An Image and Multimedia Viewer for Windows that helps you quickly locate, view, edit, print, and send picture/image files over the Internet. This application includes many picture file editing functions such as cut and paste, rotate, reverse, flip, brightness, contrast, and color control. Add Text and Shapes to pictures or create a picture of many pictures. Add titles, then send to friends via e-mail over the Internet.

Main features include:

  • Search disk or CD Rom for common files by file type (extension)
  • View files in multiple window format
  • Send files over the Internet using windows MAPI controls
  • Print picture and image files with Titles (up to 8 per page)
  • Save files to another folder location or with a new file name

picture viewer max

'Picture Viewer Max' incorporated the LEADTOOLS Imaging toolkit to assist in creating low-level functions for the application.

"I used LEADTOOLS because with the research I did, I found LEADTOOLS Imaging components offered the most image viewing, editing, and print functions available to programmers in the form of a component. My task was to write a comprehensive, yet simple, Picture/Image/Multimedia file viewer I could distribute to beginning, average, and sophisticated PC users. LEADTOOLS Imaging component did all the ground work, allowing me to concentrate on organizing functions in a simple and easy-to-use interface. The LEADTOOLS Imaging component makes difficult programming easy. The first version of Picture Viewer Max was written in a couple of months. LEADTOOLS' sophisticated image processing functions saved years of programming time. A strong feature about the LEADTOOLS component is it works well, and works when incorporating other components in the same application."

- Bob Carson, Accessory Software