ShowSaveDlg method (LEADDlgFile Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

int ShowSaveDlg (TWinControl* AOwnerCtrl);

Delphi Syntax

Function ShowSaveDlg (AOwnerCtrl: TWinControl ): L_INT;


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Displays the Save dialog box, for getting the filename to save, along with any applicable options.

The layout and action of the dialog depends on the flags set in the DlgFlags property. Possible options are:




[$00000001] process the image on OK. The LEADImage property must be assigned a Main Control containing a valid bitmap before calling this method.


[$00000002] dialog should contain a context sensitive help icon.


[$00000004] The Save File Options dialog will have progressive save options.


[$00000008] The Save File Options dialog will have multi-page options.


[$00000010] The Save File Options dialog will have stamp options for formats that support stamps.


[$00000020] The Save File Options dialog will have the Qfactor option for formats that support Qfactor.


[$00000040] The Save File Options dialog will have a J2K Options button for formats that support J2K options.


[$00000080] The Save File Options dialog will have the Compression group controls ("Control", "Ratio" and "Target Size") for formats that support J2K options.


[$00000100] The Save File Options dialog will have the enable sizing option. This option does not work under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95.


[0x00000200] The Save File Options dialog will have "JBIG2 options" button.


If you include DLG_SAVE_AUTOPROCESS in the DlgFlags property, the LEADImage property must be assigned a Main Control containing a valid bitmap before calling this method.

Available options for DlgFileFlags property are:

Setting Description

DLG_SAVE_OVERWRITEPROMPT [$00000002] prompt if file already exists.

DLG_SAVE_NOCHANGEDIR [$00000008] restore directory to original after closing.

The following properties are associated with this method:

FileName property.

FileTitle property.

DialogTitle property.

DlgFileFlags property.

InitialDir property.

MaxFileSize property.

MaxFileTitleSize property.

PageNumber property.

SaveBitsPerPixel property.

SaveFormat property.

SaveQFactor property.

SaveMulti property.

SaveInterlaced property.

SavePasses property.

SaveWithStamp property.

SaveStampBits property.

SaveStampWidth property.

SaveStampHeight property.

SaveFileTypeIndex property.

SaveSubTypeIndex property.

SaveJ2KUseColorTransform property.

SaveJ2KDerivedQuantization property.

SaveJ2KCompressionControl property.

SaveJ2KCompressionRatio property.

SaveJ2KTargetFileSize property.

SaveJ2KXOsiz property.

SaveJ2KYOsiz property.

SaveJ2KXTsiz property.

SaveJ2KYTsiz property.

SaveJ2KXTOsiz property.

SaveJ2KYTOsiz property.

SaveJ2KDecompLevel property

SaveJ2KProgressOrder property.

SaveJ2KCodBlockWidth property.

SaveJ2KCodBlockHeight property.

SaveJ2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property.

SaveJ2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property.

SaveJ2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property.

SaveJ2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property.

SaveJ2KCBS_PredictableTermination property.

SaveJ2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property.

SaveJ2KGuardBits property.

SaveJ2KDerivedBaseMantissa property.

SaveJ2KDerivedBaseExponent property.

SaveJ2KUseSOPMarker property.

SaveJ2KUseEPHMarker property.

FileFormatsCount property.

FileFormats property

SaveJBIG2SaveFlags property.

SaveJBIG2TemplateType property.

SaveJBIG2GBATX1 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATY1 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATX2 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATY2 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATX3 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATY3 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATX4 property.

SaveJBIG2GBATY4 property.

To include a Help button in the dialog, set the ShowHelpButton property to TRUE.

You may want to set one or more of the following properties prior to showing the Save dialog box:

FileName property, MaxFileSize property, FileTitle property, MaxFileTitleSize property, InitialDir property, DialogTitle property, DlgFileFlags property

If you want to initialize the setting for the "multi-page-> operation" combo box indicated in the dialog box, set the SaveMulti property before calling the ShowSaveDlg method.

The formats included in the dialog depend on the Formats set in the FileFormats property.

The Save dialog can be seen below:


See Also


Save method, FileName property, FileTitle property, DialogTitle property, DlgFileFlags property, InitialDir property, MaxFileSize property, MaxFileTitleSize property, PageNumber property, SaveBitsPerPixel property, SaveFormat property, SaveQFactor property, SaveMulti property, SaveInterlaced property, SavePasses property, SaveWithStamp property, SaveStampBits property, SaveStampWidth property, SaveStampHeight property, SaveFileTypeIndex property, SaveSubTypeIndex property, SaveJ2KUseColorTransform property, SaveJ2KDerivedQuantization property, SaveJ2KCompressionControl property, SaveJ2KCompressionRatio property, SaveJ2KTargetFileSize property, SaveJ2KXOsiz property, SaveJ2KYOsiz property, SaveJ2KXTsiz property, SaveJ2KYTsiz property, SaveJ2KXTOsiz property, SaveJ2KYTOsiz property, SaveJ2KDecompLevel property, SaveJ2KProgressOrder property, SaveJ2KCodBlockWidth property, SaveJ2KCodBlockHeight property, SaveJ2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property, SaveJ2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property, SaveJ2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property, SaveJ2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property, SaveJ2KCBS_PredictableTermination property, SaveJ2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property, SaveJ2KGuardBits property, SaveJ2KDerivedBaseMantissa property, SaveJ2KDerivedBaseExponent property, SaveJ2KUseSOPMarker property, SaveJ2KUseEPHMarker property, FileFormatsCount property, FileFormats property, DlgFlags property, ShowHelpButton property, EnableMethodErrors property


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events