFlags Enumeration

Enumeration that indicates the treatment of the source, treatment of the destination, the operation to use when combining the data, and the treatment of the resulting image. The flags apply only to the defined rectangles (not necessarily the whole image).

This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Supported in Silverlight, Windows Phone 7


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum CombineCommandFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements IComparableIConvertibleIFormattable 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As CombineCommandFlags
public enum CombineCommandFlags : System.Enum, IComparableIConvertibleIFormattable  
public enum class CombineCommandFlags : public System.Enum, IComparableIConvertibleIFormattable  


AbsoluteDifferenceCalculate the Absolute difference between the two values.
Destination0Change all bits to 0.
Destination1Change all bits to 1.
DestinationBluePerform the operation on the blue channel.
DestinationGreenPerform the operation on the green channel.
DestinationMasterPerform the operation on all channels.
DestinationNopNo change.
DestinationNotInvert the color, resulting in its complement.
DestinationRedPerform the operation on the red channel.
OperationAddAdd the byte values, allowing a maximum of 255.
OperationAndCombine each set of bytes using a bitwise AND.
OperationAverageUse the average of the two values.
OperationDivideDestinationDivide the source by the destination. If dest > 0, then the result is calculated as follows: result = min( (source / destination) * 255, 255 ). Otherwise, if destination = 0, then result = 255.
OperationDivideSourceDivide the destination by the source. If source > 0, then the result is calculated as follows: result = min( (destination / source) * 255, 255 ). Otherwise, if source = 0, then result = 255.
OperationMaximumUse the greater of the two values.
OperationMinimumUse the lesser of the two values.
OperationMultiplyMultiply the byte values, allowing a maximum of 255. The result is calculated as follows: result = (source * destination) / 255.
OperationOrCombine each set of bytes using a bitwise OR.
OperationSubtractDestinationSubtract the destination from the source, allowing a minimum of 0.
OperationSubtractSourceSubtract the source from the destination, allowing a minimum of 0.
OperationXorCombine each set of bytes using a bitwise exclusive OR (^).
RawCombinePerform a raw combine.
Result0Change all bits to 0.
Result1Change all bits to 1.
ResultBluePerform the operation on the blue channel.
ResultGreenPerform the operation on the green channel.
ResultMasterPerform the operation on all channels.
ResultNopNo change.
ResultNotInvert the color, resulting in its complement.
ResultRedPerform the operation on the red channel.
Source0Change all bits to 0.
Source1Change all bits to 1.
SourceBluePerform the operation on the blue channel.
SourceCopyCopy source to destination.
SourceGreenPerform the operation on the green channel.
SourceMasterPerform the operation on all channels.
SourceNopNo change.
SourceNotInvert the color, resulting in its complement.
SourceRedPerform the operation on the red channel.


You can use a bitwise OR (|) to specify one flag from each group.
Group Flags
Flags that define treatment of the source rectangle SourceNop, SourceNot, Source0, Source1
Flags that define treatment of the destination rectangle DestinationNop, DestinationNot, Destination0, Destination1
Flags that define the operation to use when combining the data OperationAnd, OperationOr, OperationXor, OperationAdd, OperationSubtractSource, OperationSubtractDestination, OperationMultiply, OperationDivideSource, OperationDivideDestination, OperationAverage, OperationMinimum, OperationMaximum, AbsoluteDifference
Flags that define treatment of the resulting image rectangle ResultNop, ResultNot, Result0, Result1
Flags that define the channel of the source image rectangle SourceMaster, SourceRed, SourceGreen, SourceBlue
Flags that define the channel of the destination image rectangle DestinationMaster, DestinationRed, DestinationGreen, DestinationBlue
Flags that define the channel of the resulting image rectangle ResultMaster, ResultRed, ResultGreen, ResultBlue
The flags will work with the following order: First the operations on source and destination rectangles will take effect then the combining operation will be implemented, then the operation on result rectangle will take effect. For more information, refer to Flags for the CombineCommand.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Silverlight 3.0, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS/X (Intel Only)

See Also