A Complete Example: Server and Client

The following code assumes you are already familiar with using the capture object of the toolkit. It is provided to show the major steps for achieving client-server communication. For a complete code listing, refer to the LEAD NetServer and LEAD NetClient demos.

The server side:

C++ syntax:

// set the target format:   
// after selecting video and/or audio devices (both assumed)   
// and compressors:   
// set the server address as a target file   
BSTR sServer;   
sServer = SysAllocString(Lltsf://; // use the default port, 27015   
// call ReadyCapture to build the graph:   
// change the NET Mux settings if needed:   
// get the mux object and query for the interface   
IUnknown* pUnk = NULL;   
ILMNetMux* pMux = NULL;   
pCapture->GetSubObject(ltmmCapture_Object_TargetFilter, &pUnk);   
pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_ILMNetMux, (void**) &pMux);   
// this is a live source   
// I can afford 128 kbps only   
// Set the max queue duration   
double dVal;   
if (dVal < 10)   
// start the server:   
// you can monitor the achieved bit rate by continuously checking   
// the BitRate property of the NET mux, use: get_BitRate()   
// to send text messages, use the WriteMessage method of the mux:   
// first, get the mux interface again (you might want to keep it for the life of the   
// communication session:   
// write the message:   
BSTR Message;   
Message = SysAllocString(L"Hello");   

C syntax:

// set the target format:    
IltmmCapture_put_TargetFormat(pCapture , ltmmCapture_TargetFormat_NET);   
// after selecting video and/or audio devices (both assumed)   
// and compressors:   
// set the server address as a target file   
BSTR sServer;   
sServer = SysAllocString(Lltsf://; // use the default port, 27015   
IltmmCapture_put_TargetFile(pCapture , sServer);   
// call ReadyCapture to build the graph:    
IltmmCapture_ReadyCapture(pCapture, ltmmCapture_Mode_VideoOrAudio);   
// change the NET Mux settings if needed:   
// get the mux object and query for the interface   
IUnknown* pUnk = NULL;   
ILMNetMux* pMux = NULL;   
IltmmCapture_getSubObject(pCapture, ltmmCapture_Object_TargetFilter, &pUnk);   
IUnknown_QueryInterface(pUnk, IID_ILMNetMux, (void**) &pMux);   
// this is a live source   
ILMNetMux_put_LiveSource(pMux, VARIANT_TRUE);   
// I can afford 128 kbps only   
// Set the max queue duration   
double dVal;   
ILMNetMux_get_MaxQueueDuration(pMux, &dVal);   
if (dVal < 10)   
    ILMNetMux_put_MaxQueueDuration(pMux, 10);   
// start the server:   
IltmmCapture_StartCapture(pCapture, ltmmCapture_Mode_VideoOrAudio);   
// you can monitor the achieved bit rate by continuously checking   
// the BitRate property of the NET mux, use: get_BitRate()   
/* to send text messages, use the WriteMessage method of the mux: */   
/* first, get the mux interface again (you might want to keep it for */   
/* the life time of the communication session) */   
/* write the message: */   
BSTR Message;   
Message = SysAllocString(L"Hello");   

The client side:

C++ Syntax

BSTR sServer;   
HRESULT hr;   
sServer = SysAllocString(L"ltsf://");   
ILMNetSrc* pns;   
// create an instance of the LEAD network source   
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LMNetSrc, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ILMNetSrc, (void**) &pns);   
hr = pns->CheckConnection(sServer, 0, 5000);   
if (hr != S_OK)   
return hr;   
// set the player source:   
// if the AutoStart property is not TRUE, you need to run the player:   
// you can monitor the incoming bit rate by checking the BitRate property of   
// the demultiplexer object:   
IUnknown* pUnk = NULL;   
ILMNetDmx* pDmx;   
long bitrate = 0;   
pPlay->GetSubObject(ltmmPlay_Object_Splitter, &pUnk);   
pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_ILMNetDmx, (void**) &pDmx);   
pDmx->get_BitRate(&bitrate); // you may display the value   
// to receive a text message sent by the server, use the ReadMessage   
// method. First, get the demux interface again (you might want to keep it for // the life of the communication session)   
// read the message:   
BSTR Message;   
// do something with the message.   
// You need to call ReadMessage continuously to check for new messages.  

C Syntax

BSTR sServer;   
HRESULT hr;   
ILMNetSrc* pns;   
sServer = SysAllocString(L"ltsf://");   
// create an instance of the LEAD network source   
CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_LMNetSrc, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_ILMNetSrc, (void**) &pns);   
hr = ILMNetSrc_CheckConnection(pns, sServer, 0, 5000);   
if (hr != S_OK)   
return hr;   
// set the player source:    
IltmmPlay_put_SourceFile(pPlay , sServer);   
// if the AutoStart property is not TRUE, you need to run the player:   
// you can monitor the incoming bit rate by checking the BitRate property of   
// the demultiplexer object:   
IUnknown* pUnk = NULL;   
ILMNetDmx* pDmx;   
long bitrate = 0;   
IltmmPlay_getSubObject(pPlay, ltmmPlay_Object_Splitter, &pUnk);   
IUnknown_QueryInterface(pUnk, IID_ILMNetDmx, (void**) &pDmx);   
ILMNetDmx_get_BitRate(pDmx, &bitrate); // you may display the value   
/* to receive a text message sent by the server, use the */   
/* ReadMessage method: */   
/* first, get the demux interface again (you might want */   
/* to keep it for the life of the communication session) */   
/*    read the message: */   
BSTR Message;   
ILMNetDmx_ReadMessage(pDmx, &Message);   
/* do something with the message. */   
/* You need to call ReadMessage continuously to check */   
/* for new messages.*/   

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