createSlice Method


Creates a paraxial slice on the panoramic polygon closest to the specified point.

PanoramicPolygon.prototype.createSlice = function( 
   frames: SliceFrame[], 
   item: ImageViewerItem, 
   point: LeadPointD, 
   distance: number, 
   length: number 
): void; 



The number of slices that will be added to the Panoramic Polygon


The item where the panoramic polygon exists.


The hit point where the paraxial slice will exist.


The distance between the paraxial slices when more than one frame is sent.


The length of the paraxial slice. The length translates into the width of the image slice.


Sending multiple frames in frames implies the following:

  • The number of frames information is contained.
  • Each frame is attached to a paraxial slice.
  • Each slice is going to be laid on the polygon and far apart by the amount specified in distance .

To create paraxial slices, first call PanoramicAction.

There are important considerations to take into account when generating panoramic output:

  1. Use a cell containing a series suitable for generating a panoramic cell.
  2. Use the 3D engine Object3DEngine to generate the 3D volume using the same series instance UID loaded in the cell mentioned above. Store the engine in Engine.
  3. Create an instance of this PanoramicCell class to hold the panoramic output.
  4. Draw a polygon on the cell described in the 1st point to generate the panoramic output on the PanoramicCell just created. Then attach it to the panoramic polygon using the PanoramicPolygon property.
  5. Create a new derivative 3D cell that will hold the paraxial slices.
  6. Create a number of slice Frames, and add them to the paraxial slices Cell.
  7. Call this method and send those created frames.
  8. Call the Layout property to add the panoramic cell to the Medical Viewer. This cell contains properties and methods needed to update and change the image's properties.


In order to produce the correct output result, a 3D volume must be generated using the same series loaded in the cell where the panoramic polygon will be drawn.


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