Annotations property (IDicomWaveformChannel Interface)

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Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



IDicomWaveformAnnotations* Annotations


Refer to Working with DICOM Waveforms.


(Read only) The Annotations property contains the collection of the annotations applied to the waveform channel.

For more information on the collection of annotations, refer to lDicomWaveformAnnotations. For more information on the individual annotations within a collection, refer to lDicomWaveformAnnotation.

See Also


ChannelMaximumValue property, ChannelSensitivityCF property, WaveformChannelNumber property, NotchFilterBandwidth property, ChannelMaximumValue property, ChannelLabel property, ChannelTimeSkew property, ValueDefined property, ChannelSensitivityUnits property, ChannelSensitivity property, NumberOfSamples property, ChannelBaseline property, ChannelStatus property, FilterLowFrequency property, ChannelOffset property, Index property, WaveformGroup property, NotchFilterFrequency property, FilterHighFrequency property, ChannelSamples property, ChannelSource property, ChannelSampleSkew property


DICOM Waveform Channels: Setting/Getting Other Channel Attributes