GetModalityLUTAttributes method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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Visual C++ 6.0 example



short GetModalityLUTAttributes(long lFlags);


Refer to LUT Encoding.


The GetModalityLUTAttributes method retrieves the attributes that describe the Modality LUT. The method updates the properties specified by the ModalityLUTAttributes property with the values of the attributes of the "Modality LUT Module".

If the method doesn’t find any of the attributes of the "Modality LUT Module" it will set both the IsModalityLUTSequence property and the IsRescaleSlopeIntercept property to VARIANT_FALSE. In this case the rest of the properties specified by the ModalityLUTAttributes property are undefined.

If the method finds "Rescale Intercept" (0028,1052) and "Rescale Slope" (0028,1053), it will set the IsRescaleSlopeIntercept property to VARIANT_TRUE and populate the RescaleIntercept property, the RescaleSlope property, and the RescaleType property with the values retrieved from the DICOM Data Set.

If the method finds "Modality LUT Sequence" (0028,3000), it will set the IsModalityLUTSequence property to VARIANT_TRUE and populate the LUTDescriptorNumberOfEntries property, the LUTDescriptorFirstMapped property, the LUTDescriptorEntryBits property, the LUTExplanation property, and the ModalityLUTType property with the values retrieved from the DICOM Data Set.

It’s prohibited by the DICOM standard for both "Rescale Intercept" and "Modality LUT Sequence" to exist in the same DICOM Data Set. However, if this happens, the method will ignore "Modality LUT Sequence" and assume that only "Rescale Intercept" exists.

See Also


ModalityLUTAttributes property, GetModalityLUTData method, SetModalityLUT method, DeleteModalityLUT method


Lookup Tables