SaveJ2KYOsiz property (LEADDlgFile Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

L_UINT32 SaveJ2KYOsiz

Delphi Syntax

SaveJ2KYOsiz: L_UINT32


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Gets or sets the vertical offset from the origin of the reference grid to the top of the image area, in the Save dialog box, if the file to be saved is a J2K file.

See Also


ShowSaveDlg method, Filter property, FilterIndex property, FileName property, FileTitle property, DialogTitle property, DlgFileFlags property, InitialDir property, MaxFileSize property, MaxFileTitleSize property, PageNumber property, SaveBitsPerPixel property, SaveFormat property, SaveQFactor property, SaveMulti property, SaveInterlaced property, SavePasses property, SaveWithStamp property, SaveStampBits property, SaveStampWidth property, SaveStampHeight property, SaveFileTypeIndex property, SaveSubTypeIndex property, SaveJ2KUseColorTransform property, SaveJ2KDerivedQuantization property, SaveJ2KCompressionControl property, SaveJ2KCompressionRatio property, SaveJ2KTargetFileSize property, SaveJ2KXOsiz property, SaveJ2KXTsiz property, SaveJ2KYTsiz property, SaveJ2KXTOsiz property, SaveJ2KYTOsiz property, SaveJ2KDecompLevel property, SaveJ2KProgressOrder property, SaveJ2KCodBlockWidth property, SaveJ2KCodBlockHeight property, SaveJ2KCBS_SelectiveACBypass property, SaveJ2KCBS_ResetContextOnBoundaries property, SaveJ2KCBS_TerminationOnEachPass property, SaveJ2KCBS_VerticallyCausalContext property, SaveJ2KCBS_PredictableTermination property, SaveJ2KCBS_ErrorResilienceSymbol property, SaveJ2KGuardBits property, SaveJ2KDerivedBaseMantissa property, SaveJ2KDerivedBaseExponent property, SaveJ2KUseSOPMarker property, SaveJ2KUseEPHMarker property


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events