ModalityLUTAttributes property (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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ILModalityLUTAttributes* ModalityLUTAttributes


Refer to LUT Encoding.


(Read-only) The ModalityLUTAttributes property specifies the attributes of the Modality LUT.

When the GetModalityLUTAttributes method is called to retrieve the attributes of the Modality LUT, the various properties specified by the ModalityLUTAttributes property are updated with the retrieved values.

When setting the attributes of the Modality LUT, the properties specified by the ModalityLUTAttributes property should be set to the desired values before calling the SetModalityLUT method.

This is a list of the properties specified by the ModalityLUTAttributes property:

IsModalityLUTSequence property

LUTDescriptorNumberOfEntries property

LUTDescriptorFirstMapped property

LUTDescriptorEntryBits property

LUTExplanation property

ModalityLUTType property

IsRescaleSlopeIntercept property

RescaleIntercept property

RescaleSlope property

RescaleType property

These properties are based on the attributes of the "Modality LUT Module". Please see the "Modality LUT Module Attributes" in the DICOM standard for more details.

The DICOM standard states that: "Either a Modality LUT Sequence containing a single Item or Rescale Slope and Intercept values shall be present but not both". This is why either the IsModalityLUTSequence property or the IsRescaleSlopeIntercept property can be set at the same time, but not both.

When using the SetModalityLUT method, you need to set either the IsModalityLUTSequence property or the IsRescaleSlopeIntercept property. If you set the IsModalityLUTSequence property, then you need to populate the LUTDescriptorNumberOfEntries property, the LUTDescriptorFirstMapped property, the LUTDescriptorEntryBits property, the LUTExplanation property, and the ModalityLUTType property with proper values. If you set the IsRescaleSlopeIntercept property, then you need to populate the RescaleIntercept property, the RescaleSlope property, and the RescaleType property with proper values.

According to the DICOM standard when the number of table entries under the "LUT Data" (0028,3006) element is equal to 2^16 then the value of LUTDescriptorNumberOfEntries property shall be 0. However, the 2 methods, GetModalityLUTAttributes and SetModalityLUT, do NOT have this limitation.

See Also


GetModalityLUTAttributes method, SetModalityLUT method


Lookup Tables