CurrentCodedConcept property (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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Visual C++ 6.0 example



IDicomCodedConcept * CurrentCodedConcept


Refer to Working with Context Groups.


(Read-only) The CurrentCodedConcept property specifies the currently selected Coded Concept in the Context Group Table.

The following properties are specified by the CurrentCodedConcept property:

CodingSchemeDesignator property

CodingSchemeVersion property

CodeValue property

CodeMeaning property

IsContextGroupLocalVersion property

ContextGroupLocalVersion property

ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID property

See Also


CurrentContextGroup property, MoveFirstCodedConcept method, MoveLastCodedConcept method, MoveNextCodedConcept method, MovePrevCodedConcept method, GetCodedConceptCount method, FindCodedConcept method, FindIndexCodedConcept method, SetCodedConceptCodeMeaning method, InsertCodedConcept method, DeleteCodedConcept method


ILEADDicomDS Interface, IDicomContextGroup Interface, IDicomCodedConcept Interface, Working with the DicomContextGroup Object, Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object, Context Identifiers