Enumerating the Coded Concepts of a Context Group Example for VB.NET

Private Function DisplayCodedConcept(ByRef objDS As LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS, ByRef bYesNo As Boolean) As Boolean
   Dim sTitle As String
   sTitle = "Coded Concept (" & objDS.CurrentContextGroup.ContextIdentifier & ")"

   Dim sMsg As String

   Dim sYear As String
   Dim sMonth As String
   Dim sDay As String
   With objDS.CurrentCodedConcept
      ' Coding Scheme Designator
      sMsg = .CodingSchemeDesignator & vbNewLine

      ' Coding Scheme Version
      If Len(.CodingSchemeVersion) Then
         sMsg = sMsg & .CodingSchemeVersion & vbNewLine
      End If

      ' Code Value and Code Meaning
      sMsg = sMsg & .CodeValue & vbNewLine & .CodeMeaning & vbNewLine

      ' Context Group Local Version
      If .IsContextGroupLocalVersion Then
         sYear = CStr(.ContextGroupLocalVersion.Year)
         Do While Len(sYear) < 4
            sYear = "0" & sYear

         sMonth = CStr(.ContextGroupLocalVersion.Month)
         If Len(sMonth) < 2 Then
            sMonth = "0" & sMonth

         sDay = CStr(.ContextGroupLocalVersion.Day)
         If Len(sDay) < 2 Then
            sDay = "0" & sDay

         sMsg = sMsg & sYear & sMonth & sDay & vbNewLine
      End If

      ' Context Group Extension Creator UID
      If Len(.ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID) Then
         sMsg = sMsg & .ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID & vbNewLine
      End If
   End With

   If bYesNo Then
      sMsg = sMsg & vbNewLine & "Continue?"
      DisplayCodedConcept = MessageBox.Show(sMsg, sTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes
   Else MessageBox.Show(sMsg, sTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK)
      DisplayCodedConcept = True
   End If
End Function

Private Sub EnumCodedConcepts(ByRef objDS As LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS)
   Dim bRet As Boolean

   ' Enumerate the Coded Concepts in the current Context Group (3 possible ways)
   Dim I As Integer
   If True Then
      ' One possible way to enumerate the Coded Concepts
      bRet = objDS.MoveFirstCodedConcept()
      Do While bRet
         If Not DisplayCodedConcept(objDS, True) Then
            Exit Do
         End If

         bRet = objDS.MoveNextCodedConcept()

   ElseIf False Then
      ' Another way to enumerate the Coded Concepts
      For I = 0 To objDS.GetCodedConceptCount() - 1

         If Not DisplayCodedConcept(objDS, True) Then
            Exit For
         End If

   ElseIf False Then
      ' A third way to enumerate the Coded Concepts
      bRet = objDS.MoveLastCodedConcept()
      Do While bRet
         If Not DisplayCodedConcept(objDS, True) Then
            Exit Do
         End If

         bRet = objDS.MovePrevCodedConcept()
   End If
End Sub