Working with DICOM Waveforms

The DICOM standard supports waveform storage and communication: this includes hemodynamic curve data, cardiac electrophysiology, electrocardiography (ECG) and audio signals (WAV files). A waveform consists of one or more multiplex groups, each encoded into an Item in the Waveform Sequence (5400,0100). All channels within a multiplex group are synchronously digitized at a common sampling frequency. The waveform samples can be 8 or 16 bit, with data representation as signed , unsigned , mu-law or A-law. DICOM also supports waveform annotations, which are typically generated as part of the data acquisition process, such as waveform maxima and minima, or the labeling of particular stimuli.

LEADTOOLS waveform support is comprehensive and handles the various features supported by the standard. The DicomWaveformGroup COM class encapsulates the attributes of a multiplex group (the building block for waveforms in DICOM), while the DicomWaveformChannel COM class provides functionality to create and manipulate waveform channels. On the dataset level, the toolkit provides four simple, yet powerful methods for using waveforms:

The AddWaveformGroup method, which creates a new waveform group.

The DeleteWaveformGroup method, which deletes an existing waveform group.

The GetWaveformGroupCount method, which gets the number of waveform groups.

The GetWaveformGroup method, which extracts a waveform group from a dataset.



The functionality provided by the DicomWaveformGroup COM class can be divided into three main categories:

Channel Manipulation

Audio Support

Management of Waveform Group Attributes

Channel Manipulation

At the heart of any waveform support is the creation and management of channels. This is provided by the Channels property, a DicomWaveformChannels object that contains a collection of DicomWaveformChannel objects. The collection of channels can be manipulated using the _NewEnum property, Add method, Item method, Remove method and the SetNumberOfSamplesPerChannel method. In addition, information about the collection can be found in the Count property.

Audio Support

LEADTOOLS waveform support includes support for audio data. To load a wave file into a waveform group, use the LoadAudio method. This method is very useful when creating DICOM objects of type "Basic Voice Audio" (1.2.840.10008., which is typically used for report dictation.

To create a wave file from the channels in a waveform group, use the SaveAudio method. This method is very useful when extracting audio (wave) data from a DICOM object of type "Basic Voice Audio" (1.2.840.10008.

Management of Waveform Group Attributes

LEADTOOLS waveform support includes comprehensive support for the management of the attributes of a waveform group.

In DICOM it is mandatory to specify the waveform's originality (that is, whether the waveform data is original (source) data, or derived data), as well as its sampling frequency. Consequently, it is important to use the WaveformOriginality property and the SamplingFrequency property to set these values in order to create a proper waveform group.

If the acquisition equipment adds padding values, DICOM makes it mandatory to set the waveform padding value. This can be done using the WaveformPaddingValue property. For more information, refer to the "Waveform Padding Value" (5400,100A) element in the DICOM Standard.

The following are other properties and methods that can be used to set and get the different attributes of a waveform group:

EnableMethodErrors property

MultiplexGroupLabel property

MultiplexGroupTimeOffset property

NumberOfSamplesPerChannel property

Reset method

SampleInterpretation property

TriggerSamplePosition property

TriggerTimeOffset property

In addition, the ValueDefined property provides information on which IDicomWaveformGroup properties contain valid data.


DicomWaveformChannel Class

The DicomWaveformChannel COM class provides functionality that can be divided into the following categories:

Setting/Getting Channel Samples

Specifying the Channel Source

Specifying the Channel Sensitivity

Adding/Managing Waveform Annotations

Setting/Getting Other Waveform Channel Attributes

Setting/Getting Channel Samples

Before setting channel data be sure to set the sample interpretation in the SampleInterpretation property. The channel data can be set using the SetChannelSamples method. The data representation for 8-bit channels can be signed, unsigned, mu-law or A-law, while the data representation for 16-bit channels can be signed or unsigned. To get the data for a channel, use the ChannelSamples property. The NumberOfSamples property contains the number of samples per channel

Specifying the Channel Source

In DICOM, it is mandatory to specify the source for a channel. For this reason it is important to use the ChannelSource property to create a proper waveform channel.

Specifying the Channel Sensitivity

In DICOM, it is mandatory to specify the channel sensitivity if the channel samples represent defined (not arbitrary) units. Since this is almost always the case, it is important to use the following properties to create a proper waveform channel:

ChannelSensitivity property

ChannelSensitivityUnits property

ChannelSensitivityCF property

ChannelBaseline property

You can use the various methods and properties that deal with the Context Group Table in order set the Channel Sensitivity Units. For more information, please refer to Working with Context Groups.

Adding/Managing Waveform Annotations

The annotations applied to a waveform channel are specified by the Annotations property, a DicomWaveformAnnotations object that contains a collection of DicomWaveformAnnotation objects. The collection of annotations can be manipulated using the _NewEnum property, Add method, Item method and the Remove method. In addition, information about the collection can be found in the Count property.

The following properties and methods can be used to set and get the different attributes of an annotation:

AnnotationGroupNumber property

CodedName property

CodedValue property

MeasurementUnits property

NumericValue property

NumericValueCount property

RefDateTime property

RefSamplePositions property

RefTimeOffsets property

TemporalPointCount property

TemporalPointsType property

TemporalRangeType property

UnformattedTextValue property

ValueType property

In addition, the ValueDefined property provides information on which IDicomWaveformAnnotation properties contain valid data.

Setting/Getting Other Waveform Channel Attributes

The following properties are other properties that can be used to set and get the different attributes of a waveform channel:

ChannelLabel property

ChannelMaximumValue property

ChannelMinimumValue property

ChannelOffset property

ChannelSampleSkew property

ChannelStatus property

ChannelTimeSkew property

FilterHighFrequency property

FilterLowFrequency property

Index property

NotchFilterBandwidth property

NotchFilterFrequency property

WaveformChannelNumber property

WaveformGroup property

Code Sequence Items

Both the IDicomWaveformChannel object and the IDicomWaveformAnnotation object use code sequence items in the form of IDicomCodeSequenceItem objects. The following properties contain information about the code sequence items:

CodeMeaning property

CodeValue property

CodingSchemeDesignator property

CodingSchemeVersion property

ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID property

ContextGroupLocalVersion property

ContextGroupVersion property

ContextIdentifier property

IsContextGroupLocalVersion property

IsContextGroupVersion property

MappingResource property