Listen method (ILEADDicomNet)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short Listen (BSTR pszHost, long lPort, long lPeers);


Refer to Working with DICOM Network Connections.


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Establishes a connection to listen for incoming connection requests.

If pszHost is "" or NULL, the IP address will be the local computer's address.

If lPort is 0, the port number will be the number of the first available port.

To connect to an SCP as an SCU, you must first create and initialize a handle to the DICOM Network using the StartUp method. Next, customize any events you wish to use. Then call the Connect method to establish the connection.

To use your computer as a server, you must first create and initialize a handle to the DICOM Network using the StartUp method. Next, customize any events you wish to use. Then call the Listen method to listen for incoming connection requests.

See Also


StartUp method, Listen method


DICOM Network Connection: Creating a Network Connection