OCR Output Formats SDK Libraries

Developers can use Optical Character Recognition to convert images into searchable and editable document formats, including PDF, PDF/A, DOC, XLS, Text, and XML in applications. LEADTOOLS OCR can output final documents for end-users and archival, or the results can be used to direct application logic and business workflows.

Feature-rich OCR Output Formats SDK

OCR Output Document Formats Library

LEADTOOLS leverages its flexible and modular design to use the Document Writers to save documents formats generated from its OCR libraries.

Automatic image processing

OCR Results for Additional Processing

When document files are not the goal, LEADTOOLS OCR libraries offer developers several options to access recognition result data. Programmers can parse the OCR results to populate databases, prompt the user for verification on low confidence words, execute field-based business workflow processes, or create their own custom output format.

  • High-level functions retrieve recognized text of an area as a string
  • Programmatically retrieve individual characters or words with detailed information such as zone, location, and confidence value
  • Results can be exported to an XML file or stream, providing maximum customization in OCR workflow. The resulting XML includes strings, confidence values, and metadata for pages, zones, paragraphs, lines, and words.
OCR Development Made Easy

Easy to Integrate

LEADTOOLS handles the heavy lifting, eliminating months of R&D, while giving you the best quality and performance available. You'll be free to focus on other components of your application. Download the LEADTOOLS evaluation to streamline your development.

Start Coding with LEADTOOLS OCR Output Formats

OCR Output Formats libraries as well as all LEADTOOLS Recognition, Document, Medical, Vector, and Imaging technologies for all development and target platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

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Online Demo Application that include OCR Output Formats SDK Libraries

HTML5/JavaScript OCR

Performs OCR with superior accuracy and speed to extract text from images and convert images to various document formats, such as PDF.

  • Individually select pages to OCR
  • Draw zones and return selected text results
  • OCR all pages with automatic zoning